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Everything posted by Chewy101

  1. This was just bad. Great acting, but damn. Meredith and Callie turning to tequila shots was pathetic, really. It was cute a decade ago when they were all young and didn't have families to take care of, but now it seemed like a lousy way to deal with their problems. Grow UP. (And why haven't Dick and Meredith ever tried therapy??) I am disappointed that Callie did several tequila shots and had a good day at work and suddenly she found fighting for her marriage too tedious to pursue. Just as sad was Arizona having an unstable day at work and NO tequila and she realized being single might be too scary to endure. They are both too self absorbed in their pain to even let the therapy do its thing. I kind of wanted to see a couple battle their way to healthy instead of imploding, but I should know better. Callie is the most pathetic, needy person I have ever seen. Since the days of George, she has been INCAPABLE of being alone. No character has whined more about missing sex and needing a warm body next to her around the clock. She used Mark on a regular basis for surrogate love. There is faithful and loving, and then there is co-dependent. Callie is no good for anyone because she needs to be needed too damn much. I love the character, but I am SICK of all of her relationships. Arizona is a brat, but only a brat could live with the vortex of need that is Callie and still remain somewhat intact. I was actually in agreement with AZ when she told Callie not to come to Africa. There was NO WAY that was going to work and she and Mark both knew it before Callie did. Callie just impulsively agreed to go because she can't be alone. She later proved that by banging Mark soon as AZ was on the plane. So, although I'm not sure Callie and AZ were ideal for each other, without them both dealing with their crap, no one else could date them either. I resent that both women ignored all advice and rules from their chosen therapist, and then called the month a successful run. Callie doesn't listen to anyone anymore than Arizona does. They both just sucked. Game over. A separation while sharing a house, though? Talk about plot device. Poor Sophia. That is wretched unhealthy. They were instructed not to speak to one another and the kid won't notice? And stupid Callie could not go a DAY before she made Arizona the bad guy for staying silent. Blech, these two are so unstable. Much as I like Geena Davis' character, her face is painful to look at. Why did she have to ruin her pretty pretty face. Just let yourself age, Geena! You think this look is a better one? I don't even care if Callie and Owen get together. Callie will date anything that moves, and Owen could use some happy in his life. I don't think he is a bad guy. I know he cheated on Christina, but Christina checked out at times, too. She just used surgery to fill all the holes in her marriage where Owen used a woman. Christina herself admitted she is the cheating type as well, that she could see it happening under certain circumstances. The important thing is they worked through it- it can't be brought up every time anything else happens. Mistakes that are confessed have to be forgiven and left behind. Unlike Arizona's defensiveness and justifications for her infidelity, Owen was flat out horrified and sorry from day one and never wavered on his own guilt. He actually repented, and I doubt he would do it again. Arizona stills seems unclear on where she did wrong. So what the heck. Let needy pathetic Callie seek solace in Owen (the new Mark), and then they can get pregnant and Callie and Owen's baby can play with Avery and Kepner's baby and the show can be some stupid romper room disaster. I'm afraid Jo will get knocked up as well (for a show about doctor's few of them seem to understand the ins and outs of birth control). I want so much more for Alex's character than a stupid I'm Not Ready To Be a Daddy But Then My Girlfriend Got Pregnant and I saw My Child For The First Time And Everything Changed cliche story line. Save that stuff for Callie's victims. Alex has a hospital to run! So, surprise me, Shonda. Hook Callie up yet again, because we know she can't do single, and make me believe in Callie/Owen love. What the hell. You have jumped bigger sharks.
