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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Boo, they’re both wearing those clothes in 6x01. I got excited for a hot second.
  2. My mom and dad lived in different states when I was in high school. The college I wanted to go to was in the state my mom lived in. So I moved across the country to live with her while I was in school, and once I graduated I moved out on my own immediately, haha.
  3. I like that Dinah's looking at the camera and every one else is...not?
  4. Nope, nothing important! IIRC Oliver just asked what he was playing, and Myson explained what it was. ETA: oops, I thought you were asking just about the video game part!
  5. Oliver called him William when he spoke to him last night - I only remember it because it was from my favorite part, William pounding on the Flash (backpack).
  6. Yeah, nothing about it made me mad, I just don't have any particular interest in what they've set up (or the way they've set it up). I feel a little better about it this morning, but...eh.
  7. Same - it's nicer than calling him William or "son" all the time.
  8. My son! That's my boy! (Thank you)
  9. Yeah, I'd say that now that the FBI is gunning for the Green Arrow, running the decision by his wife would be the considerate thing to do.
  10. Is there a gif of my new BFF William/Myson/Buddy punching the hell out of his Flash backpack? I need it for...reasons.
  11. Same. I thought I would really hate it, but...even though ultimately I think bringing a kid onto the show is a huge mistake, I haven't minded the actual kid these past two episodes.
  12. I don't expect anything different at this point - they've been doing it for years.
  13. I want them to talk on-screen, not have Diggle say they did it offscreen like they did tonight. Although story wise I do get why Diggle couldn't confide in Felicity about the shrapnel - if he told her, she'd tell Oliver about it when she found out he'd asked Digg to be Green Arrow and there would be no story, haha.
  14. She'd already filed the paperwork, so who knows what she'd have done if he'd said no, but she made it seem like it would be fun to work together, and she thought they'd be really successful because they're both so smart.
  15. It makes me irrationally angry that the FBI swooped in and announced that they were investigating Oliver without even verifying that the photo of him was real? GOD, SHOW. WHY DO YOU DO THIS.
  16. I'm glad I'm spoiled, because if I wasn't this would probably be the episode where I tuned out and didn't tune back in again.
  17. This is boring, I want it to be over.
  18. I wouldn't even mind it if Rene wasn't a shitty father too.
  19. It also doesn't make much sense that William would be bullied over Oliver being the Green Arrow. Either kids would think it was really cool, or they'd be too afraid to touch him. I know kids are a-holes, but...come on.
  20. Everyone's talking too fast/too quiet/whatever this ep. It's hard to catch half of it.
  21. I hope so, I liked all the title cards.
  22. "In flagrante deArrow" No, Quentin. Don't do that.
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