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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I loved him on Everwood. He and Donna first got together 27-ish years ago-people change a lot in that span of time.
  2. I think they're on a farm- just be glad no one has prairie hair.
  3. I watch football on Sundays, Brooklyn Nine-Nine at some point on Monday, occasionally Flash on Tuesdays, and Arrow on Wednesdays. That's pretty much it, I think. I don't even have DVR, and wouldn't have cable of my HD antenna could get a proper signal in my apartment.
  4. It was related to the Gambit. I don't think it's foreshadowing.
  5. It does-Oliver and Thea have used it. I guess they wanted the visual of the lit up floor?
  6. Teflances! Sara's paid the price for the crap she's pulled, though.
  7. It's a guess based on the show runner saying that some of them might get stuck in different periods of time. Some would be accidental, probably, but it seems like they'd have at least one person choose to stay somewhere.
  8. I think there's a world of options for getting rid of people in a show like LoT that don't involve death, and will make them available for other appearances if necessary. At least one person is going to choose to stick around in whatever point in time they stop at for some reason. Makes them disappear so there's room for a new person, and they're always available to show up at some other point if/when needed.
  9. I saw the screenshot, but when I look at that part of the video on my phone, he has his normal facial hair. I think the cap is just blurry, unless there's another part of the video that shows the goatee.
  10. The way he says it though doesn't indicate whether it's something he heard her call herself or if it's a name he came up with on his own.
  11. No one's saying that Sara's name was ever canonically the Black Canary, though, are they? Just that people working on the show and from DC called her that occasionally. And she was referred to as the Black Canary on licensed products. Sorry, this part threw me off: Nowhere does that say there's going to be an entire cast changeover from year to year. I just didn't see anyone claiming that the entire cast would be changing over.
  12. I don't see anyone saying that the entire cast was going to change, just that the cast was going to change - which it would if some members left and new ones came on.
  13. Well, coulda, woulda, shoulda. Now they're stuck with the Canary/Black Canary confusion/comparison. It's not going to go away, and that's on them.
  14. It's a show-created problem. They didn't know what they were doing with Sara, and if they didn't intend for her to be the actual Black Canary, then they should've given her a different identity entirely. Giving her the Canary name, and the whole reason for having it, was incredibly stupid if they were intending on sticking to their original plans. So, I don't think the comparisons will ever stop, and that's the show runners' fault.
  15. Yeah, she could've. Seems like the kind of thing they would've wanted to actually show, so who knows. The show doesn't care, I don't care.
  16. She didn't even modify the name. Quentin called her The Black Canary to make fun of her, lmao.
  17. That says that she wasn't given a storyline and was able to pop in for a few minutes and act completely unlike her character. I mean, AK was writing Laurel for a season and a half, so I don't know that she'd fare better over on The Flash if they actually had to give her a plot. Maybe the lighter style over on The Flash suits her better as an actress than the heavily dramatic stuff on Arrow, but there's no point to arguing it, because she's not going anywhere.
  18. She was on for a minute to ask for a favor. What's there to mess up?
  19. Well, per one of the EPs, her direction over on The Flash was basically to pretend like Arrowverse Laurel didn't even exist, and that she didn't have a care in the world. So, she wouldn't ever be like this over on Arrow anyway.
  20. They have entire arcs written for them - just for them, not advancing other people's storylines. Screen time isn't the issue.
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