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Posts posted by gunderda

  1. 28 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

    There's an AT&T phone commercial with Ed Helms in it, and every single damn time the girl in the commerical speaks, I think it's Hayleigh.  They both have a very television news-reader voice that drives me nuts - it's very professional but it's so clipped and precise, it always sounds contrived.  So many of Hayleigh's DR's were like that.  Granted, she is very well-spoken but to me she often came across as insincere because of her manner of speaking...she lacked emotion, IMO.

    I actually thought Hayleigh sounded more intelligent in her DR sessions and even during this Jury segment. Like who is this girl and why did we not see her in the house?  She always sounds very mature and level headed when she's describing something. 

    18 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

    JC is out of control.  It's time for production to step in and give JC a stern talking to.

    JC just has an annoying over the top personalty.  80% sure he's joking (although I wouldn't doubt if he is slightly in love with Tyler) but everything JC does is over the top and he probably thinks it's hilarious. Probably brought on by his environment of not wanting to be seen as less than other people because of his stature and I'm sure his friends egg on his personalty to where he has no idea that what he does is wayyyy to much. The guy just screams of wanting attention and as we've seen with everyone in the house, they all treat him like a child because he looks like one and gradually he got a personality to match.  I feel bad for him more than anything else because I think he's going to have a super rude awakening when he gets out, probably more so than most people (even Sam) and as we've seen he already deep rooted family issues and his over the top personality is to probably cover up that. 

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  2. 18 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    With Tyler winning part 1, as I expected he would, I think Kaycee has a great shot at winning part 2, so JC should, theoretically, not be making F2 at all. I hate that he's made F3, but I do feel confident that he won't be making a F2 speech.

    The rare time I actually liked Fessy. I actually enjoyed seeing Fessy get irritated by Bayleigh. 

    I think they play tomorrow, but I'm not 100% on that. It could be later today.

    I was thinking Saturday also.... or maybe Monday even? That still gives me them 2 days before the finale.

  3. 11 hours ago, PaperTree said:

    The jury was fun.

    Bay:  You're a moron for putting him up.

    Fess:  You're an idiot for not using your power.


    Fessy actually said "you're an idiot for telling the other side about your power" 

    8 hours ago, BK1978 said:

    I hate to say this but "The Messiah" has grown on me during his two seasons of the challenge.  Especially because he has the vile Shane as his enemy.

    I actually like him on The Challenge too. and I did not like him AT ALL on big brother. His cockiness blends it more on the challenge. 

    5 hours ago, mooses said:

    Tyler won Part 1.

    Which means it's Kaycee versus JC in a Days-Style comeption? That could be a total crapshoot. 

    ETA: Seems like JC, then Kaycee fell. Tyler's having none of that "I'm better at mental competitions" shenanigans. 

    JC doesn't have a chance in winning part 2. I know Kaycee is worried about remembering but she's done really well so far and she's a lot quicker than JC because of his body type.

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  4. 1 hour ago, luluesq1 said:

    Same boat. lol

    i have actually never stuck it out this long before. And I can say a huge part of it was finding this forum and all of the contributors. I mean I tried talking about this stuff with casual viewers- but that meant having to give A LOT of backstory for them to get the punchline. And by then it was “oh forget it!” lol

    Its soooo hard to talk about it with casual viewers. Especially when theyre super duper casual, like they only watched last season and maybe some of celeb BB. my friend's husband asks me when I see them which is about 2-3 times a month currently and it's so hard to explain stuff to him when they aren't even watching this season. 

    6 minutes ago, Irishsecra said:

    I think it was the timing. She really wanted Bay to stay and she felt Tyler was trying to manipulate her with a big lie.

    plus, if it was true, then he had been lying to her for weeks.

    i never understood why he told her then myself

    Because at that time was the start of when she started to not trust him at all and was angry with him because he wasn't giving her any attention - when she felt Angela had taken her spot - so Tyler told her as a way to try and gain her trust back.  But looks like it backfired!

    • Love 3
  5. 34 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

    They can isolate announcements. 

    But they usually don't.  It's a constantly complaint each season of the HGs being woken up because someone is getting called to the DR super late. 

    24 minutes ago, Skyfall said:

    So the 3 part HOH comp. will any of it be shown on the live feeds or should I go ahead and cancel all access seeing as I don’t know exactly when it’ll auto renew.

    It should be shown, because it's endurance but like someone else said it's a toss up. 

    • Love 1
  6. It will be curious to see what Kaycee says to Angela if she does evict her.  Does she spill that her and tyler have been F2 since the beginning with JC still there? Or does she just do a fluff speech so that L6 still isn't exposed. 

