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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. He's also one of Stephen's IRL friends. I wonder if he has any more actor buddies who are gonna show up in jail with him, LOL.
  2. Barry could slather himself in poo and spend the whole hour running around Central City in circles and that would be better treatment than Arrow got, LOL.
  3. He’s probably gonna ask whatever pre-approved questions the CW gives him.
  4. I mean, if Juliana wants to believe that for herself, then...fine, I guess? But apart from the points made above, I hate the thought that some impressionable person who admires her would read that and not seek medical attention for something that's causing her pain because she believes she should be able to think it away. It's irresponsible.
  5. I don't think they're a non-profit, I just think that if Shethority is the one collecting the money from Represent (and it seems as if they are, otherwise I'm not sure how they're keeping a portion of the proceeds), they should be upfront about what they're keeping and what's being passed on to the charities, otherwise it makes it seem like they're being vague because they're pocketing some of it. Previously they said that the proceeds were being split between charity and keeping Shethority running, so if they were making and keeping a profit, they were being dishonest. On the "about" page of their new site they do only state that "a portion of the proceeds" of merch sales are going to GirlForward, and don't say what the rest is going to. I'd still like to see them be transparent about how much money they're actually donating, but at least now the wording is vague enough that if the people behind the site are pocketing some of the proceeds, they aren't being dishonest about it. I think the new website is not the best design, but it is easy to navigate, and I like that. I also like that they're having the women involved write some of their own articles, but they need to be edited for content. I've only read Juliana's so far, and stuff like this is dangerous:
  6. If they aren't going to all disappear to death or parts unknown - which would be my preference - then I guess the next best thing would be for everyone to pretend last season didn't happen.
  7. No one said anyone is forcing people to donate to Shethority - of course people do it of their own free will, and if they don't care about how much of their money is actually making it to the cause they're supporting, then good for them. I don't think there's anything wrong with questioning it. And there's a big difference between donating to a celebrity's pet project movie/other revenue-generating project where they're up front about it being a moneymaker that you're contributing to in exchange for perks vs. donating to a group who says they're keeping some of your money for operating costs and donating the rest to charity. I'm not sure why they wouldn't want to disclose how much money they're donating to these causes - being transparent is in Shethority's own long-term best interest.
  8. They're not a registered charity, so I don't think so? Not 100% sure though.
  9. I don't think there's anything at all wrong with asking for money! From what I can tell they've always said they just keep enough to run Shethority, but they've never given any kind of actual accounting for the money they're given. What they need to be doing is stating how much each campaign raised, how much they're keeping to pay Shethority bills, and how much went to the foundation they were raising money for. Like, one of the Shethority Represent pages has this: How much exactly does it cost to build Shethority into a positive and inspirational space for women? And what exactly does that involve? I want to know where my money is going - at this point I'd rather give directly to the charities they're promoting.
  10. I wouldn't be surprised if he had general commentary from Beth about the show and built his ~questions around what she said.
  11. Yeah - also because if they wanted original Laurel back, they could've just done that and saved everyone some time (and would've done that, because they're lazy writers).
  12. Why not? The show never made Laurel's being a lawyer and Black Canary any kind of an issue at any point since she was unmasked.
  13. Is anyone going to wonder why Laurel isn't practicing law anymore? Or is OtherLaurel going to take correspondence law courses online using Quentin's ancient laptop while she squats at his apartment? Regarding the other stuff, if the newbies aren't dead or leaving town, do not care. I'm also glad to hear that things are going to be terrible for Oliver. How very new and exciting!
  14. Gotta make Daddy proud - he didn't stage a creepy slideshow of his own daughter's life, handcuff her to a car and kidnap her to a remote cabin for nothing!
  15. It's also possible that those sides were fake.
  16. I’m not sure why people ran with that E-2 Tommy thing from that leak video. He joked that the theory was for a clickbait video.
  17. The Good Place is my fave show to zoom in on details with. The one that made me laugh the hardest was back in the first season when Tahani had a copy of her diary for whatever reason (I can't remember now) and on the cover it said that the foreword was written by Malala Yousafzai and Kylie Minogue. I wish Arrow was better about this, but they'd probably be comics references that I wouldn't get anyway, LOL.
  18. I think the date is irrelevant and Marc doesn’t care because he gets a kick out of people trying to assign meaning to something that is meaningless.
  19. I think so too - just saying that if they wanted to they would absolutely announce a final season before the episodes start airing.
  20. Sure they would - the CW did that for a couple of shows this year (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and iZombie IIRC).
  21. Yeah, the way he worded it made it sound like people in his life had either worked to make this happen for him, were sacrificing to make this happen for him, or a mixture of both. So it seemed like something personal (whether it's him branching off for another business venture, picking up a project over winter hiatus that the EPs were arranging his shooting schedule around or something like that, or some other kind of personal project). It didn't strike me as being show related at all, and if it was I would've thought the official accounts would've been hyping it up, but Chico is awful at her job, so.
  22. The way Stephen worded the tweet made it seem like something personal, not show related, and that video kinda makes it seem like they're going off of social media. If it is actual show news, as per usual there's been absolutely no build up to it from official channels whatsoever.
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