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Posts posted by gunderda

  1. 1 hour ago, eatsleep said:

    What does it taste like? (I live in Columbus and try to avoid dairy.) 

    like pineapple deliciousness. 

    1 hour ago, Horrified said:

    Just google "silva twins" - if they weren't such fame whores, you would think they were in the witness protection program.  its like they do a complete face change every two years or so.

    So here's the page that photo is from... and it's so weird but every single photo/clip from that show they did they look different.  How bizarre. 


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  2. 22 hours ago, politichick said:

    I'm praying Lexi was lying about paying $30,000 for a used fucking car. How could she foot such a bill with a part-time job? That doesn't make any sense. And that boyfriend gives me some very, very bad vibes. He's too controlling.

    No no no... she didn't even have a job at the time of buying this car.  Obviously we're seeing the MTV money take effect. Did we even get to see what kind of car it was? I thought she was buying some SUV or something and then I see her getting out of this tiny nothing special white car and I'm like THAT is $30k USED!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!

    I want a mini cooper and the one I want is $30k brand spanking new with a convertible. And there's no freaking way I can even afford that! so I'm waiting a few years for the one I want to hopefully come in from a lease ending lol 

    • Love 4
  3. 2 hours ago, DrivingSideways said:

    I kind of felt bad for the dog who missed her owner so much, and just got shipped off to training for 5 weeks.  Why can't Jeff keep his beloved grandmother's dog?

    He said that the dog had no training and in order to stay with them she would need to be trained and in the event she couldn't stay with them then she would be more adoptable. 

    2 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

    He isn't alone in responsibility for her. We heard his brother offer to help, and Jeff's father is alive. I suspect Jenni has pitched in over the years, and possibly Gage and a long list of housekeepers and health aides.


    Since I loathe Jeff, I'll speculate that the work on his grandmother's house over the years was so he could claim it and make money off of it after her death.

    This is Jeff's mother's mom and Jeff has said that his grandma and father never got along.  I think he recently said that his grandma blamed his dad for his mother's death (not as in he murdered her or anything)

    And no, since his grandma's passing he has been very open about how he has told his brothers he had never had any plans to be repaid for the amount he put in that house, which was about $75k.  Her will stated that he would receive 1/3 of her estate. 

    14 minutes ago, Writing Wrongs said:

    I loved Cat's face when Jeff was telling her to make funeral arrangements and stuff. Is that what a "Design Associate" does? 

    I can't keep up with Jeff's houses. There's Old Hollywood, New Hollywood, Valley Vista...which one is for them to (hopefully) permanently live in?

    Paul and Frankie are useless. 

    Valley Vista I think is the end game, which is why he's being super particular about it. 

    I wonder if Frankie does work when he knows the cameras are going to be around.  He seems to be working every time they show up while filming.  I can't believe Paul decided to take a lunch break during that.  Jeff was right, that was a big F-U to him and even I couldn't believe Paul had to ask why he was being fired. 

    BUT what's his face lives at the house with Frankie... so isnt the refrigerator mess partially his fault as well or is there a separate living quarters that has its own kitchen? 

    Them showing Jeff's grandma being brought into hospice triggered me big time. Made me think about the time right before my grandma passed. All of my aunts and uncles had gathered in her room, my mom had flown in and I drove up to see her and she was asking to talk to me, grabbed my hand and held it the entire time - something she has never done before. And then she passed a few days later. 

     I was glad to see his grandma perked up more in other scenes. I'm curious as to how long ago this was filmed since her passing was pretty recent and I was surprised she went 14 days without eating and was still that with it. 

    • Love 7
  4. 22 hours ago, Drogo said:

    Get the Dole Whip.  I don't care how much artificial stuff is in it, the damn thing is amazing.


    I lost the .00000584 grams of respect I had for Ricky when he didn't order it.

    but...but... i've had an actual dole whip from the dole plantation in Hawaii....will it be the same?  It's been about 5 years since I've been there and I'm just now starting to love not as fresh pineapple again lol 

    11 hours ago, renatae said:

    I hadn't really watched with the subtitles before, so I definitely messed up, lol.

