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Posts posted by gunderda

  1. 21 hours ago, druzy said:

    oh my goodness, she looks so much like Watson! Can't wait to see what the two of them look like when they're older.  It's interesting to me how some people can have kids that it's super obvious that they're siblings and some that look so different from each other. 

    • Love 7
  2. On 9/15/2018 at 11:27 AM, ShaNaeNae said:

    I’m in an Unexpected Updates Facebook group. Under one of the pics of Timmy, a lady posted thanking the group owner for updating the page with pics of Timmy. She said she is Caelins grandma and McKayla blocked the woman on Facebook and Instagram after she stood up for Caelin during one of their many fights. McKayla is a nasty piece of work just like her mom. This isn’t the first time she’s done something like that. 

    Not sure it speaks that well of a grown women to throw that dirty laundry onto Facebook though.  Caelin can easily share photos with his side of the family if McKayla is having social media temper tantrum.

    • Love 3
  3. On 10/4/2018 at 6:50 PM, Stringey said:

    They did a good job making him look like a teen. The scene with him at that table with Kathy bates character he even looked somehow smaller and thinner. Younger looking overall than his look in "present" time. Looked like a teenager.

    For a couple seconds I thought they had a much younger actor to play him as a teenager then realized it was him.  I wonder if we'll find out how he ended up under Kathy Bate's care? 

  4. On 10/4/2018 at 12:22 AM, michilines said:

    Danny Brown practices a type of old school policing.  You might call it profiling.  I would ask you to show me one time that he interacted with someone who is not a minority.

    However, in South Carolina, today, a police officer was killed by a wealthy white man -- who by the way -- was taken into custody alive.  The dead officer was black.  Had things been the other way around, the suspect would be dead.

    Officer Brown needs to stop harassing every black person he comes across.  You may feel safer if he does, but it doesn't make you safer.  It doesn't make him safer either.  That white dude killed one officer and injured 6 more.  But he was taken alive.

    Not long ago he came across a house party full of white kids drinking and smoking pot. It just so happens that the area they patrol on the show is mainly minorities. 

    15 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    Did anyone else catch that they showed the same perp two nights in a row?   I'm not even sure where he was from, but Dan said it was a first.   

    It's not really a first.... one weekend there was a guy that almost died from an overdose and they saved him with narcan, the next night live PD was filming with the officer when the same guy spotted him, waved him down and thanked him for saving his life.  So while I guess it's not someone getting in trouble 2 nights in a row... it was still two nights in a row.

    I didn't remember the guy from the weekend the first night at all.  I must have been distracted while he got stopped the first time.

    And there have been many people we've seen weekend to weekend - The russian guy who loves his ham.... the lady who wouldn't register as a sex offender...  I think this weekend there was a kid they had said has been on before but I didn't remember him. 

    • Love 2
  5. Gage is the one that gets Jeff his partnerships and deals outside of his house flipping and remodeling. They have been together for over 10 years so while I don't think they are legally married, I would never consider Gage less-than in the relationship. 

    • Love 16
  6. On 10/2/2018 at 9:14 AM, debbie311 said:

    I agree with all who have said the obsession with the first kiss is cringe-worthy.  Josiah really went for it.  Did anyone notice he wiped his mouth afterwards?  Then when he went in for a second kiss, and Lauren rebuffed him.  That was so awkward!  And everyone watching -- it's just creepy for me.  And yes, as someone already noticed, some woman seated behind Michelle did kind of roll her eyes.

    The idea that you have never kissed, never spent any time ALONE with the person you are now expected to spend the rest of your life with.  Crazy.

    Josiah had some practice with that - otherwise he's just really lucky to go for it and not miss like Josh did.

    On 10/2/2018 at 9:35 AM, ehall1052 said:

    Does the cost of the venue go up if you turn on the A/C?  If so, they must have opted out of paying it because everyone was fanning themselves and sweating bullets. 

    Surprisingly a lot of churches (especially older - which this one looks to be) don't have AC

    OR when you get so many damn people smashed into a small space the AC doesn't matter and can't keep up. 

    On 10/2/2018 at 4:23 PM, SnarkySnarky said:

    No. During the scene where they were setting up for the wedding. 


    Thats not Josh - that guy has obvious upper arm muscles and pecs. 