  2. The clothes they have chosen this season to cover up Elena's extra pounds are so hideous it's distracting. I didn't care for her butting into Stefan's grieving process. At least he was willing to grieve! Soon as her mind gets wiped she gets all high and mighty on what is OK and what is not in the process of losing a loved one? The irony was less funny and more annoying. I think my problem with Elena is she still seems like Katherine to me. The actress used to do such an excellent job of playing Katherine and Elena differently, and you could tell them apart by their inflections and expressions...And now it's all the same character. Elena never used to be nasally and smug with stupid come hither expressions. But vampire Elena is a cheap version of Katherine that we are supposed to see as one of the "good" ones, and the whole thing is a mess. I LOVED Katherine. I miss the days when I loved Elena. Every time she speaks with that weird sexy voice I just roll my eyes. The writers have done a wretched job with Elena- but the actress has not helped things by merging the two characters' traits either. Honestly, I know Caroline can be judgmental, too, but at least she has always been that way. Even in season one she was sweet but brutally honest at the same time. And she always thought she knew the best way of doing all things, but she is still strong and loyal and nurturing. I hate that the vampire thing had to change Elena so much when it didn't change Caroline. Stefan told Elena he could see her again, that they could stay in touch. WHY couldn't he say that to Caroline? Caroline is hardly the reminder of dead brother that Elena would be. I get that Bonnie would search for clothes in the drawers around town and find nineties outfits. But knowing to wear the overalls in that way was a bit much. Loving how Kai has brought out some protective instincts in Damon. And loving how blue plaid brings out Damon's eyes. Jeremy is just like Vampire Elena. As long as we have known him he has had terrible coping skills. When things go wrong, he heads to the bottle. And then he gets destructive and sullen and mean. He is angry little season one Jeremy all over again. He might be bigger but he is not a day older.
  3. Christina and Alex used to be that way all the time. Even though it is ridiculously bizarre for Stephanie to do it to Alex, I just assumed the show was trying to fill its snark quota any way they could (now that the best female character is gone).
  4. I first heard the term in Fan Fic Forums. It refers to a character inserted into a story who is ridiculously exceptional to the surrounding characters. The Mary Sue tends to border on perfect in so many ways that she begins to eclipse the other characters on multiple levels. She is funnier, quirkier, smarter, etc.... More, more, more, and so elevated by the writer that she is impossible to ignore.
  5. 1. Agree. His voice was dripping with venom when he said that. 2. Very strongly disagree. Derek accepted Lexie. In season 5 he tried to protect her from Mark. In season 8 he was shown as a great "big brother" to her, as well as a professional mentor to her in Neurosurgery. And he had a very anguished reaction when he found out that Lexie died in the plane crash. So it's completely in line with his character to accept another Grey sister. I also think that his smile, overall facial expression, and hug for Maggie were out of relief and understanding of what was going on with Meredith. His saying "Meredith isn't good with sisters." also showed that it was a relief and understanding type of reaction. Considering Derek avoids his own family and treats all of his sisters like garbage, I find it irritating how controlling and judgmental he is with how Meredith handles her own family, and how he is the perfect big brother to her sisters. As usual, his hypocrisy is showing. He is the Ultimate Exception to all things, and only a fellow narcissist like Meredith could put up with him. They so deserve each other. Derek's excitement that a new sister was in the mix made me miss Lexi so much. This plot is crap. Damn, the Puzzle Whisperer strikes again. This time she cured paralysis when even the mighty and powerful Dr. Shepherd could not. Gag, gag, gag. The patient of the week was so ridiculous. A baby bump, really? JUST in time for Meredith to remember her mom had one, too? How convenient. WHAT is with the tragic flashbacks about Ellis attempting suicide. She did NOT attempt suicide, she did it for attention. I hate when they screw things up by changing what we have already been taught about the past. That was a huge breakthrough for Meredith in therapy years ago, to learn that her mother knew how to cut so she would bleed and not die, and that when she called Meredith "ordinary" it was not about surgery. Stupid show, make up your mind. This episode was a mess. I don't get the point, besides further skewing timelines and characters. Now we find out that although Richard has been unable to even say the name "Ellis Grey" without beaming with pride for ten straight years, that he was actually jealous and resentful back then of her skills and success? And when he talked about how threatened he was by her potential success in the future, I did not like the look on Meredith's face like she could relate. if she thinks for a second that Derek is threatened by HER success, she is more arrogant than I already thought. Derek might be a dick, but he is still a significantly more successful surgeon than she is. His problem is NOT jealousy. And even though Bailey is not wrong that the board has been a hot mess, she has been JUST AS BAD. Pot, work with kettle and shut up already. Alex's desire to be a great surgeon over his own ego and pride about how the board votes went is reason to love him even more. I was appalled when Derek's sister said she knew what she knew about Maggie from AA meetings. That showed an incredible lack of character to risk another member's privacy like that. Shame on her. The end was still sweet, though. And if I have to put up with Maggie, at least she had a happy childhood and she is functional. I am tired of all the broken pieces Richard has left in his wretched selfish life. Maggie might be a Mary Sue, but I guess that is better than her being yet another broken toy? I guess.. Where in the hell is Kepner???? And do you think we will ever see Alex's kid sister? There could be some awesomeness for Justin Chambers if they went there. Too bad Meredith and Derek have cornered the market on siblings and drama.
