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Posts posted by gunderda

  1. 1 hour ago, SiobhanJW said:

    Nah- they make them stay in a hotel tonight and then release them all into the wild tomorrow. They don’t get their phones until tomorrow as well. 

    I read somewhere that the Top 5 will do Interviews with Ross & Marissa tomorrow since they didn’t get to do them when they were evicted- is that really true I have no idea. But I would assume at least the top 3 will. 

    Right - I didn't mean tonight because I know they keep them - but do we think they'll let them stay together tonight?  I thought once a person was out of the house they were held for at least a day and checked over and what not, plus any publicity stuff they might have to do the next day.  I can't remember if F3 HG's have shown up to the after parties each year?

  2. On 9/17/2018 at 4:32 PM, Mainer said:

    Do any of you believe that’s actually Sophia running that social media page? I sure as hell don’t.

    I really hope no one believes Sophia is actually running that page.  That is 100% Farrah. 


    What is this face the truth show? Is it actually a real thing? I had never heard of it (and I feel like I watch a ton of tv) 

    • Love 6
  3. 17 minutes ago, Puffin said:

    How much off a germaphobe is Austin really? On his honeymoon he ate the cheese and bread off the stick he didn't seem bothered then? Perhaps he became more of a germaphobe after marrying Joy? Which makes me think is Joy really dirty or what? 

    I was kinda wondering the thing since they showed him shove that fondue stick in his mouth.  However with his own wife he probably doesn't care... since they're sharing way more than germs anyways.  Joy seemed to be a little unaware of how germaphobic he was. 

    • Love 4
  4. On 9/24/2018 at 8:45 PM, Horrified said:

    And that sign?  Do you rent those or do you have to buy?  Sorry, I live in Canada where there isn't 10% of the useless crap on this show available for sale.

    I was wondering the same - if they had to buy that's one expensive investment! I'm assuming they rented. 

    On 9/24/2018 at 9:32 PM, Gemma Violet said:

    As a fellow germaphobe, I take my hat off to Austin.  Guarding the fondue sounds like something I'd do (if I ever had an opportunity to eat fondue.)

    He won't be visiting a Melting Pot restaurant any time soon lol   I like to dip my fondue so that there's no way you can take it off with your fingers and eat it. Pointless to just dip the ends - the entire item needs to be covered in cheese or chocolate!

    On 9/24/2018 at 10:03 PM, Horrified said:

    1.  Ben made Mrs. Duggar's recipe for Alfredo sauce?  That woman has recipes?  I see it called for one JAR of parmesan.  Didn't those kids sample the real thing on their Italian honeymoon?  

    2.  Joy definitely dipped at least twice before Austin caught her.  I was watching.

    I myself was a little shocked they used the grated stuff. Honestly didn't know that you could for alfredo sauce. Or maybe most recipes I see recommend the fresh.


    On 9/24/2018 at 11:03 PM, auntieminem said:

    Wow, Juan and Margarita really had a nice shower for Jinger in their really nice home. Glad Jinger is experiencing  such friends who are not family.

    They needed what's her face to attend so she could be shown how a party is really done.  If that couple did that all themselves (although I bet TLC helped chip in on the cost) then that was really amazing on their part. 


    I didn't realize Kraft parm cheese was so taboo - That's a staple in my house and i buy the giant containers of it at Sam's Club. I love a ton of it in my spaghetti and on fresh corn on the cob with mayo and parm cheese.. YUM!  And there's so many off brands at the stores, every pizza and pasta place as it on their tables ---- how can you NOT know that grated parm cheese exists?????  And yes I also buy the fresh stuff when it calls for it in a recipe. 

    • Love 18
  5. 2 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

    If Tyler and Angela go to a hotel after this they better hide the location from JC. He would call in a fake bomb threat or pull a fire alarm to separate them. 

    Angela lives in LA right? I bet they just go straight to her place.  She doesn't have roommate and didn't rent out her place while she was gone. Hopefully she had someone checking on it because she said she hoped that everything was still there. 

    • Love 1
  6. 10 hours ago, HighQueenEB said:

    They would hate me if I was there playing this game with them.  I was the nerd who knew where all 50 states were on a blank map of the US and could name their capitals at the start of 5th grade and the teacher despaired to my mom "what am I supposed to teach her this year?  she already knows everything the kids are supposed to learn in social studies!"  Yeah, my mom suggested that he teach some actual history.  

