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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Ugh, of course. And yes, Oliver did what he had to in order to save his sister - WHO WAS NOT DEAD. HE DIDN'T DIG HER UP OUT OF A GRAVE, YOU MORON. And good lord, after seeing Sara toss a hospitalized Thea like that and knowing everything's okay at the end...I really need to see the resolution to this dumb-as-fuck storyline now.
  2. Oh, Sara's totally going to be in some pit of eternal torment, and Laurel will be oh-so-right to have resurrected her, but that still doesn't excuse the dumbass behavior she displayed from the moment she unchained Sara in Nanda Parbat, and then rechained her in her basement. If Sara legit goes on a murder spree, and people die - it doesn't matter how right she was to resurrect Sara, those deaths are on Laurel. But I really don't think anything will come of it.
  3. Maybe she had come to the realization that the thing Thea expected Felicity to be wearing was an engagement ring? Since Laurel asked a follow-up about it later, that's the only thing I can come up with.
  4. Oh, I'm absolutely positive Laurel will make that argument, and I agree with you-it wasn't the same. But I'm resigned to Laurel getting a pass on that, but even so, it doesn't make sense to me that everything would be hunky dory after Sara went on a killing spree and injured Thea because she didn't want to tell anyone what she'd done.
  5. She stabbed him in the back-near his magical spinal cord, apparently.
  6. Yeah, I get *maybe* giving her a pass on the ill-advised resurrection, since (even though I don't agree) the argument could be made that Oliver did the same thing with Thea. But if Sara's going out and legit killing people/putting Thea in the hospital because Laurel didn't want to tell anyone what she'd done/get some help, then it makes no sense to me that everything would be peachy keen by the end of the ep. But, then again, we're dealing with Teflon Lance, so probably.
  7. Yeah, Thea just looks excited to me. And it's not only the arm crossing with Laurel in this scene, she also looks pissed off in the face.
  8. LMAO @ Laurel looking so pissed off/irritated there.
  9. Since the box wasn't delivered until the end of the ep, he could've been captured after he sent those messages. Or maybe he has on a smart wearable!!!
  10. If Ray is what's in the booooooox, then a) that's a big box for a tiny man, and b) I love that it was so decorative!
  11. Then I would wonder how in the eff he knows about Ray/was able to get to him. Does he have PT bugged or something?
  12. One thing I didn't quite get is where exactly did Quentin go to find information on DD? Like, how would he have known that DD went into the LP and that he was in the LoA? Did he do a bing search too? Does Wikipedia have LoA roster info through the years?
  13. I meant that I didn't believe that the Sara I saw trying to escape her chains and wanting to kill would get free and just mosey around town for a whole week in order to keep the eps in real time. That's why I think the next one has to start soon after this one, because once Sara gets free, I think she's going to go on her little rampage immediately.
  14. IIRC, they'd picked up a few eps where the previous one left off-I think it's just a general following of real time. I can't believe that Sara would be running around free and not wreaking havoc until a whole week later.
  15. I thought Thea saying "why aren't you wearing it" indicated that Oliver had talked to her about proposing and the "it" she was referring to was Moira's ring.
  16. Possibly, but did Sara steal Laurel's phone when she took off?
  17. I really hope we're dealing with tricky editing and that Laurel isn't continuing to keep undead Sara a secret after she escaped her basement prison.
  18. Why would we have seen that? It would've happened over the summer.
  19. Especially since they made it pretty clear that Felicity herself has money now.
  20. Yeah, that's how I took it too. The reason this LoT setup is so shitty is because they're writing this crap as a means to an end - to get these people back so they can go on another show. All of this will be completely moved past after 3x09, so of course they're not giving anything its just due, because in 5 eps none of it will matter anymore and they can move on.
  21. I wonder what they'd go to NP for anyway, since Nyssa dumped Tide in the LP. Does Malcolm need to be part of this ritual?
  22. I hope he shot that zipline into the MOON.
  23. I mean, they DID voluntarily let the SCPD captain into their illegal vigilante lair. There is no shortage of dumbasses here.
  24. They aren't really developing them though, that's my point. We found out what they were up to over the summer, we know that they live together, and that Felicity was the first person he told about wanting to run for mayor. That's pretty much it four eps in?
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