  6. Alex was only an intern when he killed Booger. Which means responsibility falls on the Attending in charge, which was Derek. No one on that board was voting against Alex. I picture more that they chose Bailey because they will always be afraid of Bailey, and Bailey is the one who saved Meredith's life when she had her own boy (named Bailey, need I add). The vote, surely, was not about looking down on either candidate, but they had to choose. Even though they DIDN'T. Who cares if both are on the board. Alex has the shares, so let him on, too! This is suuuuuuuuuch BS. I, too, adore McKidd, but I also love Owen's character, even though he deserves to be kicked in the ass over many many things. He does it for me as a broken sympathetic character. However, I do wish McKidd had left and gotten another McGig elsewhere this season. I'd follow him!
  7. My problem here with this is Derek's way of handling pain. Most people in pain hurt, yes, and even lash out if pushed too hard. But Derek in pain inflicts his pain on others intentionally. He spreads it around and justifies it with his lame excuses. He is a mean wretched brat when he hurts. He is self serving and petty at the same time. One or the other I can deal with, but the combo makes him unbearable for me. I am a huge Patrick Dempsey fan, but this character? He should have died when he was shot. Dead Derick in Meredith's memories would have been a better man. I doubt Bailey won the board seat because they found something specifically wrong with Alex (That he made a huge mistake somewhere.) I am guessing they voted for Bailey because the characters were not yet clued in that Bailey is not the sun anymore and we lost interest in her success awhile ago, or they are afraid of what she will do to them on a daily basis if she did NOT get the seat, when they only got the seats themselves for being on a plane or being an Avery.The whole thing is crap. No one is qualified, and Alex not being a part of that circus is probably a good thing. I am not worried. Alex will likely end up with it one way or the other anyway. Let him actually earn his success. He is The Man!
  8. And my nausea is more nauseous than anyone else's! ; )
  9. But Elena is in too much PAIN to go on a bunny diet. Girl has become quite the emotional wimp since she grew fangs. Easier to just make Alaric, who despises his own vampirism, to be her vampire bitch than to suffer even a bit more. She acts like she is the first person to know and lose love. And she didn't even fall for a decent human being. Ugh ugh ugh. Her line about missing Damon "makes her dangerous" is crap. She is only dangerous on the herbs she was taking. Deal with your pain, you little brat. Sober up and take a lesson from Matt and Caroline on how to feel your feelings like a sane person. I have zero sympathy left for the girl I was rooting for for the first three seasons. Damon at least has charm and wit to make him an easier pill to swallow. Elena is just unbearable across the board.
