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Everything posted by Chewy101

  1. The editing is so messed up. This show was a hot mess.All of the loyalty speeches happening in the various pods is syndrome talk. I really wanted so much more from this show.
  2. Meredith was a decent human being in the end. I guess since she found some happiness with Riggs, she could be human to Amelia. Oh, Arizona. Now you're as dumb as Callie. What was the point of a judge declaring you the stable one? Ugh.
  3. That moment when Hunt said Amelia deserved some benefit of the doubt and some faith, and Alex said, "You're right. You're absolutely right." Well, I am so sad for Alex.
  4. Is this like a redemptive arc after Warren was so hasty and dangerous with that chick outside the elevator. Do we now know that he is a super competent surgeon, because he performed the most ridiculous procedure ever??
  5. I am only two minutes in and I already want to punch Meredith in the face. Poor Amelia. Again, I say, Amelia, you are an addict fresh in recovery. You should not be doing any of this. And no one is there for your recovery. BAH.
  6. Except on her show... Where just about every character has one, lol. Amen. I certainly didn't see that coming. But in Grey's world, it was the best case scenario, realistic or not.
  7. Joint custody absolutely gives access to records for both parents. And that is definitely common. And I guess my experience has been that joint custody is rarely displayed as both parents having equal access to the actual child. Things have definitely changed a lot. So, back to summers only for one parent? I would not call that joint custody. Correction: I would not call that successful joint custody. Honestly, I thought the judge should have mandated that Callie grow a brain and not leave unless she was ready to leave her child. Because it wasn't work related, it was immature related. But now that AZ has custody, I am happy. Let Callie do whatever she wants. She always has.
  8. Technically, that is not joint custody. One parent has physical custody, and the other has visitation. I don't know of a joint custody situation, personally, where there wasn't equal time given to each parent, based on that verdict. My dad only got two weeks in the summer because it wasn't joint custody. And he lived five miles from us. Joint custody is pretty rare because it is so unrealistic for most circumstances.
  9. Right, lol. I edited. Thank you! That's what I get for trying to squeeze in a comment in a hurry. I think the most suspicious thing Matt does is rephrase Brianna's comments as questions and then answer them. His monologues are so controlling and you can see how confused he makes her. I wonder who had the idea of Matt taking Leanna to the father daughter thing instead of her actual father. And Matt saying, "Aww, did I hurt his feelings?" SLAP. I can't not watch this train wreck, which is sad.... But it's weird to watch a show that is trying to produce a reconciliation when I am not in any way rooting for one. I mean, they deserve each other, but the kid (s) don't deserve this. So, please break up. I thought her birth mom was sweet..... But Brianna's "abandonment issues" are NOT pushing people away. I think her issue is clinging to the impossible because she is unresolved in her formative relationships. And her mother is kissing up to a very bad man in any attempt to be in Brianna's life. And I find it weird that Brianna is so cautious about Leanna meeting her birth grandmother, but she thinks it's ok to let Matt near her daughter. Brianna saying Matt has been on his best behavior lately..... Wow. If the best he can do is the amount of sarcasm, sniffling and cussing her out that he did in this episode, I continue to be baffled at what she saw in him in the first place. Girl needs to be loved so badly she will take anyone. That marriage coach was so full of it. What is a marriage coach, anyway? So L.A. Brianna freaking out over the blindfold made me laugh, because she has been wearing blinders all year already. The coach said nothing the rest of us amateurs haven't been saying since she met him on the internet. What a shocking ending. She did nothing to improve her life. Yay?
  10. Her ex has always been barely civil to her. When he showed up with Leanna's backpack and jumped right into "Does he abuse you?" I thought it was weird. This whole thing is beyond scripted, and that was the jumped shark for me. The problem is, I don't know that any of this is good for little kids, scripted or not. Leanna's life is being ruined because her mother is a complete codependent moron.
  11. Which makes me laugh. They obviously don't watch the cameras any other time.
  12. I guess it's possible the fights are intentionally happening where there isn't a camera, but I swear we have seen a LOT of cell footage by cameras on the inside. Every time an inmate threatens to go after one of the "plants", they are on camera in their cell when they are talking about it.
