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Everything posted by swimmingwithsnarks

  1. Sasha wrote: Am I the only one that laughs when I see women with the tote bags and "MK" emblazoned on it? Maybe they are THE BEST made totes for $200 gbut they look butt ugly to me and screams "I bought this with totes with MK because I want you all to be ipressed that I spent $200 for a tote bag." I know $200 isn't much for people but $200 for someone's initials seems silly to me. This reminds me of an old New Yorker cartoon in which a man is at a dept. store counter being shown some merchandise, and he says to the salesperson, "If my mother wanted to name me Yves St. Laurent she would have named me Yves St. Laurent."
  2. Straycat80, I apologize. I am new to this format. I wanted to quote you but for the life of me couldn't figure out how to type outside the box. Embarrassed! Maybe I'll get it now.
  3. I don't know why it took me so long to think of this, but given how tightly Bethenny is wound, how close her emotions are to the surface and how quickly she angers, I worry about Bryn. Not sure how much time Bethenny actually spends with her, despite her determination to "spend every minute with her," or words very close to that. But however much time they have together, Bryn must be exposed to Mommy's irrational behavior and screeching voice. In addition, if Bryn is a normal child, she will do things that test her mother. I seriously worry about Bethenny flying off what little handle she has left and losing it in front of her child, even directing her anger at her daughter. Scary.
  4. Yes, I'm a newbie and have far fewer than 75 posts here. About 73 fewer. But I love reading your takes on these weekly train wrecks. As you see, I haven't figured out how to quote either, but I did want to cheer for this post. Not only did Carole say "between you and I," but she said it twice in this episode. Once was at the dinner where Ramoaner had tears in her ears because Bethenny hadn't arranged for a stable of men to keep her interested. Carole let fly the embarrassing grammar—it should have been embarrassing for a writer, anyway— and then I was mesmerized by how difficult it seems for her to be able to chew. OK, I am fixated on her terrible bite. She's going to have big gum and teeth problems when she gets, ahem, older. BTW, it's fine to end sentences with prepositions. That rule came from a Latin construction and is irrelevant in English. But "between you and I" is wrong. People think "I" is a classier pronoun than "me." It isn't. They are equal. Just depends whether you're using it as a subject or an object. Off my soapbox now. Sorry.
  5. I'm not a shrink and don't even play one on TV, but I would bet Sonja has a rip-roaring case of ADHD. She is all over the place, cannot stay on topic, was even told by Ramona of all people to "FOCUS!" She can't. Which is why nothing she undertakes goes anywhere. She's national! She's international! She's going to make seventy-eleven different products and lines! She's going to be in Barney's and Harrod's! Try Walmart. Even that won't happen because nothing is going anywhere. This "team" she assembled may think she is going to produce a so-called brand, but Bethenny was right: they have no clue how far in advance you have to have a product ready for a future season. Poor Sonja. Promiscuous, pathetic and constantly spotting squirrels.
  6. I had forgotten Reid had said that and find it almost impossible to imagine. In my mind he seems to have had any personality surgically removed at birth. He is such a nebbish! He gazes adoringly at his ghoul of a wife, but I get the feeling he is wildly pussy-whipped. (Can I say that here?) He'd be afraid to risk the humorless ghoul's venom being directed at him. I wonder what he thinks of his classy FIL. Nah, I know what he thinks, but he could never risk telling Veevie what a horror George is. She'd beat him over the head with her $30,000 leg.
  7. No way LuAnn could have done that, as much as I would have loved it. She was trying too hard not to have pose running down one of her own legs. If anyone had any doubts before that night, Sonja proved she is delusional. What was the purpose of the so-called party? What the hell was her speech about? She even mentioned her "brand." Maybe she got branded while she was in Montana. That crowd at Le Cirque looked like the cast straight out of a Fellini movie. I shudder. Did you catch Lu's eye roll when the facialist was acknowleged? Well deserved. Aviva knew damned well coming in she was going to hurl her leg. It wasn't nearly as thrilling as the buildup. Big effing whoop. Begone, Queen of Batshit! I typed "pee." Autocorrect is so often Autoincorrect. Sorry.
  8. Dead on, ryebread! Both the genuine article and neither very appealing. In fact, I find Harry repulsive. Kind of only halfway cleaned up with too much bear grease in his thinning hair. Shifty eyes, too. Sonja can have him. She could—if he had any interest in something more than a toss in the hay with someone who has been ridden hard and long. Ick. Wondering why the entreprenewer didn't bother to pull on some of her Yummie Tummy gizmos to try to tame the bulges while she strutted her stuff.
  9. Tulip, I agree with you about LuAnn. She may have been a countess, but she remembers her humble beginnings and hopes her emphasis on manners and correctness hides her lack of education and background. She still is insecure. I feel sorry for her. She's done well with what she has. I wanted to applaud when she snapped back at Dog-With-a-Bone Ramona the other night who was urging her to sing. What an evil bitch that bug-eyed phony is.
  10. Because I am a grammar nerd and write a blog about anything/everything to do with the English language, I have to comment on something the Countess said in a previous season that caused my jaw to hit my knees. She was referring to something she and Jacques had in common and said this: "Jacques and I's [vacation]" or whatever it was they both had. I's?! She may call herself a countess, but this countess has had minimal education (outside of reading etiquette books). She does wear her clothes well, though. I'll give her that. Even the Vassar-educated, law-school trained Aviva still screws up I and me. In all 19 languages in which she is fluent, no doubt.
