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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I don't really know, haha. Just throwing that out there.
  2. I think it might've been when she told Oliver that she didn't work for him?
  3. I love that video. It's disappointing, because so many people were pointing out to him (including myself) that his experiences are colored by his whiteness, and he chose to take that as people claiming that he was just looking to be oppressed or whatever, instead of standing back and saying, "Yes, my skin color and my experiences are influencing the way I'm seeing this." I mean, he didn't have to do a complete 180, just stepping back and absorbing what people were saying to him would've been an improvement.
  4. To be fair, Laurel never asked Felicity for a favor. She told her she needed one, and then proceeded to tell her what it was. No asking.
  5. I hesitate to call it racism though. He's a white dude who has probably never had a suspicious glance cast his way for anything, so he doesn't know what it's like to constantly live in fear of police, of showing his schoolwork to a teacher, of walking into a convenience store, because he just does all those things without a second thought. That's his life, and he's never thought about it outside of that, because he's never had to. He's getting all defensive of his white Texan family and friends, because they're being "wronged" to him, because this is probably the first time he's ever been a "victim" (or had a loved one be the "victim") of one of those "wrongs." What he fails to realize is that his wife, or his cousin, or his friends, or his father in law, or whoever in the hell he's defending will never be followed or shot at or arrested for being Texans, and therein lies the privilege and the ignorance in what he said that he just cannot/will not accept.
  6. Yeah, I don't think he's a racist at all. He's just willfully ignorant and completely oblivious of his privilege. He'd go a long way if he tried to correct some of that or at least legit acted as humbled as he seemed in that video last night.
  7. Yeah, Twitter is so not the issue. I can see why he thinks he could express something like that on Facebook though, 99% of those people are kissing his ass.
  8. I LOLed at his comment about hating when people announce breaks from social media. He does that...um....all the time?
  9. Well, that's the tiniest crumb of...something, I guess. ETA: Nevermind, I read a later response that ruined it, haha.
  10. Hmmm...condescending asshat combined with calculated cuteness. A combo you rarely see.
  11. I'm glad they cut it, too. He's lying to her, and she...caught on to it? IDK, I can't tell. She must have, because otherwise she'd be more curious about Thea and why he's being so squirrely about when he's coming back? And he knows he's leaving and his parting words to her are to make things right with her dad. What a connection. Bless.
  12. Yeah, 1 out of his 8 or however many tweets could've easily been, "Please explain to me why I'm wrong," when he saw he had created a stir instead of IF YOU'RE OUTRAGED YOU'RE JUST BORED. Which is funny because he was obviously outraged about the hurt feels of his good people Texan frands, instead of the part of that story that actually deserves outrage, which is what started this whole mess in the first place. He had the potential to engage people in a good way, but he chose to be an asshat instead. I understand now why he loves Facebook so much though, because all the top comments are people kissing his ass, while a large majority of his @ replies are...not.
  13. He went from antagonistically unapologetic to repentant pretty damn fast, and made fun of people who called him out, so...I doubt he made that Facebook video on his own, just because he caused an uproar. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, so I do believe him when he says he didn't mean to offend people, but intention isn't the issue here. I mean, we all have our problematic faves, but this isn't the first, second, or even third time he's been messy on social media. You can be "real" without being an asshole. He needs to learn how to do that.
  14. And I think that people who need plot to plot move the body to plot for plot.
  15. I'm not saying that *I* think Oliver ever had a chance of killing him. The show said that, when Oliver told Malcolm that he lost because he didn't want to kill Ra's. That's why Malcolm sent Oliver and Thea to Lian Yu - to regain their killer instinct or whatever. It might've been a small issue of skill, but they consistently made it mental: Oliver lacking the will to kill Ra's (even though that's a definite tell not show moment), the fact that he kept remembering the fall and was angry that Ra's bested him, the belief that he couldn't beat Ra's and needed Felicity to give him a reason to fight or whatever. All set up to be mental, not physical.
  16. I've never heard of anyone hysterically dragging a corpse through the streets, but there's a first time for everything, I guess. Generally people only move bodies when they've got something to hide, and she clearly didn't. It was stupid.
  17. I don't think it was ever meant to be an issue of skill - they did go too over-the-top with RAG's victory for that to be believable though. Oliver told Malcolm the reason he lost to Ra's was because he hesitated to kill him, and I think we're supposed to believe that it bothered him that he was bested by someone because of that. He even told Diggle that he was bothered by the fact that Ra's could beat him. I think Ra's was meant to have a mental edge over Oliver, not a physical one.
  18. He "apologized" rather quickly, and that's being covered in the write-ups, so it'll die down. Sadly, a lot of people seem to think he was right, and...ugh.
  19. If she wasn't a DA, I wouldn't have minded her moving the body so much. She is a woman of the law, she had yet to be even remotely "disillusioned" with it, her father is a freaking cop who knew about Sara's identity, so there isn't any reason whatsoever, if she wanted to find Sara's killer, she wouldn't have called at least her father. The only reason she didn't was because he needed to be in the dark for plot, which just ended up making Laurel look awful for a) not telling him, and b) dressing up and pretending to be her sister. And it sucks, because they had a built-in bone of contention between Laurel and Quentin. Naturally he wouldn't want to lose his living daughter, so he'd be fucking pissed as hell that she decided to vigilante it up. Boom! Excellent drama. He could've gotten angry at Oliver for some other non-stupid reason.
  20. He also needs to learn the difference between profiling and stereotyping, because he's equating them and they are not the same thing.
  21. Okay. To me, an apology is actually saying you're sorry, regardless of what's standard. It doesn't really matter anyway, since I doubt he did it on his own accord, because he realized he was being ignorant and wrong - someone from the network probably made him do it.
  22. He deleted his profile pic and header off of Twitter and Facebook. For...whatever reason, I don't even know.
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