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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. If I had to bet actual money, I'd say it's not going to be anywhere near as soapy as it sounds and it probably won't even seem like that difficult a decision. These guys always overhype to the moon.
  2. Yeah, Felicity and Ray are in 1x18, and Mama Smoak is in 3x18.
  3. It's gonna be 42 minutes of laugh tracks and sad trombones.
  4. Oliver had him following Thea right around the time Moira died, but IDK...that still doesn't warrant an invite to a wedding. I hope she knows, but maybe she's there as someone's date. SIGN ME UP. I don't care, maybe this makes me a terrible fan but I love typical romantic beats/cliches.
  5. Yeah, Thea actually spoke in Felicity's general direction in 3x08, when Felicity, Roy and Cisco went up to Verdant for a drink. We're overlooking one thing about Thea being at John Diggle's wedding - why? They barely know each other at this point. She must know about Oliver now - is she kind of maybe on the team?
  6. It's interesting to me that she's wearing that color at a wedding when the other ladies seem to be in pastels.
  7. LORD, GIVE ME STRENGTH Looking super hot despite the comically large flower on his lapel (maybe it has a hidden camera/microphone)
  8. Well, I wasn't sure if they were filming or if they were at a wedding on their personal time. But that question's been answered, so never mind!
  9. They better at least get to the reception, because I need an angsty, full of longing Oliver/Felicity dance.
  10. So, Diggle and Lyla get married in 3x17 - is the party gonna get broken up by pressing Suicide Squad business? INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW
  11. Yeah, I thought it was pretty bad in the promo but it's worse in long form, bless her.
  12. Are they at a wedding in that picture? That wouldn't be Digg/Lyla's, would it? Because why would Thea be there? Unless she knows about Oliver...but still. She barely knows Diggle. Unless...IDK, this makes my brain hurt. ETA: Nevermind, one out of many questions answered
  13. It's mostly Laurel swinging around a bo staff awkwardly - Roy doesn't jump in until the end. Sadly there are no AWKWARD EYE MOVEMENTS. Did she have a voice modulator on or...was that her Arrow voice?
  14. I was making a joke, but you're right. She'd go to Iron Heights.
  15. I think that's well within the realm of possibility. Especially if they're still testing the waters of spinning him off.
  16. The funny thing is that he's not on the wrong side, really. They do need someone in the DA's office-that set up worked pretty damn well for them over the summer, it seems. Can she do both? Magically, the answer is probably yes. Until someone picks up her prints at a crime scene and she's sent to the white-collar version of Iron Heights.
  17. Her identity outside of the lair and being Oliver's crush object is tinkering with Ray's suit in his office at PI and being HIS crush object.
  18. So, an interview is going to come out soon that makes this all seem not so bad, isn't that how it usually goes? Mass freakout and cynicism, then we gradually get pulled back from the ledge, haha.
  19. Well, we don't know that he is teaming up with Merlyn, so I'll withhold any judgment on that until I see how it plays out. I still think it could be Waller. Maybe I'm wrong and he doesn't refuse her, but he has twice now already. That well's been dry, so I don't see why they wouldn't go to it again. And it makes her considering anything with Ray more palatable to me than if he wants to be with her when he comes back and she tells him no.
  20. Well, Slade's gonna be coming after Felicity (if he doesn't, I question his villain status), so we'll have that too.
  21. I think him being humbled has more to do with his Arrow persona than Oliver, so I don't think that necessarily has anything to do with his personal life. He was way overconfident going into that fight, and I think he was taken down a few pegs and finally realizes that he needs bigger guns to deal with Ra's (thus his making a deal with the devil). I think he absolutely will refuse Felicity again when he comes back.
  22. Yeah, it think it's just him overselling it, like he mentioned about Barry being in love with her as well in one of his other interviews. I don't think we're meant to believe there's much in the way of feelings there yet on Ray or Felicity's part now, but that'll be part of their story later. And I don't think her considering Ray belittles anything she has with Oliver considering Oliver has been jerking her around for the first half of the season (and depending on how you feel about it, the end of last season, too). I don't think the depth of feelings she has for Oliver will ever be what she may or may not have for Ray, but I wouldn't blame her for considering it since Ray's fairly open and so far Oliver's told her he loves her, what, four times, has told her he can't be with her twice, and who knows what he'll do when he comes back? Ray's safe, that's all it is. DEEP BREATHS
  23. I think it might be Waller. Or Malcolm. I don't think it's Ra's since MG said Ra's was going to make Oliver long for the days of Slade. Unless he agrees to work with Ra's to put a stop to something. And yeah...The love triangle. The only thing it gives me some hope about is if Felicity's trying to figure out whether she should be with Oliver or Ray, does that mean Oliver takes his head out of his ass and starts working for it finally?
  24. It looks like 3x17 is Suicidal Tendencies, not 3x18. MG just posted the front page of the script.
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