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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. This doesn't bother me so much, since nothing good will come from Roy knowing that he did something terrible when he was out of his mind on mirakuru. I think the whole team was right to keep it from him.
  2. It's a hallucination. He's remembering killing the cop, but is applying it to Sara's memory, since he knows someone murdered Sara, but he doesn't know he actually did kill a police officer - that's why he was throwing the arrows instead of shooting them.
  3. But if he stole money electronically, we wouldn't have masked Diggle taking people out, and TMNT Roy shooting arrows through grenade launchers. I'll happily sit through ridiculous plots to watch that.
  4. Because it's red and he's got eyeblack under it. It makes him look like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.
  5. Even though Oliver has asshat tendencies and may deserve some of what he has coming, god. The thought of Thea playing him makes me so sad for him. I just want him to be happy. For longer than 20 minutes.
  6. Yeah, I think it's a little strange that she went to her office to be alone. Just sit in your car or go for a drive and blast late-eighties hair band ballads. Not that I do that or anything, you know...just a suggestion.
  7. And Roy was able to shoot an arrow right through it. God, this show is so entertainingly ridiculous. I don't even need some things to be realistic if they entertain me like this.
  8. She has a big, beautiful brain that he intends to utilize for reasons that may or may not be nefarious. But I do wish he'd stop conveniently being around for her emotional moments, because honey, that never looks good in front of your boss, even if he is a potential baddie and definite creep/stalker.
  9. I loved that they showed her struggling to do sit-ups in that montage of all the ass-kicking (and attempted ass-kicking), and who stopped the bad guy? FELICITY. SHE STOPPED HIM. Precious baby girl, ugh I love her.
  10. I also want to say that even though I was worried that Laurel was going to be Mary Sued into the Black Canary role with a quickness, I do appreciate that she's not that great of a fighter yet (I know, it's only been like a week, but I thought she'd be a boxing savant or something), and they do still have her making terrible decisions, like sending in the riot squad. I'm also glad that Diggle FINALLY COVERED HIS FACE. I know it's probably because they were dealing with armored cars and whatnot, but thank you for showing some sense finally.
  11. I love that Laurel said she couldn't tell anyone about Sara's death right as she's, you know, telling someone about Sara's death, haha. AND NOW THE ONLY PERSON WHO DOESN'T KNOW IS HER FATHER, AND I'M ANGRY, OKAY. Also, choosing the black? Hit me right over the head with it, show. They're obviously setting up Roy to be the next false target, and I guess this is how the mirakuru issues get introduced? Can I just say that I loved Oliver in this ep? He was his typical demanding, kind of assy self, with real moments of heartfelt sincerity. That's when I like him best. I thought he was going to wind up moving in with Thea. That's a nice place, too. They need curtains though, Oliver should know that nothing good ever happens when he's hanging out in front of windows without curtains. I wanted to give Ray a fair shot, but I'm over him. He's creepy, lacks boundaries, and is not cute at all. Mama Smoak better rid herself of that watch - there's probably a tracker in it. Felicity. FELICITY. God, the writers really did right by her and I'm so happy. I'm so happy she saved herself, and I loved her relationship with her mom. Mama Smoak wasn't at all like I expected, and I mean that in the best possible way. Charlotte Ross was adorable.
  13. More like this, more like this. This is the show I love, this is what I want more of. At least...more of the first 55 minutes. The last five minutes, and especially the last ONE can go to hell.
  14. See, I wouldn't question it. If my boss of 4 weeks wanted me to go away on a business trip, I'd ask him when we were leaving. And if I thought I had to find out what sleeping arrangements were or who else was coming along before we left, I'd find another job.
  15. But why would she question if he had other motives anyway? He's her boss! If he wants her to go on a work trip, she's gonna go on a work trip. I think there's a difference between being naive and seeing the good in people. Felicity sees the good in people. And yeah, the board would be stupid to give Oliver control of the company. Doesn't mean he didn't have a shot at getting it back.
  16. Felicity thinking that she could convince Moira to tell Thea about Malcolm was naive, but that doesn't make Felicity a naive person. and Oliver did have a shot at becoming CEO of QC - there were no other bidders until Ray showed up.
  17. Or maybe EBR knows Felicity wants it to be a date, too. Ray already has creepy tendencies, we don't need to make him any creepier, haha.
  18. She said that their date was concealed in a work trip. So, I guess Ray takes her to another city or something, and they go to dinner together or he asks her to attend a function as his date. It's their way of going on a date without risking anything, since it's "for work."
  19. The work trip's really not that surprising. It's a pretty common trope for office romances, or maybe I've just been reading, like...way too much fanfic. Hopefully they're not forced to share a room/bed because the hotel messed up their reservations!
  20. I mean, I don't dislike the guy really, but after reading spoiler after spoiler all summer, it's just that the reality isn't meshing with the idea of Ray that I had in my head, so I'm having difficulty getting into it. I'm not writing them off, maybe by the time it gets more flirty I'll be more receptive. I just really don't want Felicity to get all super sad and angsty to the point where she needs someone like Ray to keep things light. She's never had a problem with that, even when things were looking down. I get that upbeat people can't be upbeat all the time, but I don't want her to change in that respect, so I'm worried about it.
  21. I wonder if this has to do with Felicity's sadness: Does she find out he's maybe a lying liar who lies? And that he's not all puppies and rainbows and is up to something that may or may not be bad? I guess Ray is supposed to be Felicity's Felicity? Uh...okay, I'll hang in there.
  22. Given the speculation that Oliver's gone for a bit, and the fact that it seems like SA has a little break in shooting, it might have something to do with Oliver in the sense that the leader of her team is gone and she's hopeless/upset about it, rather than something romantic. Or maybe she's been having a bad week and her fave computer had a blue screen of death.
  23. TV Guide Magazine: Can we talk about how much fun Felicity and Brandon Routh's CEO Ray Palmer are together? Rickards: Brandon is charming as hell! Their chemistry and compatibility is so different [from Felicity and Oliver's] and it's supercool. I think everyone in the writers' room is excited about it, too. They see it and they know it's good and that viewers are going to be mad at how much they like it! Not selling me on it so far, sis.
  24. Well, the article reads that the interviewer sat down with her this week, so I'm not sure about that...
  25. Did anyone catch this from EBR's TV Line interview? NOOOOOOOOOOO, I just want you to be happy, stop.
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