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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Seems passive-aggressively typical to me, though? He disappears from Twitter for 3 weeks, disappears from Facebook (and deletes posts there) since the episode aired. His first posts on both platforms since then are about the one polarizing and widely negatively received storyline in the crossover, all while admitting that it was one of his favorite storylines? He doubles-down with people disagree with him. Seems like what this is, IMO.
  2. That very well could be it. If he didn't have a history of being antagonistic, I would totally buy it without question, haha.
  3. And Felicity is dating Thea's brother and they're both into saving the city, so...is that not enough? With as fiercely as Oliver loves Thea and Felicity, it doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility that they'd all spend time together and form attachments that would last outside of a relationship. Literally everyone on the team has a reason to be friends outside of the team, regardless of who is romantically attached to whom.
  4. It was a joke - I know this one is smaller. It's pocket-sized, for on-the-go emotions.
  5. The moleskine journal where he jots down his feels.
  6. I hope he answers a fan question about that storyline in the Q&A in true whiny pissbaby fashion.
  7. I find him endlessly entertaining, just not always in a way that reflects well on him.
  8. Oh, he definitely does. I bet he laughs with his friends about how terrible Twitter is, and then posts some antagonistic shit just to get people going and prove him right, haha.
  9. He's always been outspoken about how awful Twitter is. Which is funny to me, because he's pretty awful on it.
  10. Yeah. I mean, he made it pretty clear today that he ~wants it, but I don't think he had a huge hand in how it's playing out.
  11. It's okay, we don't need to know if he can act that badly.
  12. I'm pretty sure this is just who he is, though. I don't think it's a show thing, it seems like he reacts this way whenever someone disagrees with/doesn't like something he's said or believes.
  13. I wonder if a lot of the storyline was his idea, or just them meeting up at Jitters during the Flash part of the crossover last year? It's pretty unclear.
  14. It's old - he says so on his Facebook, and they're all wearing the same clothes as they were in 4x08.
  15. Arrow aside, I really cannot wait for the first negative review of TMNT to go up. Cannot wait. The fallout will be glorious.
  16. Haha, yes. If he says it's gonna be great, there is a high likelihood that it is not gonna be great.
  17. My only guess is that he did it to be an asshole, because he likes the story and is upset that it wasn't well received. Seems like the outright anger over it had died down over the past few days.
  18. I wonder if DD actually took the time to leave Oliver a little trail of clues to find where everyone is, and taking a deep dive is part of it.
  19. Guys, there are these things called weekends, where people don't actually work. I mean, the kids should be in school, too, and there they are, at the beach.
  20. I never implied that the two situations were the same, just that Thea was lied to about her parentage, just like William was. William doesn't have a father, and Thea did, but Oliver witnessed her whole breakdown over those lies (I mean, the Queens wound up losing their fortune in large part to it), so I'd be really interested in what Thea would think about Oliver participating in that kind of lie, since she was the victim of a lie just like it.
  21. I love that there's a little lesson about why they're cleaning up the bay for the tiniest volunteers.
  22. I'd be interested in her take, since she herself was lied to about her own father.
  23. I didn't say that it was? I wrote that they seemed like observations to me, not compliments. This show has such a potential mess on its hands right now, personally I'm not even going to worry about a line or two between Laurel and Felicity at this point. Seems inconsequential to me.
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