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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. #KidVicious is a better villain to the Olicity fandom than he has been on the show.
  2. He goes at them on twitter so hard, and then complains about the meanies. Poor #KidVicious :*(
  3. Yeah, and having a baby on set also presents production hurdles that they may not want to deal with. It's impossible to say what the EPs have planned for a storyline like that, but I imagine they probably wouldn't want to have it live mostly offscreen like JJ fka Baby Sara since both of its parents are regulars on the show.
  4. I'm probably in the minority, but I don't really care about seeing Felicity building a company for the company's sake if it doesn't tie into the larger plot. Just like I wouldn't really care about Oliver sitting around being mayor just to give him something to do, because that's boring. I would like to see something like an investor being interested in her company who isn't what she/he seems (not necessarily a villain, just someone duplicitous for personal gain or whatever) that she susses out rather early, and has to figure out how to defeat on her own. Or a villain interested in her tech (but done in a less cheesy way and for a longer period of time than Brie Larvan), or her developing tech for a specific need within the team - I like the implant, but I don't think that's a very interesting long-term story, because there are limited ways to make that tie into a larger storyline (and because they kinda already tried that once with Brie Larvan). I'd like to see her succeeding (with some stumbles), rather than the nonsense they did with Palmer Tech where she wasn't fully committed because of stuff going on beyond her control, and because the CFO had it out for her. I'm not super picky, but I'd like for them to do something they haven't done yet - and I'd rather them not do it at all if it's going to be a half-assed mess.
  5. No, he talked to both fans yesterday. Unless he got a call from Beth in the middle of the con, I don't think anything changed between him telling the person it was happening and telling the other person that it hadn't been greenlit yet.
  6. Probably not - he confirmed the baby storyline to someone at the same con yesterday.
  7. Saw this when I clicked on a tweet that @KenyaJ posted in the Social Media thread - wonder why he was going around telling people it was happening if it hasn't been approved and they haven't been able to get it approved for a while (just did a screen cap of the last two tweets since she attached a pic I'm not sure she'd want circulated outside her Twitter):
  8. Didn’t he say he wasn’t going to think about this again? Do us all a favor and turn off your notifications and stoppppppp replying please.
  9. I didn't see anyone accusing him of being intentionally insensitive, just of making an ill-advised joke that could be interpreted in ways other than he likely meant it. Like someone upthread wrote, the first offense is rarely ultimately the issue, it's his asshole tendency to make it 10 times worse with his never-ending double downs that are the problem.
  10. I think what makes things a little worse here is that it seems like maybe this person has been posting nasty things about his wife and his life for a while now, and none of those comments ever warranted a response from him (that I know of - I assume it would've been circulated and he would've blocked them if so?). Those things didn't tip him over the edge, but some bland criticism about cultural/religious sensitivity did. And he doesn't say his response was specifically for this person for their past behavior, but that anyone who can't take a joke (or always identify a joke) is an idiot. I don't think it's inherently wrong for him to get a little prickly over criticism when he knew his intent, but it wasn't just nasty fandom members who hang out in his comment sections who had negative reactions when he posted that picture - there were lots of Turkish people as well.
  11. And if she hasn't reached out to schedule a visit or has expressed that she'd just rather not know what's coming up, it makes sense that they'd say they met with everyone instead of singling her out.
  12. I only ever look on his Facebook when he does something stupid, but I'm going to assume he probably notices patterns from certain posters. But if you're sick of someone's shitty commentary about your family and life, by all means go off on them (or block them, which would be the better option IMO) - but maybe do it on a post where they're actually doing those things that you're accusing them of instead of on a generally polite comment about why something you posted could be offensive. If you do the former, you look justified, and lots of people will be on your side! If you do the latter and then double down on it, you just look like an asshole.
  13. I'm not sure, depends on what kind of comments he gets on the video. Whenever he gets called out about something I think his natural reaction is to dig in more - I don't think he can stop himself.
  14. I truly cannot wait until this one comes back to bite him. LOL
  15. Really? Bummer it wound up getting him killed LOL.
  16. Laurel was waiting for Sara in the hospital and told Sara that she thought Sara should be there, so if it's not outright stated anywhere else (I can't remember if it is), then it's implied Laurel got in touch with her somehow, probably because Quentin told her how to do it because he was absolutely nutbars when it came to OtherLaurel. I'm pretty sure it was mentioned in the 5.5 tie-in novel.
  17. I wonder if Sara knew about the creepy family slideshow he set up for OtherLaurel, or that he handcuffed her to his car so he could kidnap her away to a remote cabin? Maybe she wouldn't have been so encouraging if she did, LOL.
  18. It's only interesting to me if there isn't a single soul on this show who pretends or hopes that this Laurel can be just like the other one. It's gross, and all they seem to be able to do with it is turn somewhat rational people completely nutbars to make it happen. Ditch that, please. Please.
  19. He’s standing in front of the Blue Mosque, not the Hagia Sophia. He even mentioned it in the post where he doubled down on calling that poster an idiot.
  20. I don't think the number of "great" moments indicates a bias so much as including what is the least heroic moment of Siren's halfassed ~redemption arc, when she sonic blasts the villain right off the roof, allowing him to get away right as Oliver had him, completely blowing Oliver's deal with the FBI and leaving Diaz's stupid ass in the wind. Nothing great about that showcase of absolute idiocy and only a blind Stan would be able to think of it like that, LOL.
  21. If I got hired on as a regular, the only show I’d bother watching is the one I got hired to be on unless I was genuinely interested in the others.
  22. Oooh, yay! I follow Mike Schur, and it was good to see him and a few others willing to give up their spots and him promising to do better regarding finding out if the panel has equal representation before committing to it when he got called out. I'm glad Liz Hannah got something else going.
  23. I just can't imagine why that particular comment set him off to the point where he took a picture with his wife and posted it in response just to further make fun of the OP. I would've loved to have been a fly on the wall when he and his wife had the conversation that led to that decision.
  24. The first response is someone replying to the pic of him and his wife, explaining why his ~joke might be offensive to people. The last two replies are Stephen signed in under his wife's account calling that person an idiot.
  25. Is he going back on The Flash? The TV Line article made it seem like he was just going to be in the premiere. How weird that they'd have Wally talk about finding a place where he fit in with the Legends, just to have him decide not to go back. Unless West-Allen time shenanigans make him disappear for awhile or something.
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