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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I wonder if time-wise William gets taken this episode, we were just shown it last week because OMG CLIFFHANGER! but no one thought it through so it just looks like Samantha hasn't noticed her son's been missing for a while, lmao. Maybe they'll address it in show, but I wouldn't be surprised if they don't and inadvertantly (again) make them looking fucking terrible parents for plot.
  2. I don't know - I thought the call Diggle got at the end might've been Oliver letting him know he needed help looking for HIS SON!11!! Which would prompt Diggle to return to Star City for this ep? But maybe it is set after tonight's.
  3. I think the only reason they had Felicity not returning Barry's calls was so that we could see Barry asking after her to further draw ties between the two shows. And I don't think an affair was ever in the cards for Oliver and Samantha - they didn't write any kind of romantic tension between them, and I'm not sure why Oliver would want to sleep with the woman who was making stupid demands of him. I think BFS and the others really were trying to sell this storyline, but for the "feels" of Oliver having a kid and being "stuck" between a being honest or keeping his kid safe (which is bullshit, I know) not because they were trying to get something going between Oliver and Samantha again.
  4. I think maybe there are sets of Jay/Zolomon twins on each Earth. Because the guy in the iron mask seems to be a Jay, too. SO WE HAVE FOUR JAYS. Either that or Zoom ran through multiple earths and collected versions of himself who all happen to be speedsters? My brain, she hurts.
  5. Maybe Natalie Abrams' finger "accidentally" slipped on the 'r' a couple of times.
  6. Yeah, I'd take the stupidity of this season over the stupidity of last any day. And there's less LoA, so that's also a plus.
  7. My official stance is they're going to literally cop out and do away with Lance. I'd be genuinely pleasantly surprised if it's Laurel.
  8. I don't think the pic release indicates the level of badness. I mean, they're going to break up - that's pretty bad. And since the show is going to go on a however many week long hiatus, they want to give people something to tune back in for. If I had to guess, the preview at the end of tomorrow's ep might feature this hallucination wedding, just to trick people into possibly thinking that they somehow manage to find a way to get married in the next ep. Except joke's on them! LMAO
  9. Yes! It's really great, and the last chapter was beautiful. Her author's note at the end kind of got me worried that she isn't going to finish it though. Hope I'm wrong!
  10. The sad thing is that since they seem to be planning an actual wedding, Hallucination Oliver's hallucination might actually be based in reality.
  11. I hope she somehow messed up the actual quotes, because even those don't make a whole lot of sense.
  12. Maybe she quits and then comes back after she makes a difference in the world? I DON'T KNOW
  13. SA commented at a con that the ring not being on Felicity's finger is because Oliver messed up. I think it's safe to say she breaks up with him.
  14. That interview with EBR was some major word salad, haha.
  15. Then their hallucination wedding planner is terrible.
  16. Probably, but there is a chandelier dangling crookedly over her head!
  17. Is Fake!Felicity going to get nailed with that chandelier or what?
  18. Anyone who doesn't question that a) Oliver *has* to keep this secret because Samantha said so, and b) believes that continuing to keep it from people Oliver knows would never put his son in danger is "protecting" William are this show's target audience. And sadly, there are a lot of those people.
  19. Jay seems like the kind of person who receives emails from financially strapped Nigerian princes and replies to them with his bank account and routing number.
  20. I'd be surprised if William doesn't find out about Oliver being the Green Arrow tomorrow night. This show is wearing its Bad Idea Jeans full time, so...Knowing that Oliver's the Green Arrow will give Samantha some newfound respect for him, so she'll let William know Oliver's his father. They'll hug, and William will be in awe of how cool his dad is! Oliver will probably promise to introduce him to the Flash too, because why not. Everyone looks on with tears*. Fin *hopefully before they both board a plane to parts unknown, forever
  21. Stephen's interview with IGN doesn't make me feel any better. I'll wait to see to judge, but it seems like most of the character stuff I'm interested in seeing is going to be rushed over in favor of him frantically looking for the kid. Which doesn't surprise me, but...eh.
  22. I think that might be what they're going for here, given MG/Thea's POV in the past episode. Oliver thought he was doing something wrong, and Thea convinced him he wasn't. Unless Oliver/the show has a change of heart and Felicity makes the argument that he could've told her anyway and maybe asks him why exactly he thinks that telling her about William would make William *less* safe, then I'm not really sure what lesson there is for Oliver to learn, since last episode the show told me that what he was doing was right.
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