    Having said that, I'll give JC a pass on mispronouncing Arkansas because I'm quite positive that I would butcher the pronunciation of many states/provinces of countries like Brazil, China, or Poland, etc because I'm unfamiliar with the language.

    I used to know them all but last night i had to google as they said them because i'm like oh crap - I have no idea anymore!  I thought we had a song to help remember it but maybe that was just the states in alphabetical order - which my friends in this same state never learned and i'm like wtf kind of crappy school did you go to that you didn't learn the alphabet state song!?

    I liked how BB (Bob) gave them hints using the buttons they had access to. One was "Eric" - How old was that button???

    4 hours ago, Summerday said:

    Kaycee totally knows, she slept in the bed next to them. Haleigh said that she heard them from her bed in the pink room making “the same sounds as Swaggy and Bayleigh” so I’m pretty sure Kaycee could hear them in the next bed over. Also, she slept in the HOH room with JC on Angela’s last night so that Tyler and Angela could spend their last night alone together.

    Kaycee, Tyler and JC were cute on BBAD tonight getting all reminiscent about the summer...that cheesy tour they made them do was lame though. I guess we know what's going to be filler on the live show tomorrow. Tyler told Kaycee before they went to sleep that he hopes they show them making their final 2 pact on day one. I hope they show it too, I'd like to see it.

    I really hope Kaycee wins, but I'm 99% sure it will be Tyler. At least she'll get 50K!

    I woke up while they were in the have not  room and I'm like wtf... why in the world did they move in there... then I heard them telling stories and I though 1. I'm surprised BB never shut down the Have Not room like they have in past seasons and 2. They must be doing a house tour and telling stories.  And then I fell asleep without actually hearing any stories.

    • Love 1
  7. This state capital thing is fun! JC thought Arkansas was pronounced like it looks and then thought Wichita,KS was pronounced wah-she-cha.  Haha! 

    Now they’re on to countries. 

    I’m totally making peanut butted honey cookies next weekend (busy this weekend)

    • Love 2
  8. 36 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

      Her teeth aren't that bad...it's her JAW.   Because too much time has passed, braces won't do the job.  She'll require extensive surgery...followed by braces.

    Sadly, there's one of these "lonely kids" in almost every neighborhood.  I'm patient, so I was able to handle the kid in our neighborhood.  He was even one of my Cub Scouts...who showed up an hour early EVERY TIME!  His parents and his sisters seemed lovely.  The boy probably needed professional help.  He did end up going down a bad road.   The next couple of years won't be easy on Chloe.  Her mother is TOO CONTROLLING, but she seems able to handle the many problems that will come with Max.

    My friend is friends with a family who have a kid that one might call the lonely kid.  He's desperately looking for attention from anyone and he latches onto people quickly.  I met him last year and my friend warned me - he will ask you a lot of questions, it's ok to tell him to leave you alone. But after spending a couple days with this kid I just felt awful for him.  He has two younger siblings that are very special needs but mobile, one is his brother and the brother would pick on him, try to hurt him and his parents did nothing but try to yell at the brother and this poor kid would get SO upset and I'm sure he deals with it on a daily basis and just doesn't get the love and affection he needs.  And I saw pure rage and hurt in this kid that probably won't have good results when he's older and bigger. 

    • Love 4
  9. 21 hours ago, configdotsys said:

    I'm not a monster texter either but I seriously shake my head when people who live in the same house communicate over Facebook or text in the case of Jennifer and Chloe. Bizarre. I have friends who are married and one of them will post to their own page and tag their spouse, "We need to make this at home!" about some recipe. How about picking your head up and saying it to the person who is probably close by? Or there's always the other truly bizarre, "Happy Birthday, Johnny, I can't believe you're a teenager already. I love you!" and the kid isn't on Facebook.  

    This drives me SO crazy!  And I refuse to comment on those posts.


    Did anyone else notice how Chloe's mom made sure her makeup and hair was done for the bowling lunch date? 

    • Love 7
  10. 41 minutes ago, mikewho said:

    Because I'd read complaints about BB contestants on the Challenge, I watched maybe four episodes online out of curiosity (any more than that, you had to pay, and, uh...no). It was the season Victor was on. It was worse than anything on BB. The theme was 'Vendetta.' Some of the participants had played before and came back because they had a personal vendetta against someone from a PREVIOUS season. The entire thing was about hook-ups. The interviews went like this:

    "I have a vendetta against Susie Q because she went after the guy she knew I wanted to fuck last season and I want to get back at huh."

