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Everything posted by taanja

  1. Right! and she was being so 'cold" and indifferent to him it was driving him MAD!
  2. I must say --- I do find Eliza and William and their banter SO damn cute! I missed him the last two eps. I loved William asking Fitzroy about Eliza while he was gone !! Ha ha! "What kind of mood was she in?" and Fitzroy was like -- she was happy and charming as usual! I loved them complaining to other people how much they each annoy one another! When Eliza was spending the money before she had it I was like -- don't count your chickens before they hatch! Moses Valentine! hello my love! So. The elephant in the room -- Arabella. The invite to tea was totally timed to coincide with William showing up to take Arabella for a 'walk" in the park. And right before William showed up - Arabella made some sort of dig at Eliza about William laughing at something Eliza did/said. The look on Eliza's face was priceless when William walked in and Arabella pretended to have forgotten their appointment Eliza knows that Arabella is still the manipulative bully she was back in school. I just hope William buys a clue! Otherwise he deserves what he gets!
  3. Mr. Potts called it -- "stepping out" < that sounds very Victorian.
  4. Yeah. I am on team Eliza/William. That whole episode that Arabella was in had my spidey senses tingling. She "swooped in" with her delicious cake! ha! LOL
  5. I think I am just looking for reasons NOT to like Arabella. It started with the way she said -- "OH? You're not married?" to Eliza when she found out they (William and Eliza) were undercover instead of the married couple they initially introduced themselves.
  6. Oh? I had to quick read through to find that. I must have missed it. The only way I would like that idea is if Eliza and William were working together. Otherwise - yeah - it makes William come of as a dick
  7. Are you saying that William is "dating" or whatever you call it this Arabella woman because he is working a case? He suspects she is guilty of a crime and is just using her? I feel like the character we have been introduced to would not behave that way. I mean, she (Arabella) comes across as sketchy ( to me) and the very first ep she was introduced in seemed to wrap up way too neatly. The head waiter was behind the jewelry scheme, but I bet we find out Arabella is really the mastermind! And I want it to be Eliza who finds that out!
  8. I missed William as well. And I actually said - NO! - out loud at the end with him and Arabella. She just seems sketchy to me. I am not sure how this will all ply out? But I am interested to find out! I loved Fitzroy! He is quickly becoming one of my favorites. I mean -- he punched Phelps right in the face like a champ! Speaking of Phelps - YUP! He is a man of his time - a school yard bully and he will never let you forget the fact that fought his way up from the bottom. Moses is my darling! That charming smile! I love that he remains a mystery within the mystery of the show. Never change Moses - never change.
  9. Yup! That would be delightful! I already like the way William looks at Eliza and Moses when they are laughing together. He always looks jealous of their easy friendship. I would love to see his reaction to Nash's obvious attraction to Eliza. Ha!
  10. Yes. William does seem to think that someday Eliza will change and settle down and want to be a wife and mother. He has implied it more than once and even said it out loud to her but she just dismisses the idea. I liked this ep - it was fun. The case was great because i had no idea who was what! They were ALL in on it! My question -- I have several actually. The actor who plays Nash -- is he someone's special something? Like the actress who plays Eliza or the showrunners significant other or relation? I ask because he seems as if he got the job because he knows someone behind the scenes. That fake mustache is SO distracting! it keeps looking like it's slipping off his face! Is the actor who plays William otherwise engaged? It felt to me that this ep was written with Eliza and William in mind and when the actors who plays William was unavailable (for whatever reason) they stuck the character of Nash in and just tweaked some of the dialog to make it work. It would have been REALLY cute if that had been Eliza and William working together. Not to say I didn't enjoy the episode. It was rather enjoyable. And I don't mind Patrick Nash. On paper perhaps he is more compatible with Eliza but the "spark" is missing. And did I read somewhere above that the speculation is that William is spending time with Arabella? ugh! Say it ain't so!
  11. The showrunners were quoted as saying they like to put that in every ep as a "running joke" In other words - it is done on purpose.
  12. Upon second viewing -- right at the beginning when William and Eliza are at the restaurant and they admit who they really are to Arabella -- her first words are -- "Oh! You're NOT married?" And then she immediately does the flirt thing -- she touches William's arm (he even looks down at the gesture) and insists he call her by her first name - Arabella. In Victorian times that is BIG TIME flirting! And at the end when Arabella shows up with all the deserts and is asking Eliza if she wants to meet for dinner --- Arabella is flirting with William the entire time -- she even calls William by his first name (gasp!) and once again insists that he call her Arabella.
