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Everything posted by shoegal

  1. Also, I disagree, many many people who may think they are emotionally stable fall in love with and marry crazy people. However, in reality, crazy attracts crazy.
  2. To call it "hate" is a little over the top, just sayin'. People love to project call kinds of things on to Bethenny, I don't see why Jason should be any different, or that his parents should be immune from criticism. My own parents are nice, normal, loving people and I guarantee you that there is not a snowball's chance in hell they would ever sign up to appear on a reality TV show in a million, billion years. The fact that they Hoppy's willingly participated makes them suspect IMO.
  3. You don't have to follow them on TV to be in their lives, and if you raise a child who marries and fathers a child with a self proclaimed "damaged" person, maybe you raised yourself a "damaged" child as well. At least IMO, nice, normal emotionally stable people aren't attracted to cruel, hateful, damaged neurotic people, and they certainly don't want to have a cruel, hateful, damaged and neurotic person as the mother of their child.
  4. Nice, normal people who raised a famewhore son who saw an opportunity to cash in and marry and father a child with Bethenny Frankel. That alone makes me give them the side eye.
  5. I don't think Jason is too normal and emotionally stable if he ditched his date to go home and bang crazy, neurotic "damaged" Bethenny, then propose to a self professed "damaged" woman who was "raised by wolves" and proceed to knock her up, have a televised wedding with her and sign up for 24/7 camera access to the birth of his first child, his home life and even his full frontal nudity on several occasions. Those grandparents opened up their nice, normal home to reality show whoredom as well. Looks like Bryn comes from a whole family of people who prefer a chaotic famewhore air your dirty laundry lifestyle.
  6. I rewatched this scene last night wondering if I missed something or misremembered anything, because I didn't see anything aggressive or inappropriate about the interaction. Turns out, it was pretty much how I remembered it to be. Carole barely had any actual interaction with the surf instructors that was non surf related, she did discuss how cute they were in her TH's, but that was after the fact. The "flirting" was a 30 second conversation with one of the men (not a kid, a 33 year old man) that included such banalities as -how long have you been surfing? and did you grow up surfing around here? and oh, you are from Israel, I've been to Tel Aviv. I really don't see what is aggressive or inappropriate about this incident in the least little bit. Sounds like mountains out of whole mills to me. (tm Ramona)
  7. I think Carole just likes who she is, I can't fault her for that!
  8. I just rewatched, I didn't see any eye rolling and I didn't even really see any flirting. I saw Carole asking the guy how long he had been surfing and he replied 18-19 years, she asked his age and he stated 33. I don't see anything inappropriate about chatting up a 33 year old man. Plus, he was hot!
  9. I don't remember Carole even speaking to the curly haired surfer guy, she was talking to the dark haired Isreali guy with a five o'clock shadow and a receding hairline. And Carole just turned 50 I believe.
  10. Who did Carole hit on that was of such a young age it was inappropriate? The surf instructor? I pegged him at mid to late thirties. Younger than Carole but I don't see it as being inappropriate.
  11. Why do we have to reserve judgment? Judgment is what I live for!! If Jason is willing to whore himself out on reality tv, I think it's perfectly reasonable to judge him as Bethenny is judged. He was perfectly willing to participate in putting all his laundry out there, so I'm fine with deciding whether or not it's dirty.
  12. Sonja was really pathetic at the races talking about how the wallet on the jockey made him a bigger man than he was physically. I was glad she lost her bet and her dignity.
  13. I don't know why that is or even if that is, since the only reference I've found to it is from an anonymous source who is feeding Radar Online information, for all I know, that's coming from someone within the Hoppy legal team. I am not sure about the requirements or restrictions on who can testify, if it has to be someone who has regular contact with the child or cannot be employed by either Jason or Bethenny. I think it's pretty clear that Bethenny has stated that she does not have a close relationship with her mother and stepfather, or even any contact, and that she doesn't have any family to speak of, so it's not surprising to me. Is Jason's only ally his parents? I don't think that's too much of a feather in his cap. I haven't seen anyone here say that Bethenny should have half of Jason's money. Did I miss this? Personally, I think Jason should get exactly what is lined out in the prenup and no more. I do think there are different rules than it was in the 1950's, when women were not able to earn a living outside the home in a way that was comparable to a man, therefore the power structure and dynamic was different. Today, there is nothing that keeps one spouse in the home unable to make a living, no one is forced to be the "emotional support" and primary caregiver. Plus, it's not like Jason stayed home and out of the workforce to raise the children, what is Bryn, four?
  14. I certainly would, I don't see how Jason contributed anything to Skinny Girl and therefore deserves any money. I've been married for 10 years and I don't feel entitled to my husband's paycheck, he works for his money and I work for mine. Jason can work for his own money, but it seems to me that he would rather hitch his ride to the Bethenny gravy train, and I can't get behind that no matter the gender.
  15. I never dated a guy like that, but I never bought the Jason is a nice guy act. I've always seen him as passive aggressive, a manipulator, and a user with a nasty streak. I don't think he deserves to have his child taken away from him, but I also don't think he deserves millions in Skinny Girl money. Unfortunately for Bethenny, she's going to have to deal with him for the next 14-15 years, until Bryn is 18. I wouldn't want to be in her position, but she put herself there so I can't feel too bad for her.
  16. I don't agree, Aviva may be a crazy bitch, but she's a coworker and she made the accusation on camera, I think Carole's reaction was in perfect proportion. Carole didn't write the book while living in her NYC apartment, after the deaths of Anthony, JFK Jr. and Carolyn, Carole left New York. She wrote the book while staying with her brother and sister in law in Portland or Seattle or somewhere in the Northwest region. She has spoken before about her writing process and her motivation for writing the book, and if you haven't read it, I highly recommend-to anyone- reading What Remains. It's a beautiful book about an incredibly tragic marriage and loss. I have to say that I have respect for Carole after reading what she went through, that woman has a spine of steel IMO.
  17. Carole's husband's uncle by marriage, who was assassinated when Carole was three months old.
  18. That is a little too much six degrees of Kevin Bacon for me to buy, there is nothing that implicates Carole in this scenario.
  19. I don't think this is necessarily true, there is nothing that upsets me more than someone lying about me. It's crazy making for me! If you say something that is kinda sorta a little true, I am much more likely to let it slide (especially if I am not all that keen on anyone finding out that it's kinda, sorta, maybe true) but you tell a lie about me and it will make me go insane with trying to prove that you are lying. I don't laugh off lies about me, even from psychos.
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