  13. Barbra spends a month eating junk and whining about it, then she gets out and eats more junk. I would be diving head first into some broccoli and vitamin C. LOL. So true. I would lose my mind in there. The only thing more annoying than that pod is maybe a slumber party for 10 year olds. I resent Barbra getting the good edit in the end. Her husband did not sound thrilled she got out and was coming home. So weird. She would make a lousy corrections officer, and it just shows how stupid the sheriff is to think just because she said inmates need to make their beds that she could ever be qualified to run a pod. If a guard is really getting beaten up up there, where is the camera footage? Yet another thing they just made up. Zac is so monotone he can barely say his lines in any way that is convincing.
  14. Barbra continues to be delusional. I was hoping someone would throw a cup at her head when she said they all needed to get along. She still thinks it's summer camp. But at least the edit is finally showing them ALL snipping at one another instead of just Tami. The cellphone drama was so stupid. There are cameras everywhere, you morons.
  15. Callie put Arizona through hell over Sophia, only to turn around and dump on Penny the second it got hard. She continues to amaze me with her selfishness. AND her cluelessness. She thought AZ should be able to live with Sophia only getting visits across the country, but she is adamant that that arrangement is not an option for herself. Penny should have smacked her. Everyone on the show dumps all over Penny. She definitely needs to get far away from Seattle. Stephanie is behaving like a nut job. So out of line. Maggie has continued to be endearing to me this season. I can forgive the Mary Sue crap of last season, finally. Meredith's constant hot/cold with Amelia is so baffling to me. I wish Meredith had died with Derek. Webber's "children" are all acting like lunatics and it is definitely wearing on him. Poor Alex. No one has grown more than he has and he cannot catch a break. Amelia's wanting to advance things with Owen is typical addict behavior, and why she isn't supposed to be in a relationship in less than a year of sobriety. I wish Owen could see that. However, if their union craps on Meredith in any way, I am all for it. Meredith sublimating her rage with a one night stand puts her back in seasons 1 and 2. So gross.
  16. Yes! And worse, she changes her mind on a dime about who her best friends and enemies are. She must have been a total nightmare in highschool. I honestly find her as "off the rails" as Tami. And I don't excuse Tami's bad behaviour, but it IS easier for me to understand, based on her past. Barbra just seems like a clueless little brat. And I cannot believe how upset everyone got over the short bus comment. Yes, it wasn't nice, but this is jail, dummies. Is that really the worst you people heard even that day?? And since there is definitely something off with the girl, and she herself did not even seem to get the comment, I found it hilarious that everyone was ready to riot over it. Don't poke an unstable bear is rule number one in there. I think Tami just wanted to impress Barbra with more confrontations, when that worked sooo fabulously last time. Barbra only stirs up drama behind people's backs. She will never be Tami's wingman. Maryum was wrong to say Tami was butting in, however. The girl actually approached Tami and complained about being threatened. It was Maryum who could have just gone to her bunk and butted out. They are all ridiculous. I am wondering if any of their "character" pasts are true.... None of this can be true. If the guards want to find Hooch, why not watch the freaking camera footage, because all of the dim bulbs in that box show everything to the cameras. And when Isaiah admitted to the producers that he smoked a crack stick, were they not obligated to turn in the footage? Nothing makes sense. I am not the slightest bit worried about any of them, because I seriously doubt if this program is real, and if anyone would get real consequences for what they see or do in here (aside from violence that is not self defense). Any lawyer could get them off for trying to protect themselves by not ratting and looking the other way while undercover. Agents do it all the time. I wish they would just let Robert GO. I don't want him on my screen anymore. And the fact that he isn't even disappointed in himself or for missing out on the program, and that stupid LAUGH, ugh. Go away, nutwit. How can he possibly think he can convince them it was a treat and that it was fun, when he was in camp for a month. The man has zero respect for authority. I would not have taken him out of the program. I would have just dropped his butt in a different pod and let him get devoured.
  17. Meredith has always been curiously dead inside. It makes her loyal to surprising people, AND disloyal to surprising people. And a terrible influence all round I AM grateful she was not unkind to AZ in the end when she let Sophia go. .
  18. I didn't actually see them as finished, so much as Callie lashing out like the emotional child she is. But I would like Penny to move on and upward. And maybe Callie's hypocritical wretched friends can just plow her with liquor and encourage her downward spiral for next season.