    "I have a vendetta against Joe Blo because he was after the chick last season who he knew I wanted to get in her Pants so I want to fuck him up and prove whoz the bigger man."

    The part that struck me as the most funny was that Victor DIDN'T get involved in any of that.

    And it was a shame, because the challenges were actually quite good. But it came across as "Jersey Shore meets a Challenge".

    Sorry for the O/T. I actually do have thoughts about Big Brother. If I was one of the final 3 and in that house, I'd be nervous as hell. Knowing I'd have to wait more than 24 hours for it all to finally be over, wondering if I'd be evicted or whether I'd won, worrying about whether the moves I made were correct, wondering if I'd be betrayed...let's just say I'd need a boatload of Xanax. And what else do you do with those thoughts and all that time? I'm not the most patient guy.

    Pretty much - it's drama filled and the same people come back season after season so people are good friends, people hate each other. But the competitions are fucking BRUTAL.  At least the guys on this show work out massively so they're prepared for the competitions. They are no joke. 

    • Love 1
  11. 45 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

    No offense but I don't think Josh is the best person to interview people.

    Ugh... agreed.  No one in that backyard will be able to get a decent interview because you won't be able to hear anything above him. 

    Ross and Marissa are doing backyard interviews for their thing too - I'm actually looking forward to those. 

    15 minutes ago, HartofDixie said:

    That's actually very interesting

    • Love 2
  12. I just had to look up who was the 3rd in the final 3 last season and ew ew ew. I can't believe I didn't remember it was christmas and I'm pretty sure I watched the feeds more with them than I'm doing right now with these 3 that I actually really like and enjoy watching.  I'm going to miss this cast so much!

    • Love 6
  13. 8 hours ago, BK1978 said:

    I could see Chris and Brett show up on the Challenge.  Which would be funny because I think Latern7's head would actually explode if more Big Brother contestants showed up on The Challenge.  I also think it is only a matter of time before Paul shows up on there as well.

    nahhhhhhh I honestly think Paul wouldn't want to be on the challenge.  Plus while he may be fit, he's a very small person and would have no chance in hell next to most of those guys.  He'd look like JC standing next to them. But then again I never in a million YEARS thought I would see Davonne and Josea on the challenge or that they would actually do fairly well so what the hell do I know.

    • Love 3
  14. On 9/19/2018 at 8:38 PM, zenme said:

    Ok, I'm sorry, but I'm still extremely skeptical about a family of gingers JUST SO HAPPEN to have a ginger baby randomly drop into their lives for adoption...no waiting, nothing. I wasn't born yesterday. The theory I'm tossing around is that Bryan had an affair with a young college co-ed. She doesn't want to be a mother now and Bryan doesn't want  to be entangled with her, BUT she doesn't want to have an abortion. So Bryan either convinces Brandy to adopt the baby, or he has Travis (friend of the adoption service guy) help him plot to have Stephanie coincidentally find out the adoption agency has a white baby boy who needs a home. 

    I dunno... ginger babies seem to be popping up (or out?) a lot lately.... especially to couples that normally wouldn't have a ginger baby (I know two).  I think they're about ready to take over the world. 

    • Love 2
  15. This might be my fav F3 in a long time (or since i've had the feeds) and I'm not even watching the feeds much anymore but usually you get a random assortment of people who don't really want to hang out together but these 3 genuinely have fun

    • Love 1
  16. 2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

    Ricky: Me and Melissa only ate together. That's all. 

    Ximena: Oh, did you eat each other, too? lololol

    I love me some Ximena!

    And then he actually says yes because he didn't totally understand her. HAHA! And then luckily for him her reaction caused him to ask her to repeat herself.

    1 hour ago, usernameG said:

    This! LOL

    Jesse flying back to dump Darcy is just cruel. Am I the only one that is a bit giddy to watch him dump her? We all know how it will play out too....he will bring up the "incident", tell her whats wrong with her and how she needs to work on herself.  I don't even have any sympathy for her. All the signs are there. Darcy is a pathetic, sad woman.  Jesse is a gaslighting narcissist who is just cruel. He's still young. One day karma will come around to him.