  10. Too true, too true! I just want Stefan to not crap on Caroline. I love their friendship.
  11. Except Richard was reading her journals, too, and they were clearly from the more recent years, when she was working on her diabetes research. Ellis was seeing signs of her own illness and taking meticulous notes to preserve what she was working on, and the fact that she never mentioned a pregnancy is ludicrous. Squishing this baby plot in there after an entire season of three doctors reading some dozens of journals written over decades from this woman is terrible writing. Callie did the exact same thing with George when she felt him pulling away. She is, at least, consistent in her coping skills, lol. She is a catholic girl who wanted five kids and then fell for a chick who didn't want kids. She needs to be grateful she got ONE out of this deal. What I meant was, for two years if someone confronted Meredith to reach out to Lexi, she would say "we have the same father, but she is NOT my sister!" So I was amused when this time around, as soon as Alex found the medical proof, she just gave in and said, "Ok, yeah. I have another sister." It's like even Meredith knows this is unbelievable and ridiculous, so she just surrendered and went with it. I hate what they have done to Bailey. I get that the board has to vote on the seat, and may the best man win, but I hate what has happened to her character. She has changed so much and become an erratic mess. The Bailey of seasons 1 and 2? Hell yeah, move over Alex, you can lay golden golden eggs and I'd still vote for Bailey to keep these nitwits organized on that board. Hell, Avery seems so young but he is the most stable one there. Definitely an "Avery." (He is the Gunther"!) But now, even though I don't think Alex is qualified emotionally to run a hospital, Bailey SHOULD be, but the character is too much of a wreck for me to get on board with it. Christina screwed the hospital by picking a head cardio guy who is too young for the job- probably seeing herself in her and figuring SHE would have taken it at that age, and then she gave the shares and seat to Alex, because she loves him, and knows NONE of them deserved these seats- the rest just happened to be on a plane one day. Frankly, if Arizona had kept her temper in check and not pushed Alex off the plane to take his place, none of this stupid board thing would be an issue and it would not be so painful to swallow the plots going on now. I always hated how the writing brought it down to just one person being responsible for the domino effect. Too many residents on a plane, hospital goes bankrupt. Dumb, dumb, dumb. The entire hospital should crumble around their ears with the way they do things. Only Avery can run that place. And of course, Richard.
  12. Well. That was painful to watch. Every single person is completely miserable and there weren't even some really funny parts ( like Christina doing or saying absolutely anything) to balance it out. Poor Alex. Honestly, now is when he needs Christina to go on a rampage with him. Even Bailey seemed to feel bad for him, but props for Alex remembering to say congratulations before leaving. He has grown so much and he is the only one I adore without any reservations. Too bad he is dating a useless child. I know Sandra is gone, but oh would I kill to see Alex hop a plane to Switzerland and pour his heart out to Christina and let her help him form a game plan for his life. They were such cute buddies and she wanted this for him! It's going to be weird if the show doesn't have her weigh in on this somehow. I am happy to see Callie working with Owen, because they both need something to do on the show and her marriage to Arizona is dead in the water. They are never happy and both women are far more interesting as individuals. Plus, I am a sucker for any project involving helping the wounded heroes- even in fake medicine land. I don't want Callie and Arizona to break up or anything, I just think we need to see more of each in other areas, and less fighting with each other for the third season in a row. Seeing them with other friends is nice. I know Owen can be rough around the edges, but I give him passes like I do for Alex. They need to be put in their place, yes, but they have survived so much hell and they are just so damaged. But they also admit when they are wrong and are very loyal. And Callie's character gets shat on so much, I am for ANYone who will give that girl a hug. I am so over her marriage and their wishy-washy problems. To baby or not to baby....Who cares. Getting the one kid into the family was a miracle, just be happy already. As soon as they clear an obstacle, they heap more burdens on themselves. Without Mark in the picture, how are the two of them even managing to care for Sofia and still work full time? I know there is a daycare, but it's one little room! All these people need nannies. I