    On 10/3/2018 at 9:13 AM, Tigregirl said:

    I know the Duggars invite everyone and anyone to their weddings but it seems strange to me that Dan Dillard, Jinger's MIL, etc were at Josiah's wedding.  How well do they even know him?  I can't imagine my siblings inviting my in-laws to their weddings, their children's weddings etc.  They met all my siblings at my wedding but certainly wouldn't feel they knew them enough to attend any of their weddings.  But I guess with the Dugs, the more people you invite, the more gifts you receive.

    At first I thought it was odd to see Derrick's brother and Jinger's MIL but then I realized that the Duggars literally invite everyone they know so it would probably be a HUGE insult if they didn't invite the in-laws. 

    • Love 1
  7. 11 minutes ago, Adiba said:

    According to an online real estate site, Kail’s current house has 4 bedrooms and 3 full bathrooms, an office, living room, dining room, eat-in kitchen, and family room.  There also is a laundry room/mud room and an outside shed. In addition it has a full unfinished basement that Kail could have finished into a playroom.

    She really doesn’t need more room, imo. However, she wants a bigger, more pretentious home to show how “successful” she is. In my opinion, it’s a waste of money.

    ahh ok, i stand corrected! ha

    I'm honestly surprised she stayed in that house as long as she did... as much as she gets new vehicles... but I guess maybe that's just easier. 

    • Love 8
  8. 35 minutes ago, MatildaMoody said:


    I don't know where this opinion keeps coming from. Whitney sought Kathryn out specifically for her to be on the show. She was going to be his project where he and his mother turned her into the ultimate Stepford Southern belle. She was going to give both he and his mom a storyline. It's why she lived with him at his mother's house and everything. She simply didn't go along with the preset script.

    Is that actually documented somewhere?  I'm actually a Kathryn fan so I'm not saying it in a negative way but the way the first season is portrayed is that she was showing up to the same events and kind of working her way around the circle of guys in the group.  And I thought I heard she was actually hired as an extra.  She was not an original cast member in the technical terms.  She had no talking heads and she wasn't a friend of anyone. 

    • Love 5
  9. I'm weird and i love moving.  It's just refreshing to get into a new space.  I hate the process of moving (I suck at packing) but I love getting into a new (to me) space. When I was in college up until I bought my house (I was 22 I think) I moved to a new apartment every year. 


    I'm not sure how many bedrooms her current house has but maybe she feels she would like a little more space.  I love her current house but the living room area seems a little cramped and not a whole lot of play space for the kids and if it's a 3 bedroom house (which i think is likely) then she might like one more bedroom.

    • Love 1
  10. Never saw it either but if they all thought it was funny i never understood why everyone is up in arms about it. I heard the argument that if Steve or Scottie did it then the HG's would be pissed.  Well yea..... but if JC was closer to them then you can't fault him for that.  If one of my best friends came up and grabbed my butt jokingly I'd probably be a little surprised and shocked but I'd also laugh.  If someone I kinda knew but wasn't close with did it, I'd be pissed off.  Not everything is sexual harassment. Bottom line, they were comfortable enough around him to think it was funny. 

    • Love 2
  11. 20 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

    Never said she was always a bravo hire, I simply said "just like Jenny"   Jenny is currently a Bravo hire.  Her suing him had something to do with him not wanting her around.  Bravo sweetened the pot for them and that's why Jenny is there.   

    He suggested that Jenny be moved to sort of a 'friend of' position instead of her being a fake employee because he wants his show to be as real as possible and it's always bugged him that Jenny is no longer a real employee.  So he wanted the show to portray them having play dates, lunch dates, etc... stuff that they might actually do because they are (were) friends.

    18 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

    If I were a rich client of Jeff’s and his crew was mocking me and laughing at me over my kitchen choices, they would be fired on the spot. It’s one thing for Jeff to tease because they are close, but having Megan, Jenny and whoever else joining in would not sit well .

    On another note: how do they stay thin when they seem to eat big meals from restaurants every day for lunch, drink alcohol in the afternoon and go out for drinks and dinner at night. 

    They are all very close to Leah and I do believe Leah sees them all as friends instead of contractors.  Leah is on Jeff's radio show quite a bit.  But I'm amazed at how laid back Leah is just about everything.  

    I'm always jealous of those big meals they eat at lunch.  I would love to get mexican every day!  but it seems like when they're working from the house they get salads catered in so I think for the most part they all eat pretty healthy.  

    12 hours ago, TVbitch said:

    That lady has probably been driven mad by all the construction/remodel noise. I was ready to kill my neighbor when he redid his bathroom tile for a 3rd time! 

