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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. They definitely are still trying to sell that since she says that she doesn't know if anyone will be around to stop him. Like Felicity would be, if she was alive.
  2. I can't remember what she said about Oliver's advocate and the timing of him/her finding out. If you find the spoiler, will you post it here please? I wonder if maybe Felicity finds out before the debate, but Ms. Adams drops the bomb in front of the crowd to not only let the voters know that Oliver has a big old secret, but to put the kid on blast so Oliver will get to hiding him or whatever and be distracted.
  3. It very well could come out during Papa Smoak's run. I just don't think so because it seems to me that they've set the secret kid storyline up as being all about the lie and keeping this secret, not about Oliver actually being a parent. But we'll see. It's difficult to go by what we've seen since they dropped the whole thing in the last ep. The problem for Faux-Tebow is that he doesn't know about the kid. If he did, he'd be much more effective in helping Oliver keep it hidden. Seems like it'd be difficult for him to keep tabs on something he doesn't even know about.
  4. I don't think it's irrelevant to that story at all. It is the soapiest of all soapy things to drop a kid bomb during an election. Doesn't necessarily have to be the debate, but...yeah. Any candidate worth their salt would do some digging on Oliver and uncover all kinds of stuff he doesn't want getting out. This has the added bonus in that the mother's actual sound reasoning of not wanting the kid mixed up in Oliver's terrible life will be realized here in the worst way. What more dramatic way to bring that all to the forefront than to not only reveal a secret that Oliver's been keeping, but to do it in front of everyone and by a villain? It's predictable, but pretty great. Mostly because the kid plot is stupid and this has the best chance of both revealing it and getting the kid the hell out of the picture. Not that it couldn't come out some other way, but I think the chances of it being during the debate are pretty high.
  5. The only reason I do is because that puts the kid's existence out there to the general public and everyone who hates Oliver, and it means that if the wife is revealing it, that DD already knows, which means Billiam can get gone. Or, at least, he should get gone, but since he has two morons for parents, who knows what would happen.
  6. Probably. At the very least it'll probably be the confrontation scene about him, and then hopefully a pow-wow about how they need to make him disappear forever since a terrible person now knows about his existence. ::fingers crossed::
  7. I'm pretty sure she'll announce her candidacy soon - she was in the preview that they released with shots from eps they've already shot. I don't think that DD is mind controlling his wife - in that preview she seems to be reprimanding him for not succeeding in his plans to give her a new world or whatever in the hell she was talking about there. If anything, he seems to be doing her bidding.
  8. Or convicted of anything by a jury made up of Star City citizens, who have proven themselves to be morons.
  9. Not sure how prosecuting a guy who knows magic would work, unless someone steals his totem or whatever it is that's giving him the power to do what he does. Or they figure out that he loses his powers the longer he's away from it or something.
  10. I don't know that her nipple covers are metallic, but she's certainly wearing some in those pics.
  11. They all look exactly like themselves to me, haha. And some more pictures were added at the source over in the Spoilers thread. Nothing too interesting.
  12. I'd start by tossing it into a blazing inferno. Then, if they're dead-set on giving him a helmet-type thing, give him an actual helmet that won't obscure his vision. He'd look like a biker, and no one would be able to pick him out of a crowd. And it would give him some protection in the back of the head.
  13. Hopefully when he and Lyla cross over to The Flash.
  14. No, that's KC. I think he knows some kind of sleight of hand/tricks, since they call him the Magician. But he doesn't seem to know the kind of magic DD uses, since he wasn't able to counter him when they were fighting in 4x09.
  15. DD and Malcolm fought already though, when he was dressed up as Green Arrow. And DD kicked his ass until he got distracted IIRC.
  16. Just for the record, I never said that Malcolm wasn't a villain or a big bad. I wrote that it doesn't seem like the EPs and/or writers consider him one at this point.
  17. These people don't seem to have a very good memory when it comes to things that have happened on their show. But it isn't worth arguing about, at all. Especially considering a team-up is probably not it.
  18. Yes, but one of those EPs is the person saying they've never done this particular thing before. If it's teaming up with a big bad, he would most likely consider that uncharted territory. Not that I necessarily think that's what it is. Could very well be DD being killed off and someone else taking the reins for the rest of the season.
  19. The big bad's never gone to Team Arrow for help with an even bigger bad. That would technically still fall under team up, even though the circumstances are different. Even though I'm not sure that I think the writers or EPs would consider what Oliver did teaming up with a big bad, since they don't really seem to consider Malcolm as one.
  20. Could be Shadowspire, I guess. Since Oliver knows Reiter and they have magic, too. Maybe the HIVE people get sick of Damien's shit after their tour of the corn palace and they turn toward another evil mastermind to help make an apocalypse a reality.
  21. Yeah, even if Oliver was stupid enough to go visit the kid with Damien Darhk after him, I can't believe Star City Ledger subscriber and Queen family Google alert haver Samantha would let him within 100 yards of her kid. Then again, she did let a total stranger spend time alone with him the very first time they ever met, so she's already proven herself to be a complete moron. Yeah, they very well could change. I find it hard to believe that he'd be okay being Uncle Ollie forever, but I'm not really sure where his head's at. His first instinct was to stay away, then Barry told him he should be involved so he got involved. He argued that the kid should get a chance to know his father, but then he agreed when BM told him he couldn't ever be that, so his pea brain is rattling all around his ginormous head, and I have no idea where it'll end up.
  22. To me, the difference is that Laurel was coming up with her own reasoning. She had no ultimatums, she just flat-out didn't want to tell Quentin that Sara died and kept reasoning with herself and others about why she wasn't doing it. From what we can tell, Oliver did want to tell Felicity, but he was given an actual ultimatum by BM, who told him he couldn't. He agreed to this for idiotic plot reasons, so I guess I don't see his reasons needing to evolve or change. He was told he needed to keep the secret, so he's keeping the secret. He might feel guilty about keeping it over time, but he already believes it's a thing he has to do because BM told him so.
  23. Yeah, I'm sure he'll feel bad about it. I don't doubt that at all. It's just that the reasoning for keeping the secret seems to be because he feels like he can't go against BM's wishes for whatever stupid reason, and I just don't see that changing just because Felicity's in a wheelchair. He already has a pre-established excuse for keeping the secret, so he wouldn't need another. But I also wouldn't be surprised if this advocate that Oliver's supposed to have brings up everything that's happened to her since as some kind of additional excuse for Oliver not spilling, or if Oliver does as well.
  24. I guess to me, using her injury as an excuse not to tell her would require me to believe that he wanted to tell her in the first place, which he doesn't seem to, since he showed no inclination to do it after her teammate speech, and no inclination to do it before he proposed. If he's torn about telling her after she gets hurt, then the injury would at least be somewhat compelling him to do it when he didn't want to before it happened. But yeah, I suppose he could use it as an excuse for not "burdening" her if someone else finds out about it first.
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