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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I wonder how this actually plays out on screen, if it's a legit talking point that's going to come to fruition in the show, or if he's going full "all-in, cares deeply" Wendy.
  2. Well the comment indicates that he did, haha. Not sure why Felicity has to take a turn on that ride though.
  3. You had to figure this was coming after the "I think we can both agree that keeping secrets doesn't end well." The problem is that the end lesson should be - yeah, keeping secrets doesn't end well - don't do it. No one needs to understand why someone did it since getting into their headspace and understanding indicates acceptance that it's okay which leads to more secrets and drama, and no thank you!
  4. That sounds like a very special episode of My Two Dads.
  5. I think Chase was taunting Oliver since he's been in front of his nose this whole time, orchestrating and maneuvering with Oliver none the wiser. Oliver's been "sleeping on him" as the youths say.
  6. He knew Chase wouldn't kill her, but she was still being held against her will and being threatened. Seems like even if he ultimately knew she wouldn't die he'd still want to get her out of that kind of situation as quickly as possible, haha.
  7. Because this is Arrow and it seems like the people who write/run this show have at most two brain cells to rub together between them.
  8. IDK - he seemed pretty uncaring to me. There didn't seem to be any urgency on his part to find her at all. And when he finally did find her, he didn't seem to be relieved or anything which I would have expected despite the situation with Prometheus since Susan is still presumably his girlfriend and not some rando hostage. Unless I guess this was robot Oliver after deciding he shouldn't/couldn't be involved with her.
  9. In the preview, isn't Adrian yelling at Oliver to tell his secret or something like that? What other secrets could he possibly have that we don't know about, haha
  10. Since Chase says, "You affect every life you touch," my guess is that he's done a deep dive on Oliver/The Arrow's shitty deeds and has a back story for every person he's ever negatively affected and is gonna post their pictures on the wall for Oliver to look at as he tells him how he ruined their lives.
  11. Yeah, them not having gotten back together and him not being the person she was going to meet for dinner would make the way Oliver acted in this episode make sense. But...I'm guessing it didn't make sense because they did get back together and he still acted like...that. LOL Arrow being Arrow
  12. I wish that had been allowed to breathe a little. Especially since Oliver was the one who had her brought in so she could convince Adrian/Simon to turn himself in - the wtf at the batshittery that they'd all just witnessed should've been given its due.
  13. Yeah, tonight she showed what seemed like genuine concern for Oliver after he rescued her - she wasn't angry at him, just wanted to see Chase fry, so...yes, she's really going to turn out to be "good."
  14. Oh, I didn't think he was necessarily behind it, but nailing Felicity for something that she did that helped Oliver seems like the kind of thing he'd do to push his "you ruin everyone's lives" narrative, which is why I figured he'd know about it and at least try putting her in jail for it.
  15. I actually didn't mind the Susan stuff so much since there was, like, ZERO urgency in finding her, lmao. It's like everyone involved heard Wendy's repetitious insistence that Oliver cares deeply for her and they were like, "Okay, hold my beer." But yeah, that was a really great episode. I think the first one I truly enjoyed from start to finish all season.
  16. How does anyone get out of anything? The laws in Star City are nonsensical, haha.
  17. Since Chase is still working as DA, he's going to make sure Felicity gets arrested for what she's doing to help Oliver, yeah?
  18. Oliver thinks he can't be human and have a life, so yes!
  19. It's too bad that he came to that realization because she was kidnapped because she's dating him and not because she's a shady shitheel.
  20. So Felicity doesn't know Susan is kidnapped? Not that I'm complaining about Oliver not mentioning it, because LOL.
  21. Wasn't she meeting him for dinner at the end of the last ep? Yikes!
  22. Right? Like...how long has this chick been gone without him noticing? Haha
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