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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. They love it, they hate it, she's the worst, she's the best, she needs to die, they're glad Sara died, etc.
  2. I wonder if it's because people are fighting with each other in the comments? "I hate her, she's awful!" "Anyone who didn't see this coming is an idiot!" "Laurel is the true Black Canary!" "Read the comics, you morons!" Just ugly, never ending back and forth.
  3. The company card, under G. Arrowsovich, billed to 123 1/2 Verdant Row, The Glades. No! She can't tell them, because it's Christmas. Then there's New Years, President's Day, Valentine's Day, The Ides of March, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, Administrative Professional's Day, Cinco de Mayo, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Hammock Day, National S'mores Day...there's just no good time to tell them.
  4. Does she really? Here's hoping that this idiotic keeping Quentin in the dark storyline has an ending in sight.
  5. They probably just went to vigilantestyle.com. Didn't Oliver buy Helena's suit on the internet?
  6. I actually don't mind the first pic that much, but the one KC just tweeted actually made me laugh, haha.
  7. Laurel's gonna suit up, I bet. It's logical, since he seems to think the audience's problem with her is because she hasn't.
  8. It could, but I really hope it doesn't. He was legit dead, DEAD dead. People saw him die, people saw his body, he had a real funeral, he is in the ground. There can't be some trickery involved like with his father, because Tommy wasn't trained by the LoA, and doesn't know how to "appear" dead or whatever in the hell. He'd have to be Pit-ed, and I'm not such a fan of that being introduced. I need death to stick if I'm going to be moved by it when it happens.
  9. Yeah, it wouldn't be so bad if they could maintain a good duality where something is important now and something else in the ep is important later, so there's a satisfying ending to one thing while leaving another open for later. They're trying, but not succeeding very well.
  10. I think because "Hello, Sara," and "What are you doing here?" are generic enough conversation pieces that it's believable he's imagining something to the T that he wasn't actually present for. How he'd know about the voice modulator, I don't know - it was probably just to give the audience an "OH SHIT" moment. Or maybe he did really kill her but shot arrows instead of throwing them and he's amalgamating killing the cop and killing Sara into one memory.
  11. It seems like he wants to believe they're just nightmares and he needs someone to tell him that they are just nightmares. Felicity didn't do such a good job, haha, so I think that's when he starts to believe it. Could be wrong though. Also, this whole throwing of arrows thing as a misdirect is so stupid since you can clearly hear the nocking of the arrow and the pull of the string before the arrows go flying right before Sara dies. There's going to have to be another one at least, because she needs to tell either Diggle or Oliver or both that Roy might be remembering killing that cop.
  12. Yeah, and Oliver's going to use the method he learned in Hong Kong to draw them out. Poor Roy. He's such an adorable little simpleton, and when he finally bares his heart Felicity just walks away, lol.
  13. I don't let myself get too worked up over MG's interviews, because things don't usually play out on screen the way he makes it seem like they will, IMO. He's been going on about that one step forward, two steps back relationship crap between O/F since mid-season 2, and it hasn't played out that way. I think that's the way Oliver's been approaching this relationship anyway. He realizes he loves Felicity, it takes him a while to do anything about it. He wants to be with her, it takes him a while to do anything about it. He realizes he doesn't want to lose her to Ray, it takes him a while to figure out what to do about it. To me it's more about stops and starts than moving forward and then back. I am somewhat comforted that he seems to realize that a costume and desire does not a superhero make, but I'm probably in the minority in that I'd rather not sit around and watch Laurel do one dumbass thing after another (like we are right now), when it takes her making the same mistake over and over to finally learn from it. I think I'd rather watch her just be BC than watch her stumble along the path to getting there. Although, be careful what you wish for and all that. So, either Tommy or Sara's going to be alive, right? Probably Tommy, since he's the one with the penis. I would, however, love if the payoff to this stupid not telling Lance thing is that right as Laurel goes to do it Sara shows up at Lance's door, haha. I would suspend every level of belief I have for that one.
  14. Agreed. The only way it's a bait-and-switch is if the scenes they're teasing aren't actually in the episode.
  15. She's blankly staring off into the distance, so it's probably a super meaningful moment.
  16. She never explicitly said it, she's just been going outside the law all season. Not going to the cops with Sara's murder, attacking that woman's abuser, etc.
  17. The law is bad now, remember? Not bad enough for her to find another job though, but still...super bad.
  18. Laurel going on a killing spree would actually pique my interest. This cardboard cutout? Not so much, haha.
  19. Sadly I don't care enough about Ted Grant to care whether he's guilty of anything or not.
  20. Haha, that would open up a few doors of interesting possibilities. Felicity said she wasn't interested in buying a fake ID, so I think we're supposed to assume it was for her.
  21. Where exactly did I blame comics fans? I mentioned that there is a fanboy contingent that the EPs would want to please; I never wrote that the EPs were following down the Laurel as BC path because of them, merely that it would be a consideration because of who Laurel is in the comics. Just because you don't know of any comics fans who prefer Laurel to Sara doesn't mean they don't exist.
  22. They know people don't like her - I think they're hedging their bets hoping they can make people like her. I can see there being some level of artistic arrogance regarding the fact that the audience isn't warming up to a character that they want it to warm up to and a certain level of pigheadedness as far as wanting it to (and trying to make it) like her is concerned. It's not like the show's ratings are suffering from it, and there is a fanboy contingent that they're trying to please. Plus, we already know the EPs have that "we're not giving them the story they want, we're giving them the story they NEED" mentality, so I doubt they care if it's a popular storyline as long as they want to tell it, because it's what we NEEEEED (ugh). I just personally think that the assertion that she's got something in her contract that dictates the storyline is ludicrous.
  23. That makes sense. I hadn't seen the NZ promo, but those gifs do look like they're from the same scene.
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