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  7. 16 minutes ago, DannyRugg said:

    Anyone heard anymore about Dr. Will and the Glass House rumors? Has he been confirmed as this year's Jury Discussion moderator? If not, I nominate Jozea as his replacement. Yes, the Messiah himself! Who better to guide puzzled jurors through various "scenarios" to determine the worthy winner? If Jozea is unavailable/unwilling, perhaps Raven who could use her Mensa level intellect to help out? She could also reprise her infamous woof-woof "barking" skills. If all else fails, the obvious go-to moderator is the one and only Lawon!

    Jozee is too busy being the thing that won't die on MTV's Challenge. 

    • Love 4
  8. On 9/12/2018 at 8:21 PM, TexasGal said:


    Why is Kameron putting that display together in her house?  How the heck is she going to get it already assembled to the trade show?

    They collapse into a super portable display in a rolling bag lol  She was putting it up so that she could attached the actual display fabric to it, because when it's on you can collapse the display and then it's super easy to set up when you're at your actual event.  They are WAYYYYYY easier than she made it seem. they pop up and down super quick. We just got one for my company and they're actually made so that one person can set them up and tear them down easily.  

    On 9/13/2018 at 2:33 AM, yourmomiseasy said:


    Brandi's girls are just as horrible as they were last year.  I hope they are better for her mom than they are for her.

    Hopefully they  just act up because the cameras and crew are around - kids tend to do that (or at least the ones I know).  My nephews were notorious for acting up whenever we would visit (and hearing they go good reports of being well behaved at school I didn't believe that AT ALL) and a couple months ago I started a workout plan with my friend so I go to her house twice a week and her oldest (5) gets really hyper when I'm there and my friend is always just baffled. Usually she blames it on him being tired.  Last night I went over there and I walked in and my friend was like "i dont get it... he was sitting here nicely for 20 min and the minute you walk in he goes crazy"  I said - because that's how kids are when people come to visit! They just either get really excited or have some sense of wanting to show off.  She thought it would calm down after i started coming over so often. ha... nope!

    • Love 2
  9. I honestly think any of these 4 can be deserving to win. Even JC. While he thinks he did way more than he actually did, he did actually do quite a bit of work for L6 and getting Fessy to target Scottie was pretty major. 

    Kaycee did nothing strategically- she won a lot of comps

    Angela took the big shots

    Tyler made great moves and manipulated people early in the game to do so - I feel like he hasn't done much since the hacker house meeting. 

    • Love 3
  10. 1 minute ago, esco1822 said:

    I think he's more upset with Jeff for spoiling that Jenni hasn't worked for him for years and was paid by Bravo. That totally ruined the narrative they had built for the show over the years and, at least for me, made the viewers question what is/is not real in Bravoland. On the one hand, I appreciate Jeff's honesty but on the other hand, I think he doesn't think or care about the consequences of his actions. In this case it may come back to bite him. I think the show could carry on without Jenni had Jeff not exposed everything so he really has only himself to blame if Bravo dumps him. 

    But a lot of people already assumed Jenni didn't really work for him anymore.  I mean it was fairly obvious.

    But Andy calls/texts Jeff on a regular basis during his radio shows, way before this Jenni lawsuit came up.  For the past few weeks if he has a Bravo guest on the show then an employee from Bravo (called the "bravo marshall" ) also comes to make sure Jeff doesnt talk about too much 4th wall info - or talk too badly about Vicki.  He's now also no longer allowed to have a Bravo guest on his show if they aren't within their 'press window'  which means that a season of their show is coming up so they have a certain time before and after the season where they do press things because he was getting the housewives and wanting to dish on dirt that either wasn't shown or was going to be shown in a future season.  And it was shared on his show that if the HW's talk badly about eachother outside of their own shows they are fined by Bravo.   It's all really quite ridiculous. 

    So Andy is more upset that Jeff is sharing all the 4th wall information.  If he's really upset at all, I think most is for show.

    Except Jeff was naming off people who worked at Bravo and I think he did get a pretty good reprimand for that. 

    • Love 7
  11. 8 hours ago, Nashville said:

    So, I guess TPTB aren’t planning on showing us any more JH footage, ever.  

    The last JH entry footage we got was Scottie’s first entry into the JH, prior to the JBB.

    Since then Fessy, Scottie (again), Hay, and Brett have walked out the FD, and - nothing.


    So did I - both times.  :D

    Most likely they'll wait until the finale - I feel like that's what they always do now.

    7 hours ago, backformore said:

    did anyone catch what JC was saying when Julie asked what he hoped was in his HOH basket?   all I got was "no sugar."  and something about models, but there was something else he said.  

    Protein bars. ALLLLLLLLL protein bars.  And then 8 bottles of champaign. 

    Right after he won while they were still out at the comp he asked for a bottle of tequila 

    I can't help it.. he's a very entertaining individual. 

