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Everything posted by GreatKazu

  1. Amber forgets to insert "court-ordered" in those tweets about the college fund. When a judge has to strong-arm you into putting $10k into your child's CF, it means you [Amber] are a prick. I would love to watch a PPV of Amber getting her ass beat.
  2. As he should. lol OMG the terms. Yes, they need to learn the terms. Your comment reminded me of one of my favorite movies, The Court Jester where Danny Kaye's character sings "The Terms" lol As for Kanal, I hate how she goes back and forth on how good a parent her baby daddies are when they help her, but then talks shit about them often.
  3. Kaiser and Jace's life with Jenelle is all about "bored" games. I am confused. I thought Nathan was arrested for DUI as well as the "fixtures on the highway" charges. Is ripping out a gas pump hose another incident? The arrest came before Evans revealed she is pulling their son Kaiser from Teen Mom 2. Evans’ husband David Eason was fired from the series in February because of homophobic comments he made on social media. “If she thinks that is what’s best for her children then I support that,” Lanhardt said. “But if she’s doing it out of spite because they fired her husband, then that I don’t agree with that.” Lanhardt explained how because the children get compensated “very well,” she believes his role on the series will “set him up for a successful future.” I posted the very same thing about Jenelle likely pulling Kaiser off the show out of spite. She did it because David told her to. He doesn't want him to get compensated for his appearance and it is a big FUCK YOU to Nathan.
  4. Rennee Graziano was just on our morning news show talking about MBC. She does not like Amber.
  5. Tyler's life in the bedroom with Cate.
  6. Withdrawal from lack of alcohol will do that to you. #AA
  7. I am sure you are dealing with a lot of emotions right now. I know you were feeling really upset about it last year. I am glad to hear your mom is adjusting and is moving forward. I can feel you on the dad dating issue. Been there after my mom died. It must be definitely hard on you. I am sorry. @lovesnark you sound like a great support system for your daughter. She will definitely need it. She surely should not blame herself since that can happen no matter how healthy one is during their pregnancy, but I can understand why she feels that way. It comes with the territory of being pregnant. All those hormones and the emotions are running rampant. I wish her the best during this time and pray all will be fine for her and the baby.
  8. That is so cool. :-) I have never seen the actual music video. Now, you make me want to YouTube it. My oldest daughter appeared in some singer's music video two years ago. I can't think of his name right now. One of the Backstreet Boys. I noticed the dreads growing. That heifer is probably foaming at the mouth, just waiting for the perfect time to grab him by his hair. Trifling ho. lol It should be the thread names for those assholes. Mr. FD should know us preverts stick together. :-)
  9. Still, Brittany got pregnant. That miscarriage was a blessing in disguise, but do you think she will be careful the next time? She obviously is not practicing what she preaches. All those speeches to Briana about using protection was for shits and giggles, I suppose.
  10. Hi Mr. FairyDusted!! When I am giggling and trying my hardest to not laugh out loud, my husband will ask me what am I reading "on the board." He knows me too well. lol
  11. But of course! *PPP* Now when I hear it, I will think of you. :-)
  12. @Rebecca OMG lol Now I have that song in my head!! You win. What's your prize? You get to officiate at the wedding. Tommy Chong is not available.
  13. Ahhh how awesome! Haha Landford Preverts.?
  14. Bwahahaha I have a dear aquaintance named Jeff.
  15. Compared to how many times they missed school or were tardy due to Leah's lazy, drugged out ass.
  16. That seems to be the case. Kanal, let's call it what it was - adultery. Kanal can't handle that she was a piece of ass to Chris and her attempt to trap him and get him to stay in the relationship failed.
  17. I thought the same thing when I got to that Jeff part. lol That dude is hella busy, let me tell you. Kail is using Amber math with that timeline there. Was that tweeted to Kail?
  18. I thought the same thing about the "court-ordered" portion of Mac's comment - the original tweet did not refer to it as a "court-ordered drug test." It just mentioned Ryan failing a drug test. People take drug tests without it being court-ordered. Ryan hasn't been arrested (that we know of) for any drug-related charges which is when someone would be ordered to undergo drug-testing. If he had been arrested @druzy or someone surely would have come across an article by now. There is the possibility he has to undergo random drug-testing per any child visitation stipulation, but Maci hasn't gone to court (again, that we know of) to make any such request. She made it a big deal to mention how she demanded he take urine tests in order to appease her that he was clean, but nothing has been mentioned by her since all that was first brought up last season. We then read articles indicating Maci is pushing forth a fake storyline since she has been allowing Bentley to visit Ryan since his rehab last year.
  19. WTH is he rambling about? His girlfriend was raped and killed while she was in jail? Her body is missing? Um, wouldn't there be news articles out there about this if that were true?
  20. Yeah. Hard to believe Kanal is breast-feeding since she is not with Lux long enough. How much you wanna bet she stopped breast-feeding long ago? That trip she took to Miami a few months ago is when I suspect the breast-feeding stopped.
  21. Kanal, it is a MERMAID cave, not a MANATEE cave. How I wish your ass would have gotten stuck in that hole. @druzy I think Leah was referring to them swimming in the ocean.
  22. Interesting point of view about her possibly liking women. Brittany having gotten pregnant again was painful to hear. How stupid can she be??? I have no problem with Vegas heat in August. Being in a pool or going into a cool casino/hotel makes up for it. It is the friggin' humidity in Florida during the summer that I fucking hate. The humidity is a bitch! Vegas heat is dry. Here in Southern California it can get muggy sometimes, but nothing like Florida. I am so glad we don't have that 99.99% humidity. I am down for a Being PTV get-together in Seattle.
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