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Posts posted by gunderda

  1. 1 hour ago, HartofDixie said:

    Didn't anyone hear watch this show?  I wouldn't mind an allstar season rather have that than bring back a couple of vets every season.

    I couldn't get into it at all and I don't think I watched the entire thing.  Trying to remember if that was before I started watching BB feeds or not but I remember being VERY excited about it because you could watch glasshouse feeds for free... but it was only during certain times... so I think maybe that's why I didn't like it... the contestants knew when the live feed was on and it didn't feel very genuine.  


    So let's say Tyler and Angela make it to F2.... are they the first showmance to do that? 

  2. 6 hours ago, mooses said:

    I know JC wants to target Angela if he gets to decide, but would he take out Tyler over Kaycee? Also, the way he talks to them reminds me of the way Paul used to speak to others. I'll never understand how the HGs put up with it.

    Bless his heart that he keeps trying I guess? 3rd times (person) a charm?

    5 hours ago, Nashville said:

    From Joker’s:

    Mon 10:24 PM PT Tyler talks about bars in college towns called the Library. JC said that is a great idea.


    I’ve been to The Library in downtown Albuquerque (on Central SW, not too far from the UNM campus).

    It’s been a good while - but last time I went, there was a strip club directly across Central from it.

    The name of the strip club?  If I recall correctly, it was the Executive Boardroom.  ;>

    We also have a bar across the street from a college in town that is called the library, however no strip club ;)  

    But they apparently make super delicious nachos. 

  3. I saw a post that said 3 hours ago jc and Kaycee were working on a song.  I just turned on the feeds and they are still working on it and singing it.  


    I finally watched the episode today and I am unsure how I have absolutely no idea who bebe rexa? Is. I listen to the radio all day long at work.  How did all the HGs know all her stuff? 

    • Love 2
  4. 19 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

    Since the feeds don't contain any game info we haven't seen:  The only way Rachel and Jordan got to the end was to cut Brendan and Jeff (respectively).  They knew that and the guys new that.  The better one to move forward did.  I would say Tyler is the better one to move forward.

    I don't think Rachel and Jordan had a choice - everyone was targeting Brendon and Jeff and considered them the two strongest out of the couples. 

    19 minutes ago, green said:

    But this BB Finale is 90minutes, not 60.  It runs after the Survivor premiere.  Survivor 8 to 9:30 then BB Finale 9:30 to 11 pm.

    So maybe we will get more questions.  Or more fluff fillers.  More of something anyway.

    Always more fluff fillers. We never get what we want.  There's never more questions... never more interaction with the jury.... just always more fluff fillers.  They've done 90 min for a few years now and the format didn't change AT ALL. so dumb. 

    • Love 4
  5. 3 hours ago, Daltrey said:

    I didn't even remember THAT.....thank god for this board, lol!

    Ditto! Even reading how this all pieces together so far i'm like uhhh what?  I've watched them all and completely forgot about Asylum .

  6. 29 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Well, Bayleigh's secret to telling Rachel led to her eviction. No matter what, that was the moment that changed her game. Before that, she could have outlasted the other members of the Hive. Once she told her secret and expected it to be kept a secret, she was screwed. The Hacker House Meeting was bad, but Haleigh was already a target at that point, she controlled who she told while knowing it was going to be bad, sure, but she thought it was gonna save Bayleigh's game and....who did she think was gonna go? Rockstar was the only one next to Bayleigh at that point!

    So, yes, stupid and definitely really dumb but it ultimately didn't change anything that was going to happen to her. It didn't even move her up as a target. 

    And the hacker house meeting never would have happened if Bayleigh would have kept her secret. 

    • Love 7
  7. 3 minutes ago, HighMaintenance said:

    I think he only called her that once and she snapped back, "Mrs. Chen is my MOTHER!"

    And likely more so because she thinks being called Mrs. Chen makes her sound old - not that she be prefer to be called by her married name. 

    • Love 3
  8. 9 hours ago, mooses said:

    Yes, he was. I think she said, "From outside the Big Brother house with Brent, I'm Julie Chen-Moonves." 

    I doubt Brett noticed after she flubbed his name, and I'd be shocked if anyone got, "He must be a sexual abuser!" from that anyway, though, even if they noticed it.


    6 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

    I can't get over how much Brett's total sadness got to me. Dude  was SO SAD! 

    I turned the show on right at the end when Julie signed off and Brett's face was just stone cold sad. Brett likely didn't notice the name thing, either his or Julie's - he didn't seem to be reacting to anything.  DE's always break my heart!


