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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. She used to use the hashtag all the time - I think it's a joke, because her dog is named Felicia.
  2. Sorry, we'll just have to disagree. Quentin had absolutely no reason to believe that the Arrow had gone back to killing people. None. He has at minimum two brain cells to rub together, which sadly is enough to figure out that there could've been someone walking around impersonating the Arrow. Especially since he'd recently learned that his own daughter was impersonating his other daughter and he didn't even realize it. He himself had made it clear that he didn't want to know who the Arrow was. So I don't think it's fair to hold that secret against Oliver, since Quentin wanted him to keep it. As for Sara's death, well...yeah, Oliver should've told him. But I don't really feel for Quentin taking that out on Oliver since we know Laurel was the one who wanted that secret kept, and Oliver was just (stupidly) doing as she asked. So, Quentin still seems unjustified to me - I don't feel for him lashing out at Oliver at all.
  3. No, it's a line from a movie named Friday, and from what I can tell it was also a catchphrase on RuPaul's Drag Race. Katie used to tweet it a lot - it doesn't have anything to do with Felicity.
  4. I guess they may also be counting on the general audience not knowing whether or not there will be a four-month flash forward in time when the show comes back from the break.
  5. Oh, yeah. Felicity is for sure going to seem dead at the end of 4x09, but she's been back on set. And I don't think BFS and the tech guy were cooking up false tweets to throw us off the death stench.
  6. I don't know of an actual brick-and-mortar business that does them, but you can definitely find people on Etsy who will make you a custom Funko, but a lot of them don't include the boxes. People have posted tutorials for making custom boxes, but it seems like more time than it's worth if you don't know what you're doing, haha.
  7. I'm super impressed with people who take the time to make custom Funko boxes. That has to be time consuming.
  8. Nah. Quentin didn't need to know that Oliver was the Arrow to be able to piece together that the Arrow he'd been working with peacefully, who had saved his daughter (and him) on how many occasions, had saved the city on how many occasions, had helped him do the work that his own police force couldn't do hadn't done a complete 180 and gone back to randomly murdering people. He was pissed that the Arrow didn't tell him that Sara was dead, but he didn't completely lose his shit until Ra's told him that Sara made it to Lian Yu after the Gambit sank. And Oliver truly believed that Sara had died on the Amazo, so why would he have told Quentin that hey, she died, she just didn't die when you thought she did, and she had a pretty shitty two years between deaths? I don't blame him for that at all - not sure why anyone in the audience would.
  9. I'm not talking about sharing content, I'm talking about a simple, "Looking forward to seeing everyone at the thing today!" or "Had fun at the thing today, looking forward to seeing everyone again tomorrow!" He's done that at every other con he's gone to. He's got another HVFF going in NYC that he's trying to sell tickets for. Makes every bit of sense to me that he'd try to get people excited for the next one by showing how much fun he and everyone are having at this one. That's why I think it's strange.
  10. I find it strange that SA seemed to have a stake in the con or at least be heavily involved and hasn't tweeted of posted on Facebook about it once this weekend. And DR is freaking adorable.
  11. They're reusing sets anyway, with the exception of the lair. I don't see why anything would've changed with any of them for an arc that wouldn't last longer than a handful of episodes.
  12. I'm not saying long-term, though? I'm saying more than one episode, maybe five or six, until sometime in the spring. Not permanent. So I don't see why temporary work-arounds are out of the realm of possibility. There just isn't much of a story to be told in her losing any kind of physical function for an ep or two.
  13. I think it's the type of wheelchair that has people thinking she's paralyzed. There aren't any handles on the back or any footrests. That's the kind of wheelchair someone uses when they're going to be in one for a while. If it is Felicity's, it's probably for more than a broken leg.
  14. *If* a paralysis story is in the works, then I don't think the loft is much of an issue. Oliver could carry her up the stairs to bed, or they could set up a bed for her on the main level. In fact, it makes sense to me that they'd do this, since this happens in real life, too, when people are faced with unexpected illness/impairment. And aren't the only stairs in the lair the ones that go up to her workstation? There's an elevator to access the space, and they could easily build a ramp so she could get to her computers. If they go the paralysis route and it's supposed to be a personal story for her, I just don't see the point in doing it at all if it's only going to last for an episode or two.
  15. I can't imagine that any paralysis with Felicity would stick, and this universe needs to start really thinking about this kind of thing, because if it happens, this will be the third person between the two shows to be in a wheelchair. Granted, one was fake and one was temporary, but if this one is temporary too, then...they really need to be careful with that.
  16. If she's paralyzed, I imagine it's going to last a little while longer. Maybe the tech scene is the beginning of whatever it is that helps her walk again? But, maybe it would just be a one-two ep thing, which seems terribly pointless.
  17. Has anyone ever actually seen SA drink his own wine? Because in all the pics I've seen of his wine parties, he's always drinking beer, which I find incredibly odd. He even drinks beer in the wine club videos.
  18. What happens when you've paid for a photo op and the person doesn't make it? Do they refund you or get you priority access to their next op, or what?
  19. IIRC, she thought the show was losing the thread a bit, becoming too plot driven, and a lot of things weren't making sense to her anymore. I think Time of Death really sent her over the edge - she really hated Oliver and Sara that ep, but not because of the hookup I don't think.
  20. I'll watch, but I'll take my dramamine before hand. And I will hope to god that he learns to focus/frame shots better the second time around. Because damn.
  21. TRISH IS THE BEST. I loved Jessica, but Trish. Trish is MY GIRL. Hearts all in my eyes for her.
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