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Posts posted by gunderda

  1. 10 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    For anyone who thinks Andy is annoyed at Jeff his show on Andy’s Sirius channel just expanded to three days a week. 

    Jeff is a garbage fire of a human and a boss so I am not suggesting that Jenny can’t have valid complaints but I also think Jenny is feeling left behind.

    I got so excited when Jeff announced this on his show on Friday!   I think secretly Andy loves the drama that Jeff brings and like I said before, apps up his 'irritation' with Jeff. 

    I just can't believe Jeff and Gage want to do a radio show 3 days a week but I guess if he's not so much working with clients anymore than he's got more of his own time to do whatever he wants. But Jeff REALLY wanted a multi-day show. 

    2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    It's great if you help your grandparent, but, not everyone is financially able to do that. If she was living in her her own home, at an advanced age, she may have needed a lot of outside care, which can be expensive.  Sometimes, a facility is more appropriate.  I didn't hear his comments, so, I'm not sure her exact situation.  I'm struggling to see why investing that kind of money into a senior's home would be a wise thing.  It's nice that Jeff was able to afford to do things to help her. 

    I think he just did cosmetic updates to her house.  We saw her on the show not that long ago and she seemed to be very healthy and capable of living on her own.  Jeff just wanted her to live in a nice and updated home.   My grandma died in her sleep almost a year ago and she was in her mid-80s and other than obviously aging and getting around a lot slower there was no obviously reason for her to not be able to stay in her home. 

    • Love 6
  2. On 9/28/2018 at 4:18 PM, heatherchandler said:

    Who are her famous relatives?  Is her ex-husband famous?  I figured there was money somewhere when I saw her house!

    I can't remember if they even said but I feel like she comes from a family of actors/producers - I'm not having any luck with google either. 

    Other than she worked for Steven Spielberg and was a Ford model but Jeff joked on his radio show that she's the black sheep of the family because she was the least famous. 

    • Love 1
  3. 10 hours ago, HartofDixie said:

    Swaggy's & Bayleigh's instagram stories they are at dinner and they have a camera crew with them.  No one else from the cast.  Are they getting their own reality show?!  o_O

    Can we try to not put this out into the universe?

    • Love 8
  4. 15 hours ago, Rap541 said:

    If it's really Halloween then the two deaders could be there simply because it's Halloween.

    I finally got a chance to watch this and I don't know... I'm getting bored. Like I predicted, I didn't really care when everyone died because they're all miserable people. 

    I did like the reveal on Mallory, and oddly enough, I don't find Billie Lourd to be awful. I would like to see in a role where she's actually required to have an emotion before I get too judgey. Likewise, Emma Roberts isn't deal breaker awful for me.

    Michael, as Satan's son or whatever, is clearly against witches.

    That said, my prediction is that we're looking at another girls vs boys season. The witches aka the women will be lined up against the boys, led by the son of Satan. I'm in because I went for the season pass but we're already in "this needs to have a point" mode.

    Yes it's halloween (or the night before) because it's the only time of the year that the witches come back to life (right? that might be the only thing I remember of coven)

    And I totally agree about Billie Lourd. I don't mind her characters but they're starting to get a little old.... Let the girl have a little range Murphy!

  5. 8 hours ago, Jobiska said:

    Me too, but it has to be certain shows, generally with calm, sonorous, deep-voiced narrators:  Forensic Files, Homicide Hunter, The Coroner, etc.  The ones that are overly dramatized like Fatal Vows or Deadly Women somehow are not calming.  The game warden ones also work, especially North Woods Law.

    It's the only way I got to see any of BB after Dark, too:  these would put me to sleep, I might wake up during After Dark broadcast time, I'd switch to that, get annoyed at the whispering, switch back, and fall asleep again!

    Yes to north woods law! That’s usually second on my list after forensic files. 


    I might respext swaggy a teeeeensy bit more if he would talk/type like a normal person. That has to be horribly embarrassing to a pagent lady like bayleigh 

    • Love 2
  6. 40 minutes ago, ohcomeon said:

    I agree with all of this and hoping Sam gets some stability in her life. 

    except I have such a dislike of Bayleigh after her HOH time, I'm slightly skeptical of the story. Horrible of me, I know. 

    I agree, but I wish someone would tell Rachel to quit doing the "Prom Girl" pose. 

    Don’t worry. I still think they’re both idiots. (Bayleigh and swaggy) 

    the guy said he proposed to her BECAUSE she miscarried.  

    But maybe they’re truely made for each other and I wish them the best.  But they’re still idiots 

    • Love 9
  7. On 9/26/2018 at 3:43 PM, heatherchandler said:

    I like NYC, but I would not want to live in the city full time, so if you are in between, that is a good place to be!

    I do have to laugh at that "#1 Beach in America" - is it that great?  It didn't look great.  How did it get that title?  Or did I mis-hear, and it was the #1 Beach in the Hamptons?

    Probably not so great in the winter lol  Maybe she meant in the summer - I think she did say "you'll have to come back when it's nicer" 


    Megan is starting to become Jeff's right hand (wo)man.  She's also on his talkshow almost every week as a sort of co-host. I like her!  She apparently has a lot of famous relatives, was married to some rich guy and when they got divorced she had a great attorney and got a lot of money in the divorce. 

    • Love 2
  8. 22 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    OMG - is Ryan Murphy telling us that Madison and Chanel are one and the same? And that Mallory and Chanel #3 are one and the same? Or is it just a shout-out to Scream Queens? Because I swear when Madison got in Mallory's face and said "Didn't expect to see me again bitch" it seemed way more like the Scream Queen characters. What a cross-over that would be. I'd actually love it. (Billie Lourd wasn't in Coven so I don't know  how Madison would even know her unless Mallory is supposed to be possessed by some other Coven character.)