    3 hours ago, Summerday said:

    OK, how about this, I’ll change my statement to “some introverts…” that way you don’t feel that I’m talking about you and can stop taking my statement so personally. My post was about Angela and her dull as dirt personality not you and your introversion. I’m happy for you that you can do all that you do, but some introverts find what you list in your post to be very difficult, if not impossible, which makes it unlikely that some of them would be able to get through the audition process for a reality show.

    Your post rang true for me as an introvert. I only wish I could force myself to not act like an introvert - I get too much anxiety to fake it till I make it.  

    6 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

    I really can't believe how hard Tyler is pushing to keep jc.


    1 minute ago, RandomWatcher said:

    JC needs to go now and keep Sam. Sure JC can't win squat but Sam has only one what, 1 HoH?

    Because Sam won an endurance comp and Tyler knows part 1 of the last HOH is endurance (if sam were to get that far). 

    And If he knows that sam came close to winning one of these past HOH's.  JC hasn't come close to anything. 

    • Love 6
  9. 12 minutes ago, Nashville said:

    Yeah - but if I recall some of the BY Angela/Tyler conversations correctly, Angela fucking hates her business.  IIRC the business is a joint venture between Angela and her mother - and when the BB call came, they let go of all the staff for the duration.  Mom was supposed to be handling the operation in Angela’s absence; the equivalent of a “closed until further notice” sign has been up on the virtual storefront since Angela went into the House, though.  So in any case, by the time Angela gets out of the House there may not be a business to return to.

    That's all very interesting.  I had checked out her store because I sell something similar and on her intro it looked she had people helping her so couldn't really understand why she would close it down completely.  To me it didn't really seem like she was the mastermind behind the whole thing or she would be featured more of a model and artist - because what she's doing does take some graphic designer skills.  I love selling these things because for my process it's a super quick turnaround with absolutely no overhead on my end where it looked like their process required way more work for the end product. 

    I'm usually all for a cute and fun showmance but I just can not get into Tyler and Angela. 

    • Love 3
  10. Now they are going to pull off JC because they think he will vote out Sam which will put a target onto JC if Sam wins HOH.

    1 minute ago, ByaNose said:

    I think they have been so bored the past few weeks that they are dying to this. I'm not exactly sure if it's a good idea or not but if it makes them happy...............LOL!!!! The DE is really a crap shoot. Not an actual Crap Shoot HOH but an a crap shoot depending on who actually wins the HOH. I'm looking forward to it. At least, it will mix it up a little.

    I kinda hope Brett wins veto to spoil their plans. 


    Angela says you can't talk game with Sam because she starts to resist the more you talk to her about it. 

    • Love 3
  11. Angela just asks "who should we take off, JC or Sam?"

    tyler hems and haws.... 

    Angela says "maybe sam.. just to see JC squirm"

    Angela and Kaycee agree, yes, take off Sam, let JC stay on the block and squirm (alongside with Brett)

    Tyler says he already knows what he's going to say if he wins HOH.

    They will tell Sam that they never wanted her on the block.

    They are SO SURE their plan to get Brett will work - 5 against 1 for the veto (JC and Sam will save themselves, Tyler/Angela/Kaycee will save Sam)

    • Love 1
  12. 34 minutes ago, MissBluxom said:

    Allow me to adjust  your post?

    UGHHHHH freaking racist idiot. 

    I may be mistaken. But I feel definite racist overtones to JC's attitude. I realize it makes little sense to think he is a racist since he is not exactly mainstream Caucasian English speaking himself.

    But there is no exclusive domain to racism. Often the most racist people of all are not mainstream Caucasian English or White Anglo-Saxon Protestant WASPs (remember them).

    I've heard it expressed several times that people who look like KC are stupid and in this case it is patently absurd. KC has demonstrated herself to be one of the most intelligent and most capable competitors. Look at that Veto time of 2 minutes. She smoked that comp by using her brain and thinking of a most superior strategy.

    IMO, she is immensely more clever than JC.  I think JC is   .......   *self-censored*

    But JC calls all of them stupid. 

    • Love 4
  13. 2 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

    JC told Tyler that if he's wins he's putting up Angela & Sam- because Kaycee is stupid and he believes he can convince her not to pull Angela off the block if she wins Veto. LOL. 

    UGHHHHH freaking idiot. 

    I actually want this to happen now. Or I need JC to not go tonight so he gets GBM's that say "hey idiot.. the 3 of us have been working together since day 1 and you were not running the show, we were"

    Now Brett and JC are kinda studying

    • Love 3
  14. I wonder who Tyler prefers to stay over JC and Sam. 

    sam says the last time she tried to study real hard it wasn't important so she's just going to let her brain do it's thing naturally. (something like that)

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