  11. She Never. Blinks. Once. She probably was scared shitless. Her eyes remind me of that horrifying scene in "Clockwork Orange" in which the guy's eyes are held wide open with sharp-;looking metal clamps. What is wrong with her eyes, anyway? Most of the time she looks insane. Oh, wait.... Thanks, ScoobyDoobs, for bringing back that clip. I had forgotten how hilarious it was. It has to be in the Top 10 Ho Hall of Infamy Museum.
  12. <<And, yeah, it was the assistant who pronounced Rafe Ralph and, of course, Carole just had to let drop that she had dated him. Whatever that means. Seriously annoying. Mario's charms escape me. Those two definitely deserve each other. She's a revolting person. Harry and the food -- Could it be that the man has been going hungry? That was so extreme.>> My mistake. I thought Carole was reading the names out and the asst. was putting them on the books. I can't go back to check because the instant the program is over I hit DELETE. Still shuddering from Harry's animal attack on the poor little chicken wings. Every time I look at Sonja I wonder how many STDs she's had and shared. Where will these women be in a couple of years? Divorces: Mario and Moaner, Kristen and Josh, George and Cody (if they ever do get married, which I doubt). Out of their current housing: Sonja, Kristen, and Josh. Maybe Moaner, unless she gets decent alimony from The Crooner. Still delusional about being a somebody: Aviva, George, Sonja--oh, hell--all of them. My husband asks me why I bother to watch the HoShows. "Alls I can say" is, I'm hoping for the worst for these narcissists. Looks like I'm getting it, too.
  13. Mostly a lurker here and loving your comments. Still laughing about the sequined sack of Russet potatoes (with earrings). I think Heather and Josh could be brother and sister--neither one is attractive and their noses are so similar. Sadly. Josh couldn't even use the word "therapist"; he is going to see a "mediator." There is no hope for him and Kristen. Sonja is a whore who is delusional enough to think she is a lady. Harry looked like a wild beast ravenously chomping on those chicken wings. Revolting! As a former college English teacher, I cringe at LuAnn's grammar. Last night she threw out another of her "for Jacque and I" locutions when it should have been "me." But so many people think "I" is classier than "me." It's not. Depends whether you need a subject or an object pronoun. But I digress. That's alls I know. Mario sure as hell wasn't thinking of the Moaner when he was singing. He looked like he had a bellyache. Moaner needs heavy medication. Her immaturity is astounding. An induced coma would be welcome. Run, Avery, run! Carole annoys me no end. She is a faux hippie who thinks she is an adorable waif. I can't stop staring at her fugly mouth and terrible overbite. Not too late for Invisilign, kiddo. And when she was throwing out all those celebrity names, she pronounced Ralph Fiennes as "Ralph." She mentioned she had an affair with him (???), so you'd think she'd know he pronounces his name "Rafe." As for Aviva: buhbyeeeeee!
  14. What a difference in the atmosphere after Ramona took off in her "spur-of-the-moment" plane rescue. Finally the others could relax and have fun (even if Sonja's throwing herself at the completely uninterested 20 y.o. was painful to watch). Ramona is a raving lunatic. Her in-your-face screaming the same thing over and over and over again at Kristen made me want to throw cold water on her—a lot of it! I would have aimed for her frizzled, fried, overbleached, ugly hair. She was sorry my ass. It was NOT an impulsive act on her part to throw the glass at Kristen. She then immediately picked up the oar and was ready to hurl that at K's face. She needs thorazine and a strait jacket. Sonja finally had to confront the fact that her dear friend Ramona had always intended to get back to the Hamptons for that party (and probably to do a bed check on Mario). That phony mud puddle meltdown in the woods was a joke. She thinks she's a convincing actress; tonight she proved beyond any doubt that she isn't. And neither is Sonja. Bet she's had her own head in the toilet a few times and been seen by her daughter. I pray that kid is at a boarding school.
  15. I hate the idea that any one character (and that is what they all are: characters) can become so firmly entrenched in a show that no matter what she does, she is there to stay. Yes, Ramona has been there from S1 and certainly brings her own crazy-eyed brand of insanity and stupidity to the show. But reacting so impulsively to Kristen's splash was completely out of line. She was in a canoe on a lake, for God's sake. She cannot imagine her hair getting wet? She is so vapid, so self-absorbed, that all that matters to her is her appearance (and my! wasn't she thick-waisted in this episode!) and her wine. She is so entitled, she thinks she can do anything she wants to anyone. I bet she's attacked Smirking Mario plenty of times too. She barely acknowledged cutting Kristen's lip and continued to act as if it was all K's fault. No remorse at all. I cannot stand her. My list is getting longer: to the Cannot Stand List I add Aviva, Sonja and Carole. Let's see, that leaves The Countess, who seems rational this season; Heather, who is the voice of reason; and Kristen, who is not stupid and shouldn't describe herself only by her looks. Off my soapbox now.
  16. Hi, everyone—I'm new to this forum but have watched several of the HoShows religiously and think their attractions are that of a train wreck. As for Sonja-with-the-sexy J, she is incredibly immature. Watching her is like watching a four-year-old who thinks she is adorable (but isn't). She is painful to watch, truly pathetic IMO. She's delusional. Kristen's husband is a turnoff for me, but his advice to Sonja was spot on: she cannot focus on any one thing and thinks every nutty idea that flits through her brain is going to be her salvation, even if she does nothing to make it happen. She lives in the land of magical thinking —and waaaay too much booze. I hope her daughter is at a boarding school, because living at home with a mother like Sonja would be close to abuse. Serious neglect and horrendous values.
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