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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Malcolm's been married before. Not him, unfortunately.
  2. How does a wedding between a brainwashed Oliver and a lesbian Nyssa keep Oliver and Felicity apart? They were going to be apart anyway. Once this LoA storyline is over, that sham marriage will be too, if it comes to pass. Makes no difference to me if he's brainwashed and single or brainwashed and in a sham marriage. There's no way he and Nyssa decide to try to make a go of it after he leaves the League to prolong the angst.
  3. MNow that I look at it it seems like light is hitting his ear a certain way, and the stud on his hood next to it makes it look like there's an earring, but there's not. Whew.
  4. If the uploader of the video says there's no earring, I believe her, if only because I want there to be no earring.
  5. Felicity had better put a camera or some kind of mind-righting device in that damn thing.
  6. I thought Ra's wanted Oliver to kill Nyssa too, but in the Asian trailer he says he's supposed to bring her to Nanda Parbat.I suppose he could've been talking about taking Diggle back to Nanda Parbat. Seemed like Nyssa though.
  7. She also said she didn't have any idea who was going to get married - that the EPs were very tight-lipped on that one. I wonder if she wasn't being completely honest. And LOL @ Ra's making Nyssa marry Oliver to save her life. Who would be threatening her but him?
  8. When you find a Twitter account dedicated to telling KC she's so fat and ugly she should kill herself, let me know. I'll report them myself. I'm sure other people on this board would too.
  9. I was just kidding, haha. But yeah, I agree. I'm going to hold out hope for a long con though.
  10. He's said he doesn't have a plan about fifty times this year, and I'm hoping that was to make us all believe he doesn't have one now. I mean, he did manage to pull off a short con last year. Maybe he's grown?!
  11. Words cannot express how much I hope, I really really hope, that Oliver's playing a long game here.
  12. Amanda Waller sent him back to Starling City and had him break into his family's company. None of the "masterminds" on this show are very smart.
  14. Yeah, I think it's going to be Oliver and Nyssa for some idiotic alliance/spawn-making reason. And Ra's will probably use Sara to threaten her like the bejeweled, duster-wearing dick that he is.
  15. I don't think Oliver marrying Nyssa for whatever reason will be tropey for romantic reasons, because they have absolutely no reason to stay in a marriage after this League storyline is over. I seriously doubt either one of them would decide to see if they could make it work, haha. I never said it was? Looks like they're for real going with brainwashing, based on the Asian promo, so it's speculation based on the trailer. God, I hope he's only pretending or that they're giving him some of whatever Malcolm gave Thea in addition to that they're telling him while he's chained up in that room. That's the only way I can see him truly being confused after everything he's gone through. I wonder if someone's going to mention that there's no way he could be brainwashed so quickly given all the shit he's been through over the past eight years, and there will be some explanation from Nyssa on what Ra's might be doing to him.
  16. I agree. I think most people here think these two people, whoever they are, are going to get married as in have a wedding ceremony, not that there will be love or commitment between them. I think MG just used the term "wedding and a marriage" to let people know there will be a ceremony and these people will technically be married, not that they're actually going to commit to a life together with love and consummation and stuff.
  17. Yeah, it's a manip. That's from (I forget the ep) Oliver's love scene with McKenna. They replaced her head with Felicity's.
  18. Honestly, I think it depends on how they do it. If they had Nyssa marry Oliver and everyone was a-okay with it and no one pointed out how fucked up it was and she went along with it, then yeah, there's an issue. If Ra's mandates a marriage and children and Nyssa goes into it with her own agenda on how to get out of it so she ultimately plays Ra's and gets whatever she went into the deal to get (seems like he might threaten her with something), then I think it could be okay.
  19. I think it's probably safe to assume she'll be getting closer to Felicity in the next couple of eps. Ultimately, who knows. The show couldn't even be bothered to let us know if Laurel was even aware that anything happened to Thea.
  20. She is closest to Laurel. Thea and Felicity had never even spoken to each other on screen till last ep.
  21. He's definitely drunk. It's from a Nocking Point party last night.
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