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All I know about her is that she gives good sport face.
Per Town and Country, Kate isn't big on riding horses, so I doubt she participates in fox hunts.
I'm sure William's decision to not disclose his Coronavirus diagnosis played a role in the uptick in the more critical coverage of the Cambridges, but I also think it's just the nature of the tabloids, It's just cyclical. A perfect example of this is the way the tabloids covered Sarah Ferguson and Diana in the mid to late eighties. At first, the tabloids raved about Sarah and criticized Diana for not being more like her, and then the coverage changed to why can't Sarah be more like Diana.
Hopefully, Dare Me turns into another You for Netflix, Most of the acting is on point. Special shout out to the actresses who play Beth and Addy. Kelly and Herizen are great together, not only in their fight scenes, like their confrontation on the football field but also in their more gentle scenes like their first kiss. Truthfully, Beth and Addy remind me of a married couple that's been together for years. So many things are unsaid between them but are understood. The actress who plays Colette feels like the weak link to me. That locker room scene between Colette and Addy was so horrible, and uncomfortable. I was wishing someone would walk in, Anyone, even Tacy. It was like watching a predator lure it's prey into a false sense of security before it strikes. I do think it's a perfect example that you don't need outright sexual contact between an adult and a minor to be groomed by a predator. All of those scenes between Colette and Addy were leading up to what Colette did to Addy in that locker-room. It was seduction without the sex. Herizen, in particular, was great in this scene. I love that jaw clench when Colette was kneeling in front of her.
I read this books a long time ago, and the parents were non-existent, save for Addy's dad who popped up from time to time. Since the show decided to forgo the book's choice to make Addy the only pov character, it makes sense that they included Beth mom, alongside Beth and Tacy's dad, and RiRi's mom. They even hinted at a troubled relationship between Colette and her mom, and if the show gets a season two, I would like to see it explored. The best change show made was nixing Addy being the sole pov, Allowing Beth and to a lesser extent RiRi a chance really helped the show.
It depends on what you mean by seduction. Colette didn't commit statutory rape, but they fell asleep, in the bed Colette shares with her husband, while Addy is spooning her. Seriously, Colette has never met a boundary she didn't cross. I was incredibly surprised at how the show decided to portray Addy and Beth's first kiss. I thought the show would decide to make it seem like they were drunk or something. Instead the kiss was so sweet and genuine, and Addy kissed Beth first. No wonder Beth freaked out about Addy giving Colette the Hamsa bracelet. She gave it to Addy right before their first kiss. That was so casually cruel on Addy's part.
Harry still gets to keep Captain Wales which he earned. He lost his honorary military titles because he's not representing the Queen anymore.
I see it didn't take long for the show to dust off Bette's old cry smile from the original series. Props to Jennifer for her acting when she finds out Tina is engaged to Carrie, and wants the three of them to talk to Angie. The news caused Bette to mix white wine into her red wine, so you know Bette's heartbroken.
I really enjoy that the show created triangle between Beth, Addy, and Colette. It's pretty clear that Beth is half-in love with Addy, while Addy is half-in love with Colette, but Colette doesn't reciprocate those feelings. To me, it feels like Colette is almost grooming Addy. That's why she takes her on her hiking date with Sarge Will. It makes Addy feel special, just like when Colette told Addy about her affair, and allowed her to babysit her daughter. Those are all calculated steps to make Addy feel like she's not like the other girls on the team, she's special, and they have a deep bond.
As do I. I wonder what could possibly have changed between season one and season eight?
From the books, it seems like most high ranking noblewomen marry between the ages of sixteen to twenty so I can understand why Cat and Ned thought the had more time with. Even at eleven Sansa understands what her duties are as the wife of a high ranking lord, her problem is that romanticizes them. I feel like she would have grown out of that fantasy life as she got older if shit didn't hit the fan in Westeros. I still don't understand why Ned and Cat didn't realize that Sansa would probably marry Joffrey. Seriously, how did they miss Robert " I've carried a torch for a dead woman", Baratheon wouldn't snatch up the first Stark daughter for his own heir?
That old saying the squeaky wheel gets the oil epitomizes the way Ned parents Sansa. She does what is expected of her, and she does it well, and part of being a Lady is obeying your father. He assumed Sansa would just do what she's told without question because that is what she usually does. I do think he was closer to Arya than Sansa. Ned took time from his schedule to find a teacher, so Arya can learn water dancing, bit couldn't bother to find a teacher for Sansa's harp lessons. I wonder which is more prevalent in King's Landing, the first sword of Bravos, or a music teacher? I think it was a missed opportunity to not flesh out Cat's relationship with Sansa and Arya. Speaking of Arya, I have no clue why Cat and Ned didn't get rid of Septa Mordane much earlier. She was a shitty teacher for Arya. Who thinks it's a great idea to compare one of your students to another? They should have looked for a Septa who could teach Arya, and not compare her to Sansa. She helped to make Arya and Sansa's relationship worse. Jeyne's storyline is horrifying partially because of what she endures, but also because it feels like, on a subtextual level, he was punishing Jeyne for the way she treated Arya.
Finally, I can come out of the anti-Ned closet! I'm going to focus on Ned's relationship with Sansa, and how fails her at every turn, once they leave Winterfell. Ned used Sansa, his eleven-year-old daughter, as bait so he can investigate the Lannister involvement in Jon Arryn's death. Does Ned consider what Joffrey and Sansa's marriage would be like if he could prove that Cersei killed Jon Arryn? Nope. I find it doubtful that Robert wouldn't kill Cersei. Even if Joffrey wasn't a psychopath, Sansa would still be stuck in a miserable marriage. Joffrey would blame Ned for Cersei's death, and since husbands basically own their wives, Joffrey probably would have displaced his anger at Ned onto his new wife. Ned didn't break Sansa's betrothal; to Joffrey until he found out Joffrey was an incest baby. I seriously think if Joffrey had the Baratheon look, Ned would have gone through with betrothal, even if "Baratheon" Joffrey would have had the same personality as book Joffrey. Probably the same reason book Joffrey told Sandor to walk Sansa back to the Red Keep, after the Hand's Tourney. Ned didn't even provide Sansa with a guard to keep her safe when she had to walk back to the