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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Which episodes were you speaking of? Because they had about a minute of time in the last couple of eps, too. The most amount of time spent on O/F as a couple was in the premiere, and Laurel hadn't thought about grave robbing at that point, so it didn't steal time from this storyline.
  2. I mean, Quentin was more upset at himself for considering shooting Sara than he was at Laurel for surprising the hell out of him with his undead feral daughter, so...it might happen. Guess no one's worried about his heart so much anymore.
  3. Seriously. Apart from the stuff in Star City in the premiere, Olicity has been relegated to a few scenes that are actually character development instead of ship development for the most part. Laurel's storyline sucks because the writers didn't write it better. And they aren't doing it at the expense of any other storylines, because none of them are that great right now.
  4. I don't even understand how that's going to work? Doesn't seem like Laurel goes to the team after she finds out Sara's gone, since it seems (and this could be editing) like Oliver's the one telling her that Sara's alive? And Sara goes after Thea? I mean, at most I can see him saying he understands why she felt like she had to do what she did, but if it's anything more than that, I'm calling shenanigans.
  5. Olicity isn't really getting any development though? They're pretty much in the background.
  6. It was - it was a little joke between him and Felicity last year.
  7. I mean, I guess technically she was part of the task force, since she was an ORIGINAL member, but I thought it was going to be a multi-ep thing too, and that she was going to be a good guy.
  8. So, is Lance for real back on the good side of things, or was this all a show for Oliver and now he's a double agent? So he'll be feeding info back to DD on Team Arrow, not the other way around? And then he'll be redeemed for real later? I just...I can't believe it's as simple as that, everything's forgiven. But I guess I can, because #plot.
  9. I think that was supposed to be her ACTUAL BASEMENT. Like, just hers. Which is so crazy I cannot.
  10. LOL, even HIS reaction was OMG I'M A TERRIBLE PERSON.
  11. LMAO @ Laurel STILL not telling anyone even after Sara escapes. GOOD LORD.
  12. There were some comments on this board about Oliver being inconsiderate for using Moira's ring to propose to Felicity without Thea's blessing. Now we know he had it. Also, is Ray messing with the power in the lair? Felicity's going to start getting messages there too, isn't she, WHEN HE SHOULDN'T EVEN KNOW WHERE IT IS.
  13. One thing that this episode made me feel more trepidation for is Oliver feeling tension when Felicity's working so hard to get Ray back in 3x06. Because she was crying over him in this ep, which - yes, I get that it would be difficult to hear someone you cared about's last words - but she didn't love him, and it seems like she didn't even go to his funeral? Not looking forward to that.
  14. It was all over the place IMO. A lot of development, but still boring? And I wish they'd stop with the flashbacks. ALL that literally to show that Oliver convinced the dude that Poppy was dead, and so he could find out Oliver (or someone - did he know it was Oliver?) is a spy.
  15. Yeah, that ep was really boring. Too much setup, and most of it for a show that isn't this one.
  16. Hey-O, Lance is back in the good books. I'm shocked!
  17. How big is Laurel's basement? God damn. This resurrection storyline is the worst and continues to be the worst forever and ever. This episode is really boring - I can't believe there's still 15 minutes left. It feels like a thousand things have happened, and yet...
  18. Yeah, I didn't know Lady Cop was going to be evil. And I'm glad they brought Lance down into the lair right before they found out that he was working with Damien Darhk, LMAO.
  20. It also looks dirty, like...what in the hell is going on. She must REEK.
  21. Maybe one of Laurel's neighbors unchains her while she's waiting for the spin cycle to complete. And maybe she went to the hospital on her own.
  22. The stench must be strong with that one.
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