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Everything posted by iwasish

  1. I was trying to be funny, obviously I failed....
  2. I think she had some kind of bra on, but it wasn't much support. Kim's tits might as well have their own show, they spend that much time on camera.
  3. She'd sell out any of them for press. Telling Khloe in a manner that insures the public will hear it and that Scott will hear it, that she can't get a radio deal for him was so tacky. But Kourtney overshares her issues with them and then they feel free to voice their opinions and give advice. Advice that is laughable coming from them, since none of them have perfect relationships. She's better off talking to Leigh the therapist and who has a professional obligation to keep confidences. I still think Kourt and Scott have a better shot at a long term relationship than Kim and Kanye, Khloe and French or Pimpmama and her boy toy.
  4. How does something Kim told Jonathan the night before suddenly become a soon to come magazine story? Maybe the help or the camera crew is talking? And who cares, they're filming it all for public consumption anyway. Does Kim think her glam squad doesn't leak a tidbit or two to the press?
  5. She had about 4 bags of stuff, not even over stuffed bags. I'm sure she can manage 4 bags by herself. After all she works out regularly. I do think Khloe cooks... but she has help no doubt.
  6. In her more recent pics she looks like Magic Johnson's son. He wore the fuzzy black cape in a few pics I've seen of him.
  7. How many times will they use the Jonathan is disloyal storyline? She's accused him of it almost every season and they always makeup
  8. He designed that shit as much as Kylie and Kendall wrote that book. Kris found someone to design them and gave them a big enough payday to let Rob put his name on it, and buy their silence... With an ironclad contract. I'd rather see something designed by Scott. He may be over the top at times, but he usually dresses with style. Way more style than any one else in the family, especially those who consider themselves genius designers.
  9. That may have been because a rear end collision is usually the fault of the other driver, your insurance carrier may have collected from their insurer. If an accident happens that is your mom's fault, they may question it.
  10. But she has great work ethics... So says Mamapimp, who keeps tabs on her by googling her. Now that Kris has her new younger, black boyfriend on her arm, Kylie is even more on her own. I mean she can't go clubbing with the rest of the family (underage is a bitch!) and mama's out there dancing and partying hard.
  11. That therapist, Leigh, was the one at Mirabel, I think it's a spa type resort in Arizona. Kourt and Scott went there and did some couples bonding type stuff. Scott got into It a bit, Kourt was lukewarm to the whole talking about your feelings thing.
  12. I agree with you.. May be the fact that she's living an adult life and making adult decisions because he mom and dad have abdicated their responsibility as parents, is why she has anxiety attacks if her older sister doesn't come along on a vacation. Kris may have been lucky that her older brood has steered clear of a lot of the pitfalls of Hollywood kids, but I suspect Kylie and Rob to some extent are not so lucky.
  13. I've seen girls ad pretty or prettier in my hometown . My niece is gorgeous and people comment on her looks all the time. No one has described her lips as pillowy.
  14. But smart enough to pull that money out soon as it hit the account and close it right after the last of the refunds she expected were received. .. "I was checking it daily for her money" . And why close out the account? I mean the gubmint was filling it full of free money who would forfeit that? She might have looked dumb as a stump, but she was a sly fox. Another lifer on the gubmint tit.
  15. Where's Bruce in all this mess? He should be having a chat with Kris about better supervision over Kylie and with Tyga about sex with an underage girl, and going to jail perhaps? Kanye ought to be keeping his nose out of it, Cause if North is anything like her mother or her aunts, he's going to be having the same issues. And pimp granny will be no help at all.
  16. My question is "Does Kim ever cover up her tits"? They are front and center in every scene she's in. If she were my sister, I'd have to say to her at one point , "please cover those things up or I'm not going to be seen with you." Between her tits and constantly adjusting that flat hair that looks like its covered in bear grease, I find her so fucking irritating. Then there's her constant condescending remarks about how everyone else should live their lives, Kourt "should do this" Khloe "should do that" and everyone "should kiss Kris's ass". Mind your own fucking business... when you manage to last ten years in a relationship like Kourtney has (difficult or not, she's committed to it) maybe someone will give a shit about your opinion. And Kris telling Khloe she jumped into a new relationship too soon? Did she tell Kim that when she jumped in bed with Kanye? Also she needs to step up those workouts.. she's got quite a camel-toe going in the underarm area. Must be all those Dunkin Donuts she was eating in the preview.
  17. I don't think they were going to build a pool, Kris was talking about one of those plastic kiddie pools. I' bet if you asked Kim about "Pink" today, she'd say " I love her music".
  18. When Kim was relating the story of the racist passenger on the plane from Vienna, Khloe was telling her that she should have said "yes all I like is black cock". They've made many comments over the years about their liking/preferring black men as partners. I think they mentioned their surprise that Kourtney ended up with Scott, since she dated mostly black boys/men in the past. Face it, they're all ass no class.
  19. Every time JJ asked him what else he did for the plaintiff, I was waiting for him to say "O.K, I fucked her every Saturday night and twice on Sunday"
  20. I'd rather have Scott on the radio than Khloe anyway. Kris probably was scared he'd let too many family secrets out of the bag while on air. He is the one guy she doesn't control on the show.
  21. The only thing "deeply" about Kim is how far inside her Ray J penetrated. She commented today that her nude pics are to preserve memories of what a great body she had before "having to go thru another pregnancy" Jeez, she makes it sound like having a baby with someone she supposedly loves is some kind of torture. Go buy a kid from some impoverished country you stupid twat! You can strut around naked or half naked all you want then.
  22. And Kim in the back seat, with two failed marriages behind her, talking about the importance of therapy, cracked me up. Kourtney's relationship certainly has its issues, but she and Scott have been together 10 years, longer than either Kim or Khloe have been able to maintain a relationship. IMO a big part of Scott's problem is boredom, he has nothing to do. The most enthused I've seen him was over the possibility of the radio gig. He needs something productive to get his interest and keep him occupied.
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