    Jeff was on Wendy Williams show on Tuesday. He said he couldn't say too much because of the law suit, but he talked about what happened between him and Jenni. Apparently after a blow up (which is the one we will see on air), Jenni went to Bravo and told them Jeff creates a hostile work environment. She made a serious claim against him, and he was hurt/shocked by it. He thinks she probably just over-reacted in the moment and regrets it. He said they have had ups and downs in their long friendship, and although they have not spoken since, he can't imagine they will not get past it at some point.

    He also stated that as far as his riff with Zoila, they have just recently started texting again.

    When asked about marrying Gage, he laughed the question off as "Gage would never marry me with my drama!" but it was clearly to get away from the subject.

    And she made the claim AFTER her and Jeff had went to a lunch together to kind of clear the air.  Jeff thought they were in a good place after that and then she served him with the lawsuit and that's what really crushed him.  He thought they were ok.

    12 hours ago, meep.meep said:

    He's delusional.  His work place is the showcase for hostile work environments.  He may have been Jenni Pullos' meal ticket for a decade, but even she has her limits.

    Yet the people who tend to do their jobs well seem to stick around quite awhile. There aren't too many people that actually quit, most of them get fired.  So while it's probably not an ideal work environment he must have enough good qualities to keep great employees.  The current maid (Laura?) and the house manager have been there for years now.  The old assistant who's name started with a V (I think) she was there for many many years and while we did see her stress out due to Jeff's attitude, she basically left because she wanted to go out on her own.

    • Love 5
  12. 8 hours ago, KLJ said:

    Meh - they probably deserve it.  Craig is the only other one that is an original cast member right?  Not counting Thomas (since he's done now) and Kathryn (since she wasn't an actual cast member season 1, just weazled her way into events) 

    So if anyone should be mad, it should be Craig. But I wouldn't be surprised if Cameron thought about quitting and it was used to keep her on.

    2 hours ago, Booger666 said:

    Is Thomas out on bail or still in jail?

    I think I read he made bail. 

    • Love 6
  13. 6 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

    How soon do you think Bayleigh will get pregnant again? I gotta put the over/under at 10 months and I would take the under.

    I agree - I hope she has better sense but i have a feeling he's trying to get her pregnant ASAP. 

    34 minutes ago, ShaNaeNae said:

    What I found funny about this season is the names of everyone.  They were so close to others.  Like Hayleigh/Bayleigh (they both had the 'leigh' which isn't super common).  Kaycee/JC, Angela/Angie, even Scottie/Sam/Steve.

    I'll admit I overthink things.  This may be one of those things. 

    I found it odd even before the season started.  I thought it was poor planning because people would have gotten confused too easily.  Turns out it was just really annoying having to type out Haleigh and Bayleigh. 

    32 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    In other news, Swaggy's Twitter is gone. I guess he deleted it for some reason. 


    • Love 4
  14. Cheyenne is always sitting in the back seat with her daughter - is that normal or am I not wrong that it seems a little odd? 

    My mom has always done that with my nephews - sits with them in the back and leaves my dad up front by himself - even now that my nephews are 10 and 13 and its just so freaking weird to me!


    And it looked like Amber got a new couch? something actually functional and they shouldn't need to keep covered with a sheet 24/7?

    • Love 7
  15. On 9/25/2018 at 7:49 AM, ginger90 said:

    I wonder if that’s in their new house, or perhaps it was taken at someone else’s?

    I'd be willing to bet someone elses. I think they have enough money to buy something with new cabinets.  

    • Love 2
  16. 18 hours ago, citychic said:

    Wait a minute, I get all the Ryan should get his shit together talk but why does Taylor get such a pass in this one? 

    Did he or did he not start the whole mess that ended in court by tweeting something that maybe he shouldn't have? Bentley is old enough to read those tweets about his dad coming from his step-dad. Then they are so nose in the air on the way to court like they didn't instigate the whole thing? 

    Not one time did I hear Maci, Taylor, Jen, or Larry say that maybe, just maybe Taylor was at fault and shouldn't have went there? 

    It was really a tweet on the same thought that everyone else in the universe had been thinking - and he didn't name any names.  And I don't really think venting about 2 jobless grown adults should warrant someone threatening to shoot up your house.

    3 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

    Catelynn's rehab/therapy seems to be like a summer camp. I understand that she has depression and needs help.. however to go away for 6 weeks every couple of months is ridiculous and unproductive. This is like the 10th time she's gone that we know of. She should be getting therapy elsewhere at this point because this place does not seem to be helping her. Preferably close by so she can see her daughter every once in a while. And like many others have said, get a job! Having a job doesn't always mean people need money, but a lot of times it's therapeutic to get out of the house and have routine and socialize with other people.. and making money at the same time doesn't hurt.