  19. I am going to guess that the real reason why Alex and April didn't choose sides in custody, previously, is because they were needed to do the medicine stuff, where they showed the patient parallel about a child being better off on the outside or in the womb. Someone had to be around to show that Sophia needed to stay in Seattle. There was a moment where Callie was meeting with her attorney and marveling that Arizona could allow her lawyer to get so devious (about Penny), and even the attorney justified the actions. Then, her attorney got so ugly about Arizona that I continue to think Callie has become a monster. Clueless, selfish, and now the loser. Yay for Sophia, she gets to go home. I can see this happening. This show has no scruples, and the more pathetic and evil the characters are, the happier Shonda seems to be. So, yeah, I will be looking for this. I am pretty sure Sophia called Arizona mommy in the end, which makes this true. But I really thought Callie was Mommy before and Arizona was Mamma? I thought AZ was always Mamma.... When AZ told Callie at that party years ago that she wanted the papers signed up for custody, she said, "I'm the Mamma."
  20. Why is Maggie ALWAYS watching everyone's kids. When Callie hugged her daughter on her way in to court, and Sophia said, "you're hugging me too tight, you're hugging me too long..." I burst out laughing. That sums up Callie to a T. Mark would be kicking her thoughtless clueless butt for all of this, were he still around. I still don't get how Owen and Meredith would choose Callie's side. with their own issues with kids. I think at this point in the series, it's safe to say if Meredith agrees with you, you need to change your mind. I had to skip the court scenes. As soon as Owen called Callie a sympathetic person, I was out. Listening to all the twists and slants with each character is too much on my gag reflex. Callie drinking tequila with Mer, the worst influence ever, whining about how this is so unfair. And doing it about the woman who killed Meredith's husband, lol. It's all too much. Callie seems incapable of seeing things clearly. Couldn't resist and caught one part of the crap hearing. How on earth is Arizona taking her nights off to date any different than Callie doing it AND now trying to break up Sophia's family? ugh. Had no idea sole custody would ever be given to Arizona, but I highly approve. I am sure Callie will blame Penny because Callie is a nutwit, but if she let's Penny go away alone, she is doing the girl a favor. Shame on you, show, for making Callie unbearable, but props for at least not letting her get away with it.
  21. I actually like that little moment with Abby saying her wishes, lol. It felt so out there. But I also think she owed them nothing to gratify their ego. Now that they left Abby, let's see how many people will now kick their butts instead of kiss them. Why do the moms keep expecting their kids to be flattered and fawned over by their instructors in THIS industry?. What attention Melissa expected for herself (in guise of for her girls) was ridiculous - especially for doing nothing She slept with her boss and eventually married him and smugly stated in the pilot that he pays for all of their dance stuff. She sits there and leeches glory off of her daughters, while playing all sides. Meanwhile, I don't see Maddie having some long career. I think she was famous as the girl from Dance Moms.. I hope Maddie gets a degree, just in case.
  22. She has at least been acknowledging and trying in her own life. Plus, she is not in the morbidly obese range. She is on my last nerve this season for many reasons, but I actually think her getting on him out of fear of losing him is fair enough. It would be nice if he cared about their health as much as well. The "mind your business, you can't talk" is not productive for a couple. I DO have a difficult time trying to figure out a healthy weight range for any of them.
  23. If Brianna had a brain, she would have agreed with them after at least the second red flag. Because she is NOT a kid. Rebellion is beneath her. This chick is thick. But I think she is still pretending to deal with Matt because now they have their own series. Matt did pick the perfect mark. Terra didn't get a chance to apologize before Christy filed a fake report about her fake injury where a glass waved as it flew by her "super mesh" hat. I'd have a hard time apologizing after that farce as well. Although, I would never throw a glass in the first place,, so I guess I am safe from all of this. Edited to add: Is anyone else struggling with the quote feature? My posts are a mess. I am sorry to those I quoted, I hope it is somewhat clear.
  24. Then when Melissa tried to assure the moms that Abby doesn't give a crap about their kids - that they are just using them to bring in more kids. You mean, like a dance studio owner? Like a teacher? She cares about their craft, she isn't adopting them. And considering they all constantly whine that Abby doesn't care, why are they so surprised this week that she is being herself? All of these moms are so delusional. They are not preparing their kids for the wicked world of real competition, but instead expecting loyalty and nepotism over actual qualification.
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