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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I actually feel better about the kid knowing it isn't Connor. They can address it and have him/her be a storyline but they don't have to have the kid on the show without canon expectations behind it. Unless they do something stupid and give the child the name of some other superhero.
  2. All of Willa's were really cute - she seems fun, but also like she might have a slight issue with personal boundaries, haha.
  3. No, I don't think that was on there. She had a few bloopers, but I couldn't find one with her and Barrowman.
  4. It's the mother who is described as being close to Oliver and Thea, not the daughter.
  5. I guess this goes here? If you bought a season 3 pass on iTunes, the gag reel is available for download. Lots of Barrowman. LOTS.
  6. Same. I don't care what he posts about on his page as long as he's not passive-agressively slut shaming ala his sexual velociraptor post. I just don't like it when his competitiveness makes him seem petty and arrogant, like it did with the whole Don Cherry commentary.
  7. Me too. I enjoy good-natured ribbing and would be worried about him if he didn't do that, haha.
  8. Ah, I didn't read it. I wish I didn't know that, because it makes his comments worse to me, since he's not upset he didn't get credit, he's upset he's not getting all the credit or isn't the main focus of the credit. (ETA: never mind - seems he was added after the fact. My second point still stands though) I'd maybe feel a little differently about it if he'd mentioned something about his fans in his response apart from complaining because Don Cherry wasn't the one who "spurred the global online community to rally behind a task" or whatever.
  9. It would also tie into Oliver's long-lost kid coming back into play.
  10. He's also perfectly capable of pointing out that the article omitted him without being a jerk about it.
  11. When he mentioned needing people's help with something (before he announced the All-Star thing), I was really surprised that it ended up being so unimportant, haha. I think this is okay, generally speaking, even though he's gone a bit too far with hit. He doesn't have to be all charity all the time, I mean, he's allowed to do something fun once in a while. But even the last charity campaign was focused on getting a word he came up with into the dictionary. That is absolutely not to say that his heart isn't in the right place - I truly believe that it is, and he does so much more with his social media presence than other celebrities do. So, I don't mind a little self-promotion, but it's when things get petty (like with that comment about Don Cherry) that it starts to make me go "ew."
  12. I think it's interesting that the description states that she was close with Oliver and Thea growing up, but doesn't mention that her daughter was. Could be that it was a late-in-life baby, or that this girl wasn't friends with them at all, and the only reason she's mentioned is because this "Patty" person is willing to go to extraordinary lengths to do things for her (like be a shady mayoral candidate, ala Moira Queen). Could be the daughter's a villain. Could be anything, haha. She didn't know her. She had an investigator write up a dossier on her - she wouldn't need that if it was the daughter of a friend, haha.
  13. She can love her daughter most and still have other children. Not that I think this is Digg's mom. At all.
  14. She's in her 50's/early 60's. So, maybe not. I always forget Diggle's supposed to be in his mid 30's (according to his trading card).
  15. This woman can't be Diggle's mom-she's not old enough. So, we've met the mother of all the characters whose mother this person could possibly be.
  16. I don't think anyone on this show can become Oracle. Isn't she gonna be on Titans?
  17. Could be. I liked McKenna, but I'm not too thrilled about the possibility of any of Oliver's love interests coming back this season.
  18. It just makes it seem like he was upset that he didn't get his name put in the newspaper.
  19. From the Spoilers Only thread: Andy: I need some scoop on Arrow to get me through this long summer. Help a fellow fan out? The CW comic book show is getting some star power next season! Arrow is currently looking to cast a big name for the guest-starring role of Patty, a mayoral candidate who is deeply committed to her city and willing to risk her life to stand up for the people. Described as a female in her 50s-early 60s, Patty is a peer and an old friend of the late Moira Queen, and was once close with Oliver and Thea. She is also a mother, and cares for her daughter above all else…any guesses as to who that daughter is? Not that I'm counting on this show sticking to its own canon, but if this woman was a friend of Moira's and was close to Oliver and Thea, then Moira would've known who Oliver's baby mama was, and she likely wouldn't have been so nervous in the Queen home AND I highly doubt Moira would've been paid her off like that without someone asking some questions. Like, wouldn't Oliver have figured out that she didn't miscarry? So, if the daughter is baby mama (unless that woman in Central City really did miscarry and had a kid with someone else and Oliver's got another baby mama out there), then I'm calling shenanigans. SHENANIGANS. Can't think of who else it would be though, unless this daughter is a new person we're supposed to care about.
  20. Ugh. I mean, I don't have any doubt that the voting surge is because of SA's efforts, but since Don Cherry has been talking about it too, just ignore that article, dude. This makes you look petty.
  21. They both started tweeting about it on the 15th - it'll be interesting to see if SA mentions that article, haha.
  22. I think SA can be sexist and immature, but that site is real, those underwear are real, and I thought the interview with the creator was ridiculous (and unintentionally funny). I mean, she talks about not being to pay attention to a woman during an interview because she was staring at her camel toe.
  23. It is a feat for sure, but it probably helps that MLB invalidated a lot of the Royals fans votes.
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