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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Yes, that's exactly what I wrote - that they should all drop everything to watch over him night and day.
  2. LOL But seriously, not introducing the kid to Oliver herself, and allowing him to go up to William's room on his own under the guise of being "mommy's friend" was probably one of the stupidest things she could've possibly done. I don't know how DD got the kid, but he didn't seem panicked or anything, and completely bought the excuse that Samantha had asked the Darhk family to watch him for a while, so...yeah.
  3. You're right - if Team Arrow knew, not a single one of them would've said, "Hey, maybe we should keep an eye on this kid just in case, since this dude just tried to gas three of us, and paralyzed one!" I guess they're all morons like his dad. They might not have been able to stop DD, but it would've been better than nothing.
  4. Yeah, that too. Although it kind of goes hand-in-hand with the secret thing. She basically just taught him that strangers popping up randomly and wanting to play with him or whatever is totally okay.
  5. Not making Oliver promise to not tell the people closest to him that he had a kid would've been a good start. LOL
  6. Haven't we though? I thought it was DD in partnership with a bunch of people. I thought we saw them all last ep?
  7. Laurel's taking on Damien Darhk on People's Court.
  8. I don't think so - these shenanigans have really tarnished her HBIC image in my eyes. Leaving a trail? Moira. Come on. She should've made sure BM was well and truly far, far away before any of this happened, haha.
  9. Yes she is - there are full res pics on on TV Line. It looks like it's just high up on her finger and turned in a way that the diamond blends in with the metal on her wheel.
  10. I wonder if she's the one Laurel's explaining Vixen to in the previews. I mean, why not tell her about magic. Maybe Oliver will spill the beans about time travel, too!
  11. We probably should've expected it though, because it's the *stupidest* thing that could've happened, haha.
  12. I wonder if BM will apologize to Laurel and the two of them hug it out!
  13. I wonder if she's going to get angry about Oliver not being around or something, thinking he doesn't care. BUT HE CARES SO MUCH. HE'S THE GREEN ARROW, SAMANTHA.
  14. I'll hold off judgement until I figure out *why* they tell her he's the Green Arrow, but that seems like the stupidest fucking decision in the whole world? Like, the one thing she was terrified about regarding letting Oliver in the kid's life is happening, and so she knows the kid's a target by being Oliver's kid, and he chooses THAT moment to let her know that hey, he's also a super hero with a shit load of enemies, which would put the kid in MORE danger if this whole thing gets out? And shows her were his lair is so she has an exact address to give the authorities if she wants to turn him in? Of course, if this all winds up being too much for her and gets her to take her kid and get the hell out of town, then I'm cool with it. If it results in her deciding Oliver is now worthy to be a father to his son, then...I might throw things.
  15. Yeah, I think it was a, "We met over a broken laptop, and you're still bringing them to me years later, how sweet" kind of thing.
  16. Quentin gets them the most bang for their buck. The audience might be upset, but not angry, so it's unlikely they'd lose any viewers over it since Quentin is pretty much a nonentity. The characters would be pretty upset about it though, so there'd be the potential for dramatic payoff. It's the easiest choice, so probably the one they'll make.
  17. Could've totally been her, especially after last ep when she mentioned wanting to get to know the woman who stole Quentin's heart or whatever.
  18. Someone asked MG on Tumblr or Twitter whether DD knew that Oliver was GA, and he wrote no. It was last week-ish? Although how he couldn't at this point, I have no idea. His wife seems to know, and if she didn't, Oliver did his damnedest to make sure she could figure it out this week. So...who knows at this point.
  19. Fingers crossed it's full of hand puns!
  20. Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Could be! They mentioned doing something different with a villain, and we know Laurel is prosecuting someone because there are courtroom pics. So it seems like it's probably Darhk.
  21. It's completely stupid, but from the in-show explanation, it seems like he has to have been in that place before so he's able to really visualize his surroundings or something.
  22. There don't seem to be any cars there, though - it looks like it's empty. And O/F seem to be having some kind of a convo right in the middle of it, which is a little weird, haha.
  23. So, any thoughts on what Laurel is going to prosecute Darhk for? I'm guessing it's the kidnapping, since it can be directly tied to him as a person, and not some order from the leader of HIVE and carried out by its agents. Do we have any info on the kid/mom being around in 16? Seems like they'd have to be there for something like that, although I guess the Star(ling) City justice system might not require it for...reasons. Or, dare I hope that they aren't around because they've been whisked away into ARGUS protective custody? let a girl dream
  24. It's not a lie, it's a promise he made to the mother of his child!!!
  25. I really want to know what Oliver & Samantha's relationship was. I always assumed she was someone he fucked around with a few times, but the language the writers used in the last ep kind of made it seem like he was dating the two concurrently? I mean, when he was talking to Moira about her, he seemed to know her beyond being a general fuck buddy, but they could've been friends, I guess. When he was talking to Thea, he gave the vague "I was with Samantha Clayton while I was dating Laurel." Probably a nice way of saying "having no-strings-attached sex with" to his sister, but then Thea mentioned them breaking up, which indicates a relationship. Not that she'd know the extent of whatever they were, but it was written that way. Then again, maybe the writers weren't being careful with their words there, which wouldn't be a shock. Basically I thought Oliver and Laurel were a pretty well-known couple, so I'm looking for more reasons to think Samantha is a terrible person for getting angry at Oliver when it seems like she was engaging in a sexual (and possibly romantic) relationship with someone she had to know was dating another woman. I thought maybe Oliver & Laurel were on a break when Oliver & Samantha were together, but Oliver confirmed that wasn't the case. I mean, old Oliver was for sure absolute scum, but holding that over his head when she was scummy too is hilarious to me.
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