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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. One of my best friends is from Australia, and she has a picture of a family dinner they were having outside when she was a teenager. Everyone smooshed together for a posed photo, and when her mom got the pic developed, she noticed that there was a crocodile clinging to the trunk of a tree a few feet behind them - none of them even knew it was there, haha.
  2. Another reason why I dislike it - on top of all the other ones we've discussed - is because these "very special episodes" are always about ongoing issues, and framing them in an hour-long episode with a "fix" at the end (like Oliver's bill at the end of the gun control ep) is terrible. Whoever deals with the issue in this episode is likely never going to have another problem with it again, and that's just not how it works. There's good in bringing it to the forefront for discussion of course - I'm not saying that it's not worth doing unless you can make a whole run of a show about it - but it's just something that requires more than 42 minutes to do right, and it can't be magically solved when the end credits roll. Which is why it's much more suited to being handled on BL - not only because they don't have to bring in a POC writer to do it (shameful), but because I'm confident on that show it won't be a one and done type of thing with some good feels at the end so everyone can go back to their lives where this never affects them again.
  3. And then Barry tries so desperately to get her back that he basically obliterates everyone from existing, and the last vision of the Arrowverse is Barry standing on a charred earth, alone.
  4. If Iris hasn't dumped his ass already, I'm not sure what good couples counseling is going to do - she's in it for the long haul, unfortunately for her.
  5. It does. Hopefully they at least have the sense to bring in a "villain" or some other one-off character to make that argument if they're going to make that argument at all. Like a cop Dinah works with or...something.
  6. It is here in the US - it has been for months. :)
  7. He said it like it's a done deal, so I think they've already approved it. I don't even want to think about how they're going to approach that topic - I cringe just thinking about it.
  8. Which guys? I only ask because Arrow's shot at a strip club for a scene that didn't actually happen in the strip club. I was wondering if they looked like they were on a night out or just dressed normally.
  9. If they aren't getting married during the crossover, then they postpone for some reason because that date's on the STD - which means someone would have to give a second thought to getting married, but Iris is still wearing her engagement rings in BTS pics so I don't think that's happening.
  10. I don't hate it as long as they don't pull a Grey's and have O/F take over the actual venue/etc. Especially if there's a "why wait?" issue that keeps Iris and Barry from tying the knot that makes O/F think about it and decide to go ahead. There are ways it could work although I don't trust TPTB to not do it in the shittiest way possible, haha.
  11. Since Felicity's not the one having the bachelorette party, seems pretty likely. Now, whether they're the ones who actually get married in the crossover, who knows. Given the date on their invites, the bachelorette party is for Iris, and the fact that Barry and Iris are the couple who's actually engaged, seems like a safe bet that the wedding is theirs.
  12. Maybe - does Caitlin have hair like that in the show now? I stopped watching Flash last season - is Killer Frost good now? Why would she be on recon or whatever with the other ladies?
  13. I think maybe the black outfit is before she went to wardrobe and isn't actually in the episode?
  14. The way he says it sounds to me like Smoak Enterprises is the name of the venture. Although I think it's weird that he put an "a" in front of it. And if it actually IS Smoak Enterprises, then WTF was MG or whoever going on about it being obvious why it couldn't be Smoak Tech or whatever? I thought with Curtis being involved that meant her name ~couldn't be in it or something like that. If they're going to make it an in-show issue with there being another Smoak-named tech company that seems almost as unbelievable as two Dinahs with sonic cries joining the team.
  15. Nah, that's pretty much how reddit is where Felicity is concerned. In the post about this tweet about Smoak Technologies, even.
  16. I didn't even mean for it to be a knock on him - his life situation has changed a lot, and he used to be super candid in a way that probably isn't all that smart now that he has a wider audience/appeal. Maybe that's part of evolving as you get more famous, IDK. I don't ever want to be famous, haha.
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