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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. "The one thing she has in this life is the bunker." So...we have OliCity, and FeliBunker?
  2. Don't they book directors way in advance, though? So even though the ep isn't written, they have a director slated?
  3. I wonder if this happened between the appetizer and the main course?
  4. Sometimes it takes people a long time to come to terms with their sexuality. Perhaps the character is just now getting ready to come out.
  5. I posted the article in the Spoilers Only thread.
  6. Ugh, I so hoped we were done with flashbacks on this show. I don't need random character flashbacks. Don't care! Don't need flash forwards. Don't care!
  7. I think Flash and SG have the right tone for a musical episode (if they do it right). Arrow's would probably be like Grey's Anatomy's, which was...not good.
  8. Just stating my own feelings about it. I haven't seen every non-original music musical episode ever, but the ones I have seen have been IMO totally cringeworthy.
  9. I think a musical episode works if the music is specifically written for the show. If it's a bunch of characters walking around singing Muzak top 40? The possibility for secondhand embarrassment is very high.
  10. I guess this goes here since it's BTS- will cutting the season by one ep mean one less mid-season filler episode, or the same midseason filler but an even more hurried wrap up? ?
  11. No, that was me misreading that SA would be somehow offended that The Flash was GB's fave (which why would SA care - GA isn't his favorite superhero either). What catrox was saying was that SA would possibly be upset that GA was produced as a springboard to making The Flash. So, my fault.
  12. I'm not sure SA would care - Green Arrow isn't his fave, either. It probably smarts a little given the current state of things regarding the crossover and promotion, though.
  13. Based on the way the EPs have described the crossover, it's . So...nah. Plus, if a show's viewership has stuck around long enough to give it 100 episodes, why clutter it up with a bunch of other shows said viewership may not watch? Since Arrow paved the way for these other shows, it should be involved in their 100th more than they should be involved in its. But I think they all should get their own focus for that milestone, should they all reach it.
  14. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. And if admitting that Malcolm has a point means putting an end to going to extraordinary measures to not kill terrible people (including Malcom-let me dream!) then I'm all for it.
  15. The only time he's mentioned Oliver killing half a dozen people was during a "two truths and a lie" question where he mentioned that along with two other things (Moira being alive and one other thing that I can't remember), so we don't know if that actually happens.
  16. Yep - not criticizing her for it. Maybe people who have been complaining about the Arrow FB should post a questionable Supes meme when they bring her attention to it.
  17. What sucks for that gymnast is not only did he have that terrible break, the paramedics dropped his stretcher as they were loading him into the ambulance.
  18. Is that not what @ruby24 was arguing? Could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure this whole convo got started because she believes they won't break up at all.
  19. She seems to enjoy vacationing in Miami Beach, so it could also be that she took some work there so she could write off a trip (or part of it).
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