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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I actually don't think Oliver and Felicity have been very angsty at all. There have been a few moments, but they've operated mostly the same as they always have, even though there is a certain lightness that's been missing. I noticed it especially in 2-4, but they've been relatively fine since. In fact, everything that could've been angsty really hasn't been. Oliver could've lost his shit and made a big deal about seeing Felicity kiss Ray, but he didn't. Felicity could be pining away for him but she's not. Oliver could hide how he feels about Felicity because he's hurt because he thinks she's with Ray, but he isn't. He's being straightforward with his feelings, even though he still appears to be being pigheaded about being with her, but I don't think that's out of character, and I certainly expected it. And I actually believe that whatever it is that upsets her in 12 that MG thinks will make us be angry will not be that bad and will actually make sense. Honestly, out of every issue I have with this show, how they're handling Oliver and Felicity really isn't one of them. I don't think Ray and Felicity's scenes are particularly light or comical, though, even though that's how they're always sold. One of the things I like most about Felicity in her scenes with other people is that she brings out a different side of them usually, because she's mostly around angsty, no-nonsense types. Felicity and Ray don't bring anything out of each other that I wouldn't see with anyone else, I don't think. Apart from the fact that Felicity seems to be crying half the time she's around Ray and I'm not at all interested that. I'd like their scenes more if I a) ever got to see Ray talk to someone that wasn't Felicity, and b) I wasn't worried that the creep factor might start setting in at any moment.
  2. I think you might be right about Oliver letting them know he's alive and not coming back right away. And regarding the baton, it's probably easier to use without training.
  3. She wouldn't have to demonstrate character awareness. Someone could've showed her to walk like that, so she did. I'm not saying Laurel doesn't think she's badass, she just looks awkward and inexperienced, which she is.
  4. She has a masters though, not just an undergrad degree.
  5. Yeah, I think that's supposed to be her looking awkward and inexperienced.
  6. I didn't really mean that it was awful in terms of Laurel (even though it is). I just think it's a little tone deaf, generally speaking.
  7. I don't think she gets upset and leaves the team, I think she might get upset with something she deems reckless decisionmaking on Oliver's part (because he's teaming with Malcolm or considering something dangerous with Ra's). I don't think she'd quit the team, because she'd want to make sure Oliver and team don't get themselves killed, but I do think she'd try to distance herself from him romantically in order to guard her heart now that she knows what it feels like to lose him.
  8. Pretty sure I'd have to stop watching if something like that ever happened because Felicity jumping to conclusions without knowing the whole story is so unlike her. Especially when there's a paper trail to follow that would lead her in a different direction entirely. How would she find out the kid is his? No way is the Queen name anywhere near him. Not on his BC, not his middle name. Moira was smart - that would've had to have been a condition. If she comes across some kind of document about it (I have no idea what that could be), then she'd have to go digging deeper and surely she'd find out this woman had at least one deposit from the Bank of Moira Queen, and Felicity already knows first hand that Moira was a shady bitch, so surely she'd question Oliver about it before she straight-up blamed him. The only way she gets angry at him after she randomly finds this out on her own is if it comes out that he did know about the kid and had willingly not been a part of his life. But there are two problems with this: 1. Felicity knows him well enough to know he's in no way, shape or form in the position to be a father, so while she might push him to have contact with the kid because she herself was left, the circumstances as she knows them are completely different, especially since if I'm remembering the timeline correctly, he would've left on the gambit before the kid was even born - so he would've never even known Oliver, and Oliver wouldn't have had the chance to know him (assuming they stick to canon and Connor is a boy, if it even is Connor). 2. I always thought/hoped that Oliver knew about the kid so finding out about him wouldn't be some life-altering surprise, but after The Flash, I really get the sense that he doesn't know that child exists. If he did, in light of that scene, he looks like a complete shitbag for not even asking how the kid's doing. I know they could retcon that into him calling and asking about him after he and Felicity left Jitters or something to that effect, but...I don't know. He didn't even look back after he walked out of the door. Either way, I don't think she'd have an immediate, terrible reaction to it without actually getting to the bottom of it first. Then she could get angry about it, but even then I don't think it would be a lasting anger after she looked at the circumstances surrounding the kid's birth and Oliver's state of mind after he came back. And didn't the EPs say that Oliver's kid wouldn't be addressed this season anyway?
