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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Who's in the hospital? Felicity post kidnapping Y/Y?
  2. The one without the backing wouldn't have a content warning though, the music was removed by a fan.
  3. If the baby mama is in this ep, anyone think that DD would really go after Oliver's kid? Yes. 4x09 and 4x10.
  4. It's a vengeance thing. You kill a member of my family (or organization, etc), I kill a member of yours. So, kinda?
  5. Malcolm spoke about blood debts as a League thing, but I suppose it doesn't have to be that. Maybe it's got something to do with DD, since he was a member at one time.
  6. I certainly hope so, although Oliver and Laurel stopping mid-rescue to watch Constantine fight that zombie while Sara just flails in the background is amazing. I hope that's still in there. Laughs for days.
  7. I like the way Kerry Washington handled being called out on her use of "spirit animal." She was super classy about it, and I wish more celebs (more people, really) would deal with being called out like this: http://www.buzzfeed.com/natalyalobanova/no-scandal-here#.xaWlp56nnM
  8. The comments are more entertaining than the fic is, haha.
  9. I mean...if he goes to England for weeks at a time, it's not difficult to put those pieces together. That's all I'm saying.
  10. We figured Colton out because of some tweets and the fact that he went on an extended vacation and was posting Instagrams daily from, like, somewhere in Kansas for a few weeks.
  11. It's entirely possible that we're reading too much into it and he's just posting that because of the Sara plot.
  12. Yeah, whoever it is, we'll probably be able to figure it out beforehand based on who's missing from set.
  13. I'm trying not to read too much into it, but yeah, haha. It does.
  14. He did. It was a nice little backstory that he came up for them.
  15. Yeah, I think this one is probably not Laurel related. Unless Baby mama and kid show up in this ep, haha.
  16. Just taking a wild guess, but since the Arrow was wanted for actual murders and someone else took the fall for him, it's probably kinda not such a good idea to incriminate Oliver. As a lawyer she should know this, but as Laurel...LOL.
  17. Yeah. She left it up there for a little while after she claimed she was hacked.
  18. I know it's an accident, but I think the show often makes a good case for keeping Laurel in the dark. I mean, even in this ep, when she was getting angry at Oliver, she talked about him being the Arrow in the middle of the hospital hallway. If someone let slip that Quentin was working for DD (especially if she found out that Quentin kept at it because he threatened her), she'd go right to him and confront him, without even stopping to consider that maybe he was double-agenting. So Laurel!
  19. I think she's claiming that the multiple RTs were a hack - her original tweet is still there. I think what she did was shitty, but I do think it was borne out of ignorance. Much like SA's initial Twitter shittiness, which got worse when people pointed it out, and he doubled down and got even shittier about it. As for KC, it was a shitty, stupid costume, and I hope someone points that out to her.
  20. I'm guessing KC probably has no idea what cultural appropriation is, and probably hasn't given much thought to why dressing like that and tweeting about "thug life" is wrong and offensive. Hopefully someone in her life sits her down and explains it to her - like Colton, who didn't know better once upon a time.
  21. I think she must use some kind of Twitter management program or something-It's probably an auto thing. I think it's duplicated tweets before.
  22. Felicity did once. But that's the only time I can remember that happening.
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