  13. I feel like there wouldn't be a show if Eliza and William and Moses and everyone else wasn't breaking all willy nilly into offices and morgues and banks and such -- that we wouldn't have a show! I personally have no problem with it. It makes for some really cute scenes.
  14. I don't know? I am going to trust Eliza on this. People don't change. Not really. Eliza knew this person for years - Eliza knew what a little lying sneak (and thief!) Arabella was and I personally feel she still is. That case wrapped up way tooooooo neatly! Plus i didn't like the was William was looking at and smiling at that Arabella. Nope.
  15. William was most defiantly noticing Arabella. On paper she is everything he thinks he wants in a woman. He even made that comment to Eliza at the end that she will eventually change her mind and want to settle down and have a family. Eliza made some despairing reply -- ;like "no way!" and the look on William's face was ... disappointment or something. And then Arabella and her group came in with all the delicious deserts and he became distracted. Speaking of which - this is the second episode where the perp is a female and it is left up to Detective Wellington's discretion whether charges are brought. Last week he decided not to charge the magician's assistant and this week he decided not to charge Arabella. Did anyone else get the feeling that Arabella is not as innocent as she pretends? They blamed it all on Enzo - The head waiter - but I don't know???? if Eliza is suspicions then I am as well. I thought it would turn out that Arabella is/was the mastermind. No Moses. But I guess we can't have everything. Just gonna add that I love Eliza and Ivy's relationship.
  16. I am glad to see someone love this show as much as I do! I love Mark's moral conflict. What is one willing to do to keep one's child alive? Commit murder? Hell yeah! I really really want a second season as well!
  17. But ... but ... but that was one of the cutest scenes! Eliza and Moses breaking into the magician's dressing room! I love Eliza and Moses together! The two actors are so damn charming! and MOSERS BOXING!!!!!) be still my heart! << I think I replayed that scene at least 10 times! That man is fine! I am so glad this show is back! I smiled through the entire ep. I really have no nit-picks. I like that newspaper guy so I don't mind Eliza thinking "this time will ne different" Ha! He used her ambition and ego against her. I would have loved to have seen the case that got everyone arrested. The little bit we saw looked like A HOOT! I like that Eliza and William know one another so well. They both knew when they were each lying. And they immediately picked up on one another's "tells' Like the way William sniffs when he's lying and Eliza does the "I don't know what your talking about" thing.
  18. Donnelly is also in Britannia- she is a busy lady. I figure that's why the character Jenny was recast on Outlander.
  19. Didn't Peter say he killed him (Chris) and brought his body to the lab? I assume Claire did to it whatever she was going to do -- but lab stuff is boring so they just didn't show it. I kind of like the way the writers are getting past the never aging thing. Cuz yeah. That little actress is getting older by the day! Puberty will hit and she won't be so flat chested and angular anymore. I am truly interested to find out what they do with Naomi is a vampire next season. I mean -- mind blown! I bet she doesn't even believe vampires exist! Personally that is one of the characters and stories I am most interested in watching.
  20. Yeah! That head pounding on the cement floor was horrible! Naomi is one of my favorite characters so I was glad that she didn't die! She'll just be a vampire! That is a twist I didn't see coming and one I look forward to this show exploring!
  21. I thought that was a great season finale! I knew the anti aging thing had to come into play because the actress who plays Ellie will naturally age. The young man who plays Peter looks to be about 25 years old. (I know he is supposed to be 15 but ... NO -- dude looks older!!!.) But still - nice set up for next season. Wow! Naomi! I'm glad she wasn't killed but she'll be a vampire now! haha! < I did NOT see that coming! I sure hope there is another season because I ended up liking this show more than I thought.
  22. I think they only discussed the memory of the kiss when they were teenagers. (maybe there was even a flashback?) But No. We have NOT seen adult Eliza and William kiss. I was thinking about this. A kiss is kind of a promise of marriage in Victorian times? No? They would both be aware of this etiquette. I feel they have shown William to be cautious with his feelings and he keeps them close to his vest. He is not going to be kising Eliza all willy nilly until he is ready to declare his intensions.
  23. Ha! I was thinking the same thing! Apartment walls are notoriously thin! I was like -- Dude! Mark! lower your voice! also the eating thing. I think it's cuz they probably have many takes during a scène and the food is either cold or they ate their fill during all the takes! EVERY single show that has characters eating does the same thing. The actors either push the food around or eat one tiny bite! But other than that -- things are getting real!
  24. What? where have you seen this? I love the way he looks at Eliza - he obviously thinks she is just marvelous! But it's just like a puppy dog crush. And No. Eliza seems to think he is cute and she is not above using his crush to her advantage. But that is all it is.
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