think Derek is so much meaner than Owen and Alex put together. They all yell and go off the rails, but Derek hits below the belt with his words. Repeatedly over the years, he has said things in anger or spite that will leave a mark forever- and always to the people he claims to love the most. Where Christina and Alex have said mean things because they are caustic and inconsiderate, Derek moves in to intentionally wound. He lashes out and goes for blood and it's disgusting. Plus, he throws his loved ones under the bus whenever he wants to, where Alex and Owen, Christina, Meredith and Callie have shown some pretty incredible loyalty to one another. And for a man raised by five women, to still be such a dick to women is a mystery to me. he is now doing to Meredith exactly what he did in his marriage to Addison- putting his career ahead of his family. I hope he leaves. I KNEW his "family first" priority wouldn't stick, and that he was going to make everyone around him pay for his decision to stay. Just like his promise to let Meredith step forward and he would spend more time with the kids last season. That lasted about a week before his own crap took over again. Nothing gives him a pass- not even his dumb hair. Meredith is truly dead inside that she lets his words roll off her back without even an apology most of the time. Listening to him talk to his sister, and then to Meredith, made me cringe. I miss the days when Bailey and Webber would cut him down to size regularly. I was actually surprised to see Meredith's reaction to Webber about the Puzzle Whisperer being his kid. I was afraid she would get territorial over him as her sort of dad figure, but she didn't. She even encouraged him to reach out! I did find it kind of funny that it took her two years to accept Lexi as a real sister but it took less than a day to accept Maggie as one. Webber whining about Ellis taking his kid away from him pissed me off. Ellis was more than willing to give him her entire life, but he didn't want her. He just wanted to fool around, so what was she going to do. If she had had that baby at Seattle Grace, everyone would have known about her and it would have destroyed her reputation. I highly doubt he would have wanted to to know the kid back then anyway. Not when he still thought his wife didn't know he was a cheating scum and he had his own career to think of. The timeline is messed up, isn't it? Ellis only attempted suicide to get attention. Meredith figured out years ago that her mom could have killed herself if she really wanted to, but she was only trying to get Richard's attention and not really die.... And now it's come out that she did all that in Boston? Where Richard would have no way of knowing?? And the flashbacks show her on the merry go round and having her baby in Seattle before she packed a bag and left that house with Meredith. Which means everyone should already know the esteemed Dr. Grey had an illegitimate child and attempted suicide, because if it was in Seattle, people in hospitals talk. Not to mention Ellis wrote journals. She detailed every area of her life in the hospital and with Richard, and Christina and Mer read every last one of them. She seriously didn't write once about being pregnant, or giving a baby up when she went on and on about wanting to marry Richard? I mean, come on, this is ducking fumb. Whatever. It doesn't all add up right. Another episode with Kepner basically being an extra. I miss her! Geena Davis' plastic surgery is painful to look at. She was so beautiful, and now she looks like Joan Rivers. But I am enjoying watching Arizona scramble to keep up with a new fellowship. I am guessing she will becaving pretty quickly under the pressure. She isn't 25 anymore and that pace is not good for juggling the family she sometimes cares about. Meh. Not feeling this season. I am used to the show having really sad moments mixed in with everything else... But this isn't sad, it's dismal. Everyone is just depressing me because I can't root for anyone. Of course, I have felt that way since the plane crash. Continuity didn't use to be SUCH a factor on the show until that crash. Now everything seems riddled with plot holes and enormous suspensions of belief and some really wretched behavior from almost everyone left on the show. The ret con is just insane! I was hoping this season would somehow start righting the wrongs but it just gets more ridiculous. It used to just be ridiculous from a medical standpoint. Now it's across the board. And they made me hate Bailey. I didn't know they could do that, until they did. And I really do. On a positive note.. Alex's house is looking good! i hope he doesn't hit some downward spiral now and trash it up. i am still kind of waiting for more crazy to come out of Jo, where she goes after Alex and he finally sees the dark side. Except they seem to have ditched her issues entirely this season.