    I don't even understand how Cate was able to 'skip class' - how is that even allowed in that kind of environment?? 

    • Love 17
  17. 6 hours ago, Rebecca said:

    Ugh. Why? (Rhetorical, unless someone has an answer!)

    Isn’t she way older than the Young and Pregnant cast? She’s 25. I don’t watch that show but I thought they were all teens or maybe like, 20, not older. I definitely assumed they were all way younger than the TM casts, is that not right? Current age wise she fits in best with the TM2 cast, I think. But she was never even close to being a teen mom so she doesn’t fit the TM brand at all. I agree, it’s because of Cory. MTV really wants to make him happen, for some reason.

    At least two of the young and pregnant cast are 20-21 (Ashley and the girl with the blow up doll lips) so I think that's what I was thinking of, but you're right the others are all still in high school.  

    • Love 2
  18. 2 hours ago, sasha206 said:

    Wasn't that b/c no one was translating for him?  He may have known there was a problem, but not know the extent of the problem.

    But he was acting like he already knew the child had passed. Karine told the doctor that she only had cramping, no bleeding. In that moment there was no way for him to know that something was terribly wrong.  I know Karine and her mom were crying - but because of that Paul was all "omg I have to act like I'm also devastated enough though I don't know what's happening!?"    And I'm not anti-Paul either but his reaction during the ultrasound was very weird to me. 

    • Love 1
  19. 6 hours ago, Badsamaritan said:

    To me, in these pics of Angela and Tyler, they look like brother and sister. Something about the shape of their noses and their smiles, so needless to say I'm super squicked looking at pics of them. 

    I don't think they look good as a couple.... not sure why either. 

    • Love 3
  20. 1 hour ago, Floatingbison said:

    I imagine Rachel's ex-husband is getting to the end of his tether about now.  First, they had whatever issues they experienced in their divorce, then by her own admission, she hooks up with some random dude for a one nighter (assuming arguendo that the Hobbit isn't Lucy's father),  and has Lucy in Disguise with Diapers, and now she's on trainwreck reality TV with the Horrible Hobbit.   Given Jon's criminal record, I imagine the father of the oldest child will petition for full custody with supervised visitation for Rachel if the Hobbit has physical contact with the oldest child.

    Except none of that warrants a judge to take away her custody rights or change it to supervised visitation. That's a HUGE stretch. 

    • Love 2
  21. I am for sure going to hell..... I'm sorry Karine had a miscarriage but Paul either has a really ugly sad face or he's a terrible actor because he didn't even know what was going on and didn't even know she suffered a miscarriage until AFTER they were out of the exam room. 


    And Hazel did say Tarik was her only option and she hoped he proposed. She said that their very first episode. 

  22. I really didn't like Lewis in the beginning but he might be one of my favorites now.  And I did think him and Asia would be a cute couple.  I don't think she's attractive either but they worked well together.  Sucks for him if she actually is his match!


    I also realized that they aren't doing any competitions this year.  So these people just literally sit around the house all day long. MTV trying to save money because of their location or what??? 


    On 9/6/2018 at 6:19 PM, RHJunkie said:

    Kenya has a type. And Kenya is also an fucking idiot. How can you come on a show looking for love while proclaiming that your ex is the love of your life and the only reason you aren't together is being of the long distance? You came on a dating show with people who live all across America. You have spent all of your time with a guy who lives in a state that's 2 time zones over from you and about a 4 hour flight one way. If distance was ever a factor for you, then how does your presence on this show make any sense? 

    I believe she said the distances wasn't an issue... it was her ex wasn't very good at communication being that far away and that's what she needed, more communication.  She said if his communication skills got better then she would go back to him in a heartbeat. So distance isn't a problem for her. 

    On 9/20/2018 at 3:39 AM, MVFrostsMyPie said:

    Can we talk about how Asia must be getting mismatched foundation tips from Kenya? It was soooooo noticeable during the match-up ceremony. Her neck and face were two completely different colors, which is an issue that Kenya has. Meanwhile Bria just keeps wearing the same ugly ass romper thing. Also, the three of them are codependent enablers. Assholes. 

    They have nothing to do all day but to be out in the sun so now their makeup likely doesn't match the skin tone they came into the house with. 

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