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Everything posted by shoegal

  1. That happens within every generation. Let's look at the Baby Boomers (defined by birth years 1946-1964). Some came of age during Vietnam and the 60's. Some, as Barack Obama or Carole if you want to put her in that generation, came of age with Ronald Reagan and the beginning of the 1980's. Birth years in generations span 18-20 years, so people in the same technical generation can have vastly different experiences and come of age in vastly different era's.
  2. Well, you can consider her whatever you want, but that doesn't change that Carole was born just 4 months before Generation X is generally accepted to begin. Your son would be a millennial by pretty much every standard, and Jules is like Carole born at the end of a generation.
  3. I'm not talking about the Jules/Dorinda/Carole interaction, but Carole in general regarding her age. Carole has been very up front about her age, celebrating her 50th with gusto and she's never tried to hide her age. She seems sensitive about Adam's age because of the pedophile/baby comments, which I don't blame her.
  4. Well, I am guessing Carole probably doesn't identify with a generation defined by the Vietnam War and the Civil Rights movement, so yeah, I think there is wiggle room. I mean, she's more of a stoner, slacker generation. LOL
  5. Two years ago, Gen Xers were turning 50. http://www.nextavenue.org/gen-xer-asks-am-i-ready-50/ ETA: I think Carole and Jules are both born in the transitions. Carole was born 4 months before what is generally defined as the start of the Gen X generation, and Jules just before the start of the Millennial generation. I believe that it muddies the waters.
  6. I've seen the year at 1984 as the start of the Millennial generation, but the guy credited with naming the Millennials puts it at 1982, and that's generally accepted as the generation that came of age in the new millennium. Jules had to have graduated high school in the 90's, which is the hallmark of the last of the Gen Xers (my generation) so that I think that 1982 is a pretty good start/end date.....but obviously, generation start and end years are not cut and dried, as we've seen here. Carole, being born in August of 1963 just four months before when it's generally accepted as the starting year for Gen X, I think, could be caught in that wiggle room, as is Jules. I don't think it's unreasonable for Carole to consider herself a Gen Xer and to consider Jules the same. Not just one person, but this person in particular is the guy who is credited with naming the generation. I figure he's got a pretty good pulse on when the generation begins and ends and I defer to his expertise.
  7. Bethenny said at the reunion that she had strep. I heard her.
  8. No, not really. http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/money/advertising/story/2012-05-03/naming-the-next-generation/54737518/1 "No one knows who will name the next generation," says Neil Howe, who, along with his deceased co-author and business partner, William Strauss, is widely credited with naming the Millennials, a generation he figures spans from about 1982 to 2004.
  9. Probably because she knows Adam wants kids and that means he will have teenagers at some point and everyone knows that it is impossible to have good summers and teenagers. There! LOL
  10. LOL, clearly a woman who is denial about her age. I'm just gonna disagree about Jules being a millennial. If she was born before 1982, and if she's 35 in 2016 it seems she was, then she's a Gen X'er by most standards. Millennials are by most standards born after 1982, and graduating high school on or after 2000 in the new millennium.
  11. I don't see that, I think she's very uptight and defensive about Adam's age because people were calling him a child, a baby and pretending a 30 year old man was equivalent to a 17 year old boy. I don't believe Carole is defensive about her own age at all, but everyone else sure seems to be! There seems to be a mission to put Carole in her old lady place, now that she's Jules' mother and all.
  12. I think this is what Carole is like, she's been very open about her age. She had her 50th birthday party on the show!!!
  13. I don't know about you people, but if you've had a positive strep test just 48 hours ago, even if you are on antibiotics, you can keep your hugs to yourself thank you very much. Call me in a week. If I had strep, regardless of being on antibiotics, I would try to limit my physical interactions with others as to be courteous. Geez, Bethenny can't even try NOT to give the other women strep throat without being called a cold venomous bitch.
  14. I think the distinct years of when a generation officially ends and begins are murky...as you mention, they are both on the cusp of being in one generation or the other. That said, since they are both on the edge, it could be argued that they are both of the generation in the middle, Gen X. They say a generation is around 20 years, and there are 17ish years between them, so it also stands to reason that it could be that Carole is the beginning of Gen X and Jules is at the end.
  15. I caught it too, and my response was to quote Alex McCord....we have a new Thug in a Cocktail Dress. Dorinda is quite nasty, but she plays it off and gets a pass for the most part. I don't really think Dorinda has much room to talk about any of these women, for all her moralizing and preaching. She's gone from teaching to preaching to use her own words.....and I don't think she and Jules have much room to talk about Carole and Bethenny, seeing as how they've both decided to implant their own heads in the other ass, they make an infinity loop!
  16. LuAnn's first instinct is to lie, lie and lie. Lie, cover up and 'do as I say, not as I do' are her go to moves......LieAnn is the most accurate nickname ever. I really think Tom is the male version of her, he's a liar, too! I totally believe they are soulmates.
  17. The point is- why does Jules even have to reference the ladies age at all if she just wants to point out their bad behavior? Why can't she just point out their bad behavior? There is no point in referencing them being "elderly" or "menopausal" other than to be rude, and catty and age shaming. As to your point that Jules will always be younger than these ladies "until the day she dies".....that's the other part of the problem- it's treating being younger than someone else as some sort of accomplishment. It's not, but it I think Jules (and Brandi) thinks differently. I don't remember what Carole said about LuAnn acting her age. I'm sure someone can refresh my memory LOL
  18. The difference to me is choices people make versus things they don't control. Like I said before, age to me is like skin color....which would be different than say, your outfit. I think it's different. If you don't, that's cool. MMV and all that.
  19. I'm not really concerned with how low the fruit hangs, I'm just talking about things you can control versus things you can't.
  20. I dunno, that sounds an awful lot to me like '...well you started it!'.....which doesn't exactly scream maturity LOL PS-never understood why it's OK to make comments about Carole's weight, it never seems to inspire outrage or a defense PPS- I thought B's comment about Michael being R2D2 was below the belt....the one thing I like about Michael is that he had enough self confidence to marry a woman who is taller. I thought they looked cute together.
  21. Well, while we are on the subject, I think there are two types of insults. Insulting someone over something they can control, like their dating choices....some appearance and weight could fall under this too, like a boob job. Then there are insults about things that you don't control, like your age or your physical appearance (for the most part). I think of age as like skin color. JMO.
  22. WTF did Jules think she was walking into? This ain't an episode of the Golden Girls, Jules, it's the Real Housewives. Surely Jules is not this big of a dumbass. I think that Jules is exactly like Brandi in that she wants to point out that she is YOUNGER than these women, that these women are old and dried up and she's still young and juicy. It's super rude and shortsighted IMO. It's as if Jules (and Brandi) believe they will never be old. Well guess what ladies? Menopause is coming for you, too.
  23. Perhaps it's simply the difference between the first draft and the multiple rewrites that follow. Writing a blog and sending it out probably doesn't follow the same process of spending years writing and rewriting a book. I personally find Carol's blogs to be clever and reminiscent of her writing style In WR.
  24. Again I say, Fuck You Aviva. ...and to anyone else, especially if you have ever experienced loss or grief, I recommend reading What Remains. It's a beautiful book and what Carole went through was devastating, and was undoubtedly her story to tell.
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