    I wonder what pics she actually sent him. Hopefully not this one. This is definitely a long time ago. (I also didn't realize she'd had all that surgery just in recent years.)


    young darcy2.jpg

    I need proof that this is what they actually used to look like... because I just find it really hard to believe. 

    • Love 5
  5. On 10/14/2018 at 10:19 PM, ghoulina said:

    Anyone else see a resemblance between Lily and Shayden? Both thin and blonde with bad skin. 

    ummmm yes, they are nearly identical and that's weird and kinda creepy. 

    On 10/15/2018 at 12:12 PM, StatisticalOutlier said:

    I think they're living in some shitty place of their own.  Definitely doesn't look like where Family Diego does their THs on the couch in front of the staircase.  I assumed it was Emiley's mother's house, but since it's not, it has to be their own.  Interesting that there's no big plot point about their living on their own.

    After their baby was born, we saw Emily is a super small house that looked like the bed was in the living room and she said it was the first time Diego was staying over (I think?) - was that the same place as we saw them on the bed when Diego's mom tossed the condoms at them??

    3 hours ago, Soup333 said:

    I had to look this up because 30k for a wedding in Salem sounds way extravagant. I didn't realize there were calculators for this kind of thing but is says the average cost of a wedding for that zip code is $17,963. Auntie was throwing out figures to try and dissuade McKayla or make her realize how expensive these things are but McKayla doesn't care about all that. She just points and whines and her grandparents make it happen. They should absolutely get hitched at the courthouse after this second baby - if their relationship survives that long. They could throw a nice party afterwards and save a lot of money.

    ETA: Save the grandparents and Shelly a lot of money.

    She was trying to scare them away with late fees and last minute expenses that would add up if they didn't want to wait a year. And she probably inflated it a bit for good measure.

    • Love 2
  6. 23 hours ago, Emkat said:

    I need a Cookie Dough Creamery in my life. Road trip to Columbus!

    OMGGGGG it didn't even register with me but my brother lives in Columbus and I go there every year for Christmas.  That is being added to the Christmas festivities list - I don't care how cold!

  7. LAMMMEEEEEE - oh well. I'd rather him have his 3 day a week radio show than seasonal tv show.

    But aren't people are Bravo told that their contract won't be renewed instead of just letting it expire without no notification? 

  8. On 10/10/2018 at 4:54 PM, biakbiak said:

    Yep. Is Jeff the oldest of his brothers? He said his mom was 38 when she died, though I guess 20 isn’t that unusual to have a kid.

    I think he's the youngest but not sure about that.  

  9. 18 hours ago, Soup333 said:

    Sad to say but I think this is how a lot of younger parents are raising their kids nowadays. It’s so inexpensive to buy a tablet and with the kid distracted by videos the parent has quiet and a moment to look at their own screen. 

    I have a close relative whose grandson had a tv installed over his crib at six months. He’s had his own device since he was able to hold it in front of his face. He’s now five and seriously addicted. The only time I’ve seen him without some sort of tablet or phone is when he’s spent time with his grandparents and they limit how long he can watch. It’s sad but I don’t think his parents think it’s damaging because the videos are for kids. 

    My middle nephew has had an ipad since he was 2 and he's now 10 and also addicted.  So much that I've been told that if their family goes out to eat somewhere he won't want to go because he'd rather stay home and watch videos on his ipad. When his ipad dies he's immediately asking for someone's phone.

    • Love 2
  10. On 10/10/2018 at 12:03 AM, BitterApple said:

    Have Bill and Jen ever said why they prefer two-story homes? They're constantly making an issue about stairs, you'd think the obvious solution would be to live in a single story house. Part of me thinks it's an ego boost for Bill to brag about his elevator. 

    I wonder if it's because it will allow them more space? I'm guessing they don't have basements in Florida and Texas? 

    On 10/10/2018 at 8:30 AM, Libby said:

    In this episode it was clear that Will and Zoey are very aware of the camera. Will actually said "look guys" a couple of times. I think a lot of Will and Zoey's bad behavior is excitment because they are being watched and showing off for the camera. I have a feeling that they are calmer and better behaved when the crew isn't around. I hope so...