  13. So, after a mere couple of months, Elena has decided she is above grief, and thinks it is better to wipe all memories of the so called love of her life from her selfish little brain. Nice slap in the face to Damon, Elena. The rest of the world has to experience grief, but of course you are above that, and no good memories about love are worth keeping if they might hurt. After only a FEW MONTHS, Elena would rather Damon never existed than to remember him with love. Bloody hell, this show continues to prove that her becoming a vampire was the end of her good character. When she lost her parents, she grieved them and cherished her memories of them. This narcissistic little b*tch does not know what love is anymore. And if you need proof that becoming a vampire does not have to make you a raging a**hole, look at poor Caroline. Girl gets crapped on all the time and carries the entire group in her arms and she has been a blood sucker even longer than our little heroine. Stefan is in pain, I get that he exhausted all efforts to bring everyone back from the dead for the hundredth time, and maybe would like to move on with his life, I guess.... But NO EXCUSE for telling Caroline he is over HER. Their friendship is too precious to be treated that way. I see some groveling in his future. At least I hope I will, because she is all he has left! As usual, Matt is bearing his pain alone because everyone in his life self-destructs every single time something bad happens and he is the only one who is basically functional like Caroline. He seems so so lonely dealing with stupid Jeremy. I find the show depressing when more than half of the characters need a swift kick in the fangs at the SAME TIME. Just too many people screwing up at once. I was so happy to see Alaric back, and now look at him. All he gets to do is orbit around Elena and showcase recycled clips of her playing off both brothers. Alaric and Damon TOGETHER are the gold so bring Damon back to Alaric! And when he finds out how little the memories of him meant to Elena, he can push her back in the river. Bah... Get it together, show.
  14. What the HELL is with this Mary Sue taking over the show? Suddenly Amelia and Maggie are the stars of Seattle-Grace/Sloan-Gray whatever-you-call-this-hospital-now.. And of COURSE they are constantly misunderstood and not liked by anyone because no one can understand how superior and unique they are. WTH. I kind of hate Derek and Meredith - they have always been too self centered and selfish for my tastes, but nonetheless, seeing them as guest stars on their own damn show is irritating. No one seems natural or normal. It's like all the characters got a little butchered to make Princess Maggie seem like the most amazing thing since sliced bread. I am glad to see Owen is still around. At least I am pretty sure I saw him somewhere, supporting Mary Sue as she changes the universe with her mad puzzle solving skillz. And if Mary says the word "puzzle" one more time, I am going to kick her House-channeling butt. Shonda, you freaking hack. You finally jumped the shark and buried this show for good. I swear, that scene between Meredith and Mary Sue over the old lady was painful to watch. It was such rubbish even Mer couldn't sell it. And her lying to Owen about how she "did everything she could" pissed me off. And side note, but I hate her voice. It's nasally and bugs. I find it hard to believe that Ellis Grey, the super surgeon who never wanted kids, allowed two to poke their way into the world. And Richard being certain giving her up was the hardest thing Ellis ever had to do? Notsomuch, I think. I am with Meredith, that this can't be right. And it's going to be so gross if Mary Sue and Meredith become friends. Why is Jo worshiping cardio all of the sudden? I thought she was into breaking bones now. And "did what Yang couldn't do?" Beg your pardon, Wilson, but you can jump off a cliff now. I miss Kepner. I know not everyone is a Kepner fan, but I will take her neurotic little charms over the nasally Puzzle Whisperer any day. WOW, do I miss Teddy, and Mark, and Lexie, and Christina..... Honestly, if I were the regular actors reading this script at table read, I'd go home and cry and curse myself for not following Sandra Oh into the sunset. Sandra probably watched this and cackled with glee at how truly free she is! I hope this show shrivels up and dies.
  15. I think his not killing all the loved ones before was because he is dragging it out to torture Oliver. He told Thea he kidnapped her only to make a point. The idea of losing everyone he loves is enough to drive Oliver crazy, and Slade is enjoying that immensely. He had to kill Moira abruptly to honor the promise that Blood would become Mayor. I think he will try to kill the rest at the pacing he prefers. And villains are forever getting defeated for taking their sweet time and trying to savour every moment.
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