  12. On 9/13/2018 at 10:59 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

    Andy's angry? Upset? Flipping out?  lol I love it. 

    He seems to act like he's angry almost every time Jeff does his radio show. Because Jeff likes to talk about the behind the scenes stuff - especially with the HW's of Orange County (because he hates Vicki and when he says something bad about Vicki she runs and tattled to Bravo) So then Jeff will get a call or text from Andy telling him he's on thin ice.  But then Andy can talk about whatever the eff he wants on his own talk show. 

    On 9/15/2018 at 4:38 PM, queenjen said:

    Really sad for Jeff. She was a handful and he was really sweet to her, not to mention Jenni: remember how she didn't like Jenni and was really rude to her? On a skeevy note, David Beador sent Jeff a text saying 'karma's a bitch'. Jeff announced this on his radio show. I have no words or interest for David. I do believe that Jeff takes care of those in his circle of trust and he certainly took care of his grandmother from what we have been led to believe on the show. 

    From what he said on his show he's been the only person in his family taking care of her for quite awhile now (he has a couple brothers) and has even put about $75k into her house

    • Love 6
  13. 18 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

    Did anything ever happen with his paint brand ?  I did like some of the furniture from Alder & Tweed ( i think that was their name ) however, someone needs to tell Mrs Alder & tweed to lighten up on the old blush/contour -- she looked a mess. Megan's house looks lovely, wonder how she can afford that, single mom and working for Jeff plus Bravo ? I honestly didnt know until last week that Jenni isnt even an employee of Jeff anymore, makes this show sketchy to me - all made up, and no, I should not be surprised. :)

    He sells quite a few decor things through home depot.  I'm sure the paint is there but he also sells his line of tile backsplash and barndoors

    • Love 1
  14. 6 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    ?...they wouldn't let poor Sa-am, join in any whipped cream games...?

    Production must've had Sam doped to the gills. She didn't go Hulk Smash! at all. She didn't get any goodbye messages either.

    JC. Ugh. I hate this show so much. But he better get rid of Kaycee because at this point I'm not sure even Tyler can beat her. Wonder if Angela's feeling nervous right now?

    She’ll likely get them later. They probably recorded them last night and today. 


    I thought sams interview with Julie was super adorable. 

    • Love 5
  15. 1 hour ago, Alice Mudgarden said:


    That would be loooooooooovely

    That would be wooooooonderful

    Every time I hear about/see JoJo (I say this like it happens often or something) my mind always goes right here:


    After looking at Jojo's twitter, I still don't remember her - I do remember that Britney DR though!

    55 minutes ago, mooses said:

    I'm mostly worried that CBS is going to decide to do away with the 24/7 Live Feeds. I guess TMZ and articles about behavior are free publicity for the show (I know people that don't watch the show but have heard a HG touched another while sleeping), but do they really want to deal with that anymore with social media becoming increasingly toxic? They could do a few hours every day, like Big Brother After Dark, or do away with them entirely.

    Nah... it probably generates a lot of income for them (but unsure of how much money it takes to actually make it possible) and CBS always has an out saying that they have no control over the people in the house and how they act or their beliefs.  They aren't responsible for people being dickheads and assholes. Plus all those stories on TMZ give them great exposure for the show. 

    48 minutes ago, mikewho said:

    I think that'd be GREAT!

    But I wanted to see the reactions of more than one person when it's revealed!  I guess if it's reveal to JC at final 3 eviction then the jury still won't know and it can still be revealed to them after the votes or during the F2 speeches. 

  16. I think there's a very slim chance that JC can win any of the final HOH comps. He sucks at endurance and while he might have the smarts to put stuff in order, there's no way he does it faster than tyler, kaycee or angela.  He just doesn't have the body type. 

    Kaycee cuts Angela for sure but I'm not sure what Angela or Tyler do. I think there's a better chance Angela would keep Tyler NOW since they weren't all cuddly when she said she would cut him.

    I'm kinda bummed we might have to wait till the final eviction for them to actually tell the person being evicted that L6 has been a thing since the beginning. 

  17. 14 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

    I have hope that all of Level 6 will be close. We've seen so much of Angela, Kaycee, and Tyler's closeness that we've forgotten that there were three other members who were equally as close. I absolutely see Angela and Rachel rekindling their friendship, as they were closer than Kaycee and Angela ever have been. We know Winston/Brett will be close, and I'd love to see Winston/Brett/Rachel/Angela rekindle their foursome friendship. With Angela/Tyler likely going to date outside of the house, there'll be a different dynamic, but one that I think could work. 

    It's really too bad that Rachel went a bit nuts before Tyler was able to warm Angela's cold black heart. 

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