    THIS!  I am SO CONFUSED.  I don't remember shit from Coven except that Madison was a witch and was Mallory in coven? (now I read further into your post and see that Mallory was not in Coven)  When she said that line I'm like - so are they giving a nod to Scream Queens? Am I just getting scream queens confused with Coven??? 

    That last however many minutes was way more exciting then the entire start to this season

    • Love 1
  9. On 9/26/2018 at 10:15 AM, Jaclyn88 said:

    What happened with the girl Mackenzie from teen mom 3 who was supposed to be added to the show? I know she said in an interview that they chose not to go with her storyline, but didn't they already confirm that she was going to be on it? I remember her being on a teen mom after show and she was confirmed.

    They probably need the money more than Bristol and Cheyanne but holy moly her marriage is about ready to crash and burn....  then again maybe Bristol's is too  but I'm glad Mackenzie at least got the special.  I thought her mom had passed by now.....? but am I wrong? 

    Honestly after watching this I am interested in Bristol's story - Cheyanne I am horribly confused as to how she got on this show. She even brought up how people say to her 'you're not a teen mom' and she response with 'but i'm a young mom' then omg... go get yourself on the 'young and pregnant' MTV show. I think she was brought on because Cory might boost up the ratings.  I watched Are you the One and I didn't remember her by name, barely remembered her by photo but I do remember her now after watching this. I didn't watch her on the challenge. 

    • Love 2
  10. 54 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    That's fair! I think I welcome normal after what last season turned out to be. Plus, for me, it wasn't all boring. I like strategy and I like drama. So Kaitlyn brought out the drama and Level 6 brought out the strategy for me! 

    For me, I welcomed the non-bullying this season. Pretty much every season I've watched of Big Brother, I've had to endure people getting targeted with personal attacks every week. This season had much less of it, so it was a breath of fresh air, knowing that it IS possible for Big Brother houseguests to not dictate targets based on personal attacks week after week. 

    I don't watch a lot of reality TV because it tend to raise my blood pressure. Big Brother is essentially the only one I watch, so I guess it makes sense as to why I loved this season.

    I think im still shocked that we got plenty of crazy and drama from a cast that was so 'nice' and had no problems hanging around with everyone till the very last day.  Sam excluded herself and instead of talking badly about her they just let her do her thing and said "oh that's sam" 

    1 hour ago, RandomWatcher said:

    From what I can, Rockstar isn't going to the parties either. Seems like she got on the first plane out of there and went home.

    I wouldn't blame her, she's probably dying to see her kids. Plus they likely have to stay on their own dime and since she didn't win she's too broke for that!

    42 minutes ago, RandomWatcher said:
    And then there's Fessy

    It's not as cute as when Angela posted it on instagram.

    • Love 2
  11. 22 hours ago, WalrusGirl said:

    The Melting Pots in VA have the dipping etiquette as part of their standard cooking spiel as they prepare the pot at your table - you don’t eat off of the fondue stick. Everyone has normal utensils and a small plate and you remove your dipped item from the fondue stick onto your plate (I use a fork instead of my fingers, but at that point you’re only affecting yourself, so you do you) then eat it with a normal fork (or fingers, I guess, if you really prefer). The fondue stick goes from stabbing an undipped item into the shared pot and then the food is removed from it before getting near the mouth. ??‍♀️ Or, for chocolate, you can spoon some chocolate onto your plate. I cannot stand that my sister can’t follow the basic instructions they repeat each time, and eats off the fondue stick, since she has young kids in that always-sick stage *and* I’m normally the one treating when we go for cheese and chocolate. So apparently I fall into the category of “doesn’t make it A Thing, but really enjoys the experience/meal a lot less and would be done if it were just salsa and not an expensive course that’s otherwise a treat to me.”

    huh... I've been to three totally different Melting Pot restaurants and I don't think any of them have given us dipping eitquette.  And Honestly I can't remember if I ate off the fork or not (but I'm kinda thinking I did and everyone else I was with each time but maybe not if the pieces were too big). However I know you should NOT do that when cooking the raw meats. And I was reprimanded the first time I went to one because I put raw meat on my plate - silly me I wanted to separate my own share from the communal plate lol  The waitress looked so horrified that I did that. Maybe THAT needs to be added to their dipping etiquette ;)   Honestly though... all 3 times I've been to one the waiter/waitress have been VERY awkward and not at all the type of personality you would expect at a place like that. 

    • Love 2
  12. I miss the feeds :( :( :(  and I’m going to miss this thread! My night feels empty now and cbs just got another $7 out of me today because I forgot to cancel  

    its back to watching forensic files reruns that I’ve seen probably 10 times while I fall asleep 

    • Love 7
  13. 1 minute ago, HartofDixie said:

    Question: Have past jurors come out after the fact to say they should have voted the other way?  I’m wondering how some will feel when they watch and see how much Tyler ran the game.


    * Almost at 500 pages!

    We can do it!! For sure once the interviews are posted. 

  14. 1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Unfortunately, the stupid Swayleigh stuff ruined the last ten minutes a little. I'm happy for Kaycee, but I would have been more excited if there was no stinking proposal.

    I'm a little bitter. I didn't even get to process the bitter vote from Sam, who I knew would be bitter.

    Ehhhhh sam was pretty close with Kaycee early on too. It just wasn’t as obvious or spoke about but at one point she told Tyler it was the 3 of them to the end. 

    Just now, RandomWatcher said:

    What, how?

    When swaggy walked up RS said “a marriage proposal??” Or something like that 

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