    I'd be willing to bet that's what it is.  They seem to get overly stimulated when the camera crew is around or they're experiencing something new.  

    On 10/10/2018 at 8:34 AM, BusyOctober said:

    I know they already bought a house (mansion) in FL, so watching this real estate focused show was kind of boring.  The houses (mansions) they looked at were stunning, and drool-worthy, but Jen and Bill’ constant negative dialogue about the style, the size, the levels/no levels, how much retrofitting they’d need to do, really got on my nerves.

    You must not watch many house hunting shows lol 


    I was also surprised that they brought the kids along but I've always heard that if you have a house for sale be prepared for people to go through closets and cabinets and other areas that you thought no one would want to look at.


    I also noticed that the houses didn't really have any yard space for the kids to play.. but maybe they're used to that in Texas since their pool takes up the rest of their yard.  

    And didn't they end up buying a style of house that is very similar to the one Jen hated? I'll be interested to see how they came to that decision.

    • Love 4
  11. 8 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

    Not sure what exact gifts they got but Angela did an Instagram Live where she unboxed a bunch of presents from fans. Many seemed like housewarming gifts for Tyler who was moving in. I found that weird. I mean she has a place already that's furnished. And the gifts seemed more appropriate as a wedding registry than a gift for two people who met on a reality tv show.

    yea that's a little weird.  i get fan art and stuff like that... but actual gifts... that's weird. unless it's something you hear they liked on the feeds and they can't get it near them or something...  Like if Angela said "I was on vacation in florida once and they had the most amazing _______. I wish I could get that here in CA" and then a fan hears that, lives in Florida and goes and buys it for her and sends it. That I think I'm ok with. 

    • Love 1
  12. On 10/8/2018 at 5:30 PM, Rap541 said:

    Funny how all of Auj's life long "known them since kindergarten" friends are white...

    That's a really bizarre comment to make. A lot of people grow up in small towns... small schools.... where there isn't a single black person or even someone of any other race.  I don't even like Jeremy and Audrey but even I would have to say "everyone I've known since kindergarten...." would also be white. And not just my friends.... literally everyone!

    • Love 17
  13. On 10/9/2018 at 8:31 AM, Caseysgirl said:

    Well, Corey landed himself another cushy MTV job just by screwing his cast mate from the Challenge. Talk about “ a soft place to fall”. We’ll see how active he’ll be in his daughter’s life when there are no cameras around.  I have no patience with Caitlin any more. If you know you have a problem with depression and anxiety that requires months of in patient treatment, you have no business bringing another child into the world. The little one you have already looks miserable. Tyler is soooooo done.  

    So did Corey and Cheyanne conveniently live close to each other or did he move to be closer to his daughter? 

    • Love 2
  14. 11 hours ago, Artsda said:

    Aren't they living in Angela's pre-BB place? Seems like she could afford it, just like Jessica had her Hollywood place before BB too.

    Yea and she didn't even rent it out when she was on BB.  It was just empty for 3 months so she obviously has the money to live where ever it is. 

  15. On 10/8/2018 at 7:36 PM, Kiss my mutt said:

    Did John ever say why he quit his job? It wouldn’t surprise me if he had a habit of quitting jobs if he is upset by something. 


    On 10/9/2018 at 6:50 AM, poeticlicensed said:

    The insanity of Jon quitting his job was incredible. If you can't get the week off then don't get married, or get married but do it on a day that you aren't working and take a week off later.

    So he said to Rachel that to get THE WEEK off he had to quit his job.  Which it wouldn't surprise me if Rachel threw a fit that he might possibly have to work while she's there and if you aren't a long standing employee with vacation saved up then yea, a job probably isn't going to give you an entire week off and I'm sure Rachel already had her flights purchased.  And Jon probably didn't try to get the week off until the very last minute so then no, they can't just change the day they want to get married because then Rachel would have to spend money to change her flights and whatever plans she had in place where she works and for her older daughter to stay with her dad. 

