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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I thought the teaser trailer they released the other day was fairly stupid, so I wouldn't miss Arrow to watch it.
  2. He's probably thinking, "Haha, good one, Bare!"
  3. My question was why you think she has any pull at all - she's under contract and basically a nobody. She has absolutely no leverage to make anyone do what she wants. If the writing for her has improved (personally, I think she's the same as she's always been, but I've never seen her as a Mary Sue), it's probably to do with an actual improvement on the part of whoever is writing her at any given time.
  4. I wouldn't be surprised if she comes back for a guest stint, but I really, REALLY hope not. CW bullshit aside, I think they've gone pretty far to establish that Oliver is happy, he wants a life with Felicity, and if spoilers for the next ep stand, he's going to propose to her. I don't think the woman who took a payout to keep his child a secret from him (and continued to do so even after Moira was dead) is going to come in for some kind of disruptive love triangle. I just DNW the kid to be a whole recurring dramatic damn thing. So if baby mama stays off screen, that makes me feel better. I'll wait to see how tonight's episode plays out before I get worked up about it again - LAST NIGHT WAS DARK TIMES FOR ME.
  5. Uh...yeah? What kind of pull do you think she has? This is her first mainstream job - she's barely out of nobody territory. It seems to me that the reason they give her screen time is because TPTB have stats indicating that the general audience likes and responds positively to her.
  6. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's Laurel. I was wondering if it was a vibe because those always look kind of dreamy and filtered, and this wasn't.
  7. Did anyone notice in the preview for tonight's ep that Laurel and Diggle get roasted by some kind of fireball and disintegrate? I wonder if that's a vibe/hallucination, or if they're going to introduce time travel on Arrow so Barry can go back and stop it.
  8. Yeah, I think it's pretty obvious that Oliver is legit happy, and is very aware of it. Barry might not have wanted to say it because he didn't want to offend Oliver by mentioning that he used to be not so pleasant to be around with the brooding and such.
  9. I remember a really great line from a fanfic I read, and sadly I can't remember which one it was, that sums up Moira and Robert Queen: the two of them would actually DIE for Oliver, but they could not tell him no.
  10. Now I'm back to wanting them to have the awkward hug.
  11. She told Oliver that he didn't have any feelings, she told Oliver that he would be happy if Ray died. She was nasty to Oliver for pretty much all of the 6th episode this season. She was a day player in S1, and wasn't a main character in S2 - she basically served the plot for the most part, and was mainly around to be comic relief. I don't think there was an agenda behind setting her up to be "sweetness and light" so she could be bitchy later on and no one would hate her for it, I think we got to know her more in S3 and S4 as she became a bigger player in the story.
  12. I don't think the unrealistic hacking jobs are anything other then them not wanting to waste time showing things they don't need to waste time showing. Who cares if it takes her two seconds or two minutes? I'd rather watch something else in the time I'd have to wait for her to realistically get into a system or do whatever, but that's just me. She has a very big, very real flaw that's been showcased quite a few times over the past two seasons: when she's stressed or angry, she's nasty as hell. She's said some legit mean things to Oliver (and maybe some other people, I can't remember) numerous times.
  13. Yeah, that makes me think that convo isn't about the kid. Unless they were fighting in the house and one of them stormed out and everyone followed. I'm hoping that it's the opposite of what we'd think, that Oliver's thinking he shouldn't be around the kid because of danger, and Felicity's upset because she grew up without a dad.
  14. Yeah, I feel like the potential meat of this storyline went away when Moira was killed. How long can we possibly watch Oliver be angry at a dead woman? It's useless.
  15. These people would be stupid enough to have Oliver literally just talk about how happy he is and has everything he wants, actually propose to Felicity, and then bring in someone else for stupid, contrived romantic angst. But I'm feeling 99% percent sure at the moment it's not gonna happen.
  16. Yeah, a love triangle is not even remotely a problem for me. I'm just not at all interested in watching this storyline and all the drama it promises to bring with it. I'll hold off more judgment until tomorrow, but I don't feel good about it.
  17. Oh, I've accepted that it's not a one and done. I was just hoping that the actress's "real part" of the show would just be during the crossover. But her continued presence would indicate a whole arc, when I was actually thinking/hoping that the continued storyline would be fallout from whatever happens with the kid, not the actual kid reappearing.
  18. I didn't realize how much I was clinging to the idea that it really was going to be a one-and-done to get some character movement on some issues. Hopefully he means that a "real part of the show" is one and 1/100th of a crossover ep. Because seriously. Words cannot express how much I do not want drama over this kid.
  19. I'm not worried about a love triangle, but that AK quote about it becoming a "real part of the show" is so disappointing to me.
  20. If they keep the kid off the show and relegate him to random asides about visits over the weekend, that's fine. I just really, really don't want a kid on this show. I especially don't want drama over a kid on this show. I really hate this whole storyline, and have hated it ever since the first shoe dropped two years ago. And not even having it be a canon kid? What exactly is the fucking point. It's just drama for drama's sake. No thanks.
  21. How real can it be? She hasn't been signed on as a guest star, has she? Or maybe they'll announce that soon? No... No stop, self. Don't think it.
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