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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. To be fair though, we still don't know how he's stopping those arrows. It could be magic, or it could be "magic." I still think there's something giving him that power - I don't think he himself is "magical."
  2. Well, I hope they got unlimited mileage!
  3. Well, I shouldn't have clicked on that today. The last line of the latest update actually made me cry a bit.
  4. I was thinking it might be because Coast City (or whoever they are) is far enough away from Starling that they couldn't easily drive back in the timeframe the team needed them in? I doubt we'll ever know, haha.
  5. Ah, I got ya. And yeah, that makes sense.
  6. I never said that she was? You wrote that it had been six months to a year since she had wanted Oliver/Laurel together, and no, it's been more recent than that. So, for us, people who only get to hear what she has to say about it when she's asked, it did go from "Tweet the producers if you'd like to see O/L together," to "That's probably not going to happen again." It's natural to speculate about why, I just don't think (or, honestly, don't care if) she was shading anyone when she was talking about Laurel not being a love interest. I just personally don't care about Laurel or Katie Cassidy enough to try to criticize it.
  7. Okay...it doesn't really matter if it was two or three months ago. It was at some point over the summer. And I'm pretty sure the reason she's valuing Laurel being independent of Oliver was because she was told it wasn't going to happen again, hence her changing her tune about it in these recent interviews.
  8. Nah, she was asking people to tweet at the producers if they wanted O/L back together a couple of months ago.
  9. I think that sometimes people look for things to pick at with KC, and do a little bit of reaching as far as what she says and does-we saw some of that this past weekend. And I'm talking about the fandom in general, not necessarily anyone here. I think that she's always going to be in a no-win situation with some people. I mean, the other day she said that Laurel and Oliver probably won't ever be together again, which is something people have been waiting for her to admit to, but because she made a comment about Laurel not needing to be a love interest, she's getting criticized. She would've been criticized if she had said that O/L still had a chance. She even said that Laurel was supportive of Olicity (or something along those lines). I just...IDK. Picking apart what she says is just counterproductive and exhausting at this point. I mean, everyone can like or dislike who they want, JMO.
  10. It doesn't bother me too much. Clearly she wanted to be back in the LI role, since she was telling people to tweet at the producers if they wanted to see Oliver and Laurel back together. It's probably disappointing that it didn't work out for her, especially since popular ships are an easy way to get some buzz and publicity if you're one of the members of said ship. I tend to give KC the benefit of the doubt, because I don't think she's very good at expressing herself. I think she's just trying to spin it in a positive way for herself, and I know that Laurel not working out the way she was initially supposed to is probably very disappointing and difficult to deal with. I'm sure others won't agree with me, haha.
  11. Even if she did know about Thea getting a love interest, I don't think it would matter. She obviously doesn't mind being or having a love interest - she just said she would like one on the show for Laurel. She just wants people to know that she feels good not being Oliver's love interest, for reasons that I'm guessing involve her being told Laurel probably isn't going to be in that role again.
  12. I don't necessarily care if they make her a metahuman or whether she sticks with the neck device, but I hope that her fighting skills are developed to the point where she doesn't have to use the cry very often. I think it looks utterly ridiculous in action - and that's not a knock on KC at all. I don't think there's anyone who could do it and not look ridiculous.
  13. Does Black Canary have a signature bike trick or something? Maybe it's not the actual bike but something that she does with it? IDK.
  14. Well, she definitely had her own bike - she left on it in Seeing Red. As for ever seeing her riding it alone, I don't remember. I seem to recall Laurel stalking Arrow/Canary outside of STAR Labs, and I feel like maybe they were on different bikes at that point? But they might have been riding together. I can't remember what ep that's in to check.
  15. Yeah, the way MG mentioned it during Comic Con, I'm guessing the motorcycle is the "iconic moment" they're teasing, too.
  16. Plus, I mean...for me, it really doesn't ruin anything, since he obviously doesn't actually propose? I would've been surprised, and probably a little disappointed (even though I know that's irrational) if it had played out in real time. This way, we get an insight into Oliver's mindset, we know what he's thinking and where things might be headed with O/F, even though they're not heading there. Yet. If it was an actual proposal that Felicity accepted, I'd probably feel differently. This, I think, tempers expectations. At least for me.
  17. His helmet is basically a hockey mask with even more vision restriction. It's good that he can slide it up, but since that's the case, it shouldn't be so substantial in the front. Yeah, I think the hair and beard were fake (I mean, with him looking basically like himself in the flashbacks this year, no way it isn't), and he or AW or someone sent him back to Lian Yu to get picked up so that no one would ask a lot of questions about what he was doing in the time he was gone. That's pretty smart, considering he came back planning to be a vigilante (although I guess there was no way around some people being able to connect the fact that the Hood showed up as soon as OQ came back).
  18. I feel like hardcore Bratva still has to come at some point? Even though he was tight with Anatoly, I can't imagine he didn't have to work to become a captain.
  19. I probably account for approximately 500k of those views, give or take.
  20. All I know is that FB Oliver sans goofy wig going to the dark side is going to be an issue for me, because I enjoyed his...everything while he was casually twisting that knife/arrow/whatever into that guy's leg. I'm kind of curious as to how the flashbacks come together. I think AyChihuahua is probably right about Oliver going undercover for Amanda. She let him go after the virus was spreading in Hong Kong - I'm guessing he's starting to see that while she is a terrible person, she's not entirely ~bad or whatever, and maybe he feels like he owes her one.
  21. Honest question, because I didn't watch live then, but did anyone have anything to say about Laurel sleeping with both Tommy and Oliver in S1, within a relatively small time frame? I mean, I'm guessing not because ~canon, but I'm just curious, and wondering if the slut shaming for Felicity was born more out of fanboy/girl hatred than misogynistic crap. Anyway, to keep it on topic, if O/F ever do tie the knot, I hope it's a simple thing.
  22. I mean, that is some SERIOUS dedication for something that you can't even really see, unless it's in a selfie or something.
  23. I cringe every time I see that display in a store. Apart from looking generally terrible, it can't be comfortable. And you'd see little black spots in your field of vision every time you blink. Yuck.
  24. Sorry, she's a DA who's out breaking the law at night - anyone with two brain cells to rub together would cover up their hands so they wouldn't chance leaving a fingerprint or identifying mark anywhere. Those gloves are the most ridiculous part of her whole outfit, considering who she is.
  25. Having fishnet gloves at all is impractical. IDK why they didn't implement that somewhere else on her costume like they did Sara's.
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