    That or they didn't want to give him time off for filming so that's the reason he had to quit (or he's just an idiot and quit for no reason)

    • Love 3
  16. 1 hour ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

    I wonder if maybe the dolphin swim was done for Brooklyn in lieu of a traditional birthday since she got parties on a regular basis and they wanted to treat her to something extra special.  If you have a party with your friends every year, and your parents felt you haven’t received alot of attention lately, the same old party wouldn’t really do.   I think that was a treat she’s always wanted and knows she won’t always get.  Plus it allowed the family to spend time together as opposed to a party of screeching 9 year olds. 

    I kind of gave a side eye to doing a family event that didn't allow the very super pregnant person to not be involved AND also standing out in the heat. I really hope they didn't know she couldn't participate but I feel like that is something the aquarium should ask when they made the reservation? Or there should be some rules and regulations somewhere on who can and can not swim with the dolphins.

    37 minutes ago, PityFree said:

    THIS!  How was that girl a cheerleader??  Even when she was practicing for cheerleading tryouts and was kind of yelling it was not a cheerleader yell. It was more of her talking loudly. 

    Ditto this x100000000.  Doesn't seem like a great option for someone who says an $1000 scholarship is make or break for them. =/

    15 minutes ago, Soup333 said:


    I said all that to say what Emiley's grandmother said made me look at Bridget differently than I had before. Maybe she's not as bad as my own mother and I'm just triggered but if she is, if there's even a hint of that kind of passive aggressive bullying in her, then there's not wonder Emiley stays away. And there's no wonder she's not terrified to tell her about changing doctors. Diego's not great (understatement) but he is that kid's father and it should be up to them to make decisions about her care. 

    Nana's comments about her own daughter are very interesting....

    • Love 4
  17. 1 hour ago, Soup333 said:

    As much as I dislike Jessica *eyeroll*, it was nice that they wanted to give Brooklyn her own special day even if they couldn't afford a party. Although I am side eyeing them for spending all their money on this "grand" baby shower in lieu of splitting the costs with a small party for Brooklyn and at least a few of her friends. That would have been the equitable thing to do.

    Laura's parents just seem over everything. If that awkward discussion wasn't staged, then they haven't even bothered to have any kind of birds and bees conversation with their 15 year old??? She's likely been menstruating for at least one year at this point so who talked to her? She just learned from school? Friends? The internet? 

    I started my period in 4th grade which was probably earlier than most but I literally went to my mom one day and told my mom I had blood in my underwear. I honestly don't even know if I knew what a period was at that time but my mom was like "oh! that's your period... you'll get it every month... well here are pads.... here's how you use them.... here are tampons... here's how you use them...." and that was about it.  I have a feeling my mom was expecting me to learn elsewhere..... 

    • Love 3
  18. It made me laugh when they found a loophole in the challenge and instead of looking like idiots on a rope for hours they figured out how to beat the system quickly - although not if you're a girl.  It made me wonder if the people behind the scenes were like 'oh crap - we didn't expect them to do it this way!' or 'yay - now we don't have to sit out here for hours'!

  19. 2 hours ago, Evagirl said:

    I just read where Lawson wrote and performed a song at Josie's & Kelton's wedding.  I'm sure the lyrics are beautiful.  He does have a gift for writing songs, but lets be honest, he does not have a good singing voice.  He's often off-key (and I know even read music!), and his voice cracks a lot.  However, he seems to be making a living in Nashville with his singing voice, so I guess I must have a tin ear.

    Off topic a little bit - I saw a picture of Trace at the wedding and my goodness has he matured into a good-looking young man.  I always thought Lawson was the best looking, followed by Nathan.  But I think Trace has them both beat now.  All of the adult female Bates are stunners.  They are a really good-looking family.  A few of them were a little awkward looking in their teens (but so was I and many others).  They all blossomed into beautiful people.  Since Zach has lost weight, he looks 10-years younger.  He and Whitney both look great.

    I thought Josie was going to be the ugly duckling of the family- she was pretty awkward looking not that long ago -  but she really grew into a beautiful young lady

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