  9. There's not an issue with her being wrong generally speaking, just the worry that she'll be shown as being in the wrong when she's opposing something that is genuinely mind boggling/stupid, like accepting Malcolm's help. Depends on how it plays out.
  10. When in doubt, fic it out. It would work for me too, and I wouldn't be angry about it. Not one single bit.
  11. It won't be Laurel. Or...at least not for that reason, since Felicity would've already been working with her as a "member" of the team in Oliver's absence.
  12. So, if it's a disagreement because he did some kind of dumb shit that Felicity is 100% done with or she asks him not to do, I'm guessing maybe (if it's not part of a bad dream, which I guess it probably isn't) the angry making thing will be Felicity telling Oliver she loves him, so please don't do whatever and he says, I love you, but whatever and she tells him she doesn't want to be a woman he loves? And then flounces his ass?
  13. Of course he would, he's an idiot. Also, I bet this is how she's going to tell him how she feels about him. "I love you, you're a freaking idiot and I can't watch you be an idiot and die again because my precious heart can't take it, bye." ETA: Or worse, an "I love you, please don't do this," and he does it anyway.
  14. First part? I agree. Second? I will cackle if whatever happens happens and we're all, "YES, FELICITY. YES!"
  15. It's either Ra's (because Oliver had to promise him something) or Malcolm (because Oliver agreed to do...something). OR ROY BECAUSE 'AWKWARD EYE MOVEMENTS'
  16. Guys, just because MG thinks we'll be angry at him for a long period of time doesn't mean that Felicity's going to do something nasty and nonsensical or that it'll even be that bad. And if it is "bad," maybe it will make sense and be in character, so it won't be all that upsetting? I mean, this is the guy who probably uses "epic" to describe a roll of toilet paper. He anticipates audience reaction incorrectly all the time. He thought Felicity was OOC for asking Oliver to kill Ra's. Did that actually surprise anyone?
  17. This dude must have bones of steel. (Oliver not MG)
  18. I bet she's going to find out that he didn't let them know he was alive right away or something to that effect (for some dumbass Oliver-esque reason), and she'd rightfully be angry about that. Doesn't mean she's not going to be happy to see him and grateful he's alive before that happens though.
  19. He looks like he just got finished playing John Denver covers on the main stage at the county fair.
  20. Also, I just watched the promo for 3x11 and can I just say, and this is not at all Laurel related, but "justice is the new black" is an awful tagline for so many, many reasons. I hope it's just limited to that one trailer.
  21. They were human-sized drones, but they did have wings. If they do have her come after Felicity on the show, I wonder how they'd explain that since the revelation that she was after Felicity came in the Flash comics, and the audience's first introduction to her would come on the Flash show. It'll be exposition city. Messy.
  22. Even though it's not an "official crossover," I wonder if (if that IS Felicity's nemesis, which it could be since she's using robots) Felicity will get injured in Central City because of said nemesis, or if the nemesis will follow her back to Starling City and hurt her there (isn't the Arrow following it the one where her mom has almost all her scenes in a hospital?). Since the nemesis specifically went after Felicity at PI in SC, I don't think she'd be doing whatever she was doing in Central City to get at Felicity. And I wonder if she's after Felicity because of something she's working on at PI? They never did explain why that woman wanted Felicity dead. TYPICAL
  23. Oh, I don't doubt there was good reason, but he needs to not tweet things like that. I'm sure his intentions were good, but this doesn't help the perception that there's "pandering" going on.
  24. Seriously, yikes. I have not purchased/will not purchase that book.
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