    We better seat a breakup next episode.  So do we think we'll see her carrying all this luggage to the park?? Sounds like he has no intentions of telling her where he's staying.  HA!!!!

    46 minutes ago, juicyfruit said:

    I couldn't figure out what was going on under that mustard-yellow top.  I am assuming a lace bra maybe?  It looked all lumpy and like her breasts were squished in a weird way.

    That was really distracting. I assume a fancy lacy bra. 

    • Love 1
  17. 17 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

    Topic: that interview with Will read like a job interview. That was some major brown nosing. I would love to know the arrogant juror that approached him last year and told him he didn't sway their vote. Elena? Cody?

    Who were the jurors? I think Cody is too quiet to make that sort of comment. He wouldn't care what Will has to say nor would he feel the need to tell Will he didn't care. 

    Could be Elena, I could see her doing it in sort of a half joking manner.   Matt or Raven?

    • Love 1
  18. 3 minutes ago, Wings said:

    Yes because the competition sets have become more elaborate. 


    Watching RS nod her head with every word from Bayleigh’s mouth last night reminded me that she is black.  I keep forgetting that, sheeesh.   She will vote with Bayleigh for Kaycee absolutely.  

      The entire clip show was worth it just to watch Sam’s tear filled anger at JC for dropping!  Good god, that woman is not right in the head!  I will miss her.  

    The endurance looked brutal and will surely be the shortest ever.  

    The other day I was watching the re-runs during feeds being blocked and they showed Will, Janelle, Erica and Boogie come outside to a comp which was a super simple set up (especially compared to these days) - to where the backyard walls weren't even covered and the competition just took up maybe half the yard and they came out in shock and aw of how amazing the comp looked.  It was hilarious. 

    And now they take days to set up a comp that lasts 10 min sometimes (HOH question comps)

    • Love 1
  19. 13 minutes ago, TresGatos said:

    I adored Marty! His song "Trees" still gets stuck in my head sometimes.

    Every Time I watch Ink Master I think there must be bands out there in need of a lead singer.

    Some Big Brother folks do show up on The Amazing Race but we see quite a few of them show up on The Challenge. I could see Swaggy being thirsty enough for The Challenge but anyone else? Brett seems like he might have too much of a real life but he would be tons of fun. Winston too. 

    i'm not sure I'd say quite a few show up on the challenge.  Last season of the challenge was just Natalie and Victor, then Paulie showed up on Ex on the Beach, and now this season it's Natalie Paulie, Davonne and Josea.  Still bizarre to me but I have to say it has made me watch the Challenge so I'm all for there actually being 'quite a few' on future seasons. 

    • Love 2
    8 hours ago, TrininisaScorp said:

    Who gets medical test information over a cell phone?!  Imma call bullshit on that. 

    Well the first season they were on they did get her STD results via the internet

    7 hours ago, RedBagWithMakeup said:

    I just have to make a separate post about Mahkul. So he openly admits that he's been working to gain her trust for over a year. That if Angela leaves, all his hard work is for naught and he will be stuck in Nigeria. 

    But he's not a Nigerian scammer....

    I almost died when he told Angela she's like a mother to him. Ha! I was waiting for her to deck him or at least smack him with her purse, but she didn't even flinch!

    Oh yea, she totally flinched! I was waiting for her to say something but Michael kept talking and she seemed to have forgotten about it.

    9 hours ago, MrFluffy said:

    Darcey, if you need veneers "re-fitted," you have a horrible dentist. Once in, they should last a lifetime.

    that was confusing to me.... we were suppose to notice a difference?  I was miffed by the oo's and ahh's she was giving herself afterwards. 

    7 minutes ago, trimthatfat said:

    TLC tweeted that Paul’s mom actually  called while they were waiting for the test results and she told him that even he is too broke to be a dad right now. He’s still far better off than Karine financially though. 

    So it wasn't Paul's criminal past that made them weary of Paul... it was his condescending attitude towards their extremely immature daughter that made him not husband material.  Got it.

    • Love 6
  21. 13 hours ago, aurora296 said:

    When Nicole came into the house and everyone was upstairs in the HOH room, when they noticed her on camera in the house, Tyler said OMG! IT'S NIC.....ole. He checked himself halfway into saying her name. It's gotta be tough being such a fan and sucking up all your excitement. 

    They most likely watched 1 or both of her seasons, especially with the proposal - they would want to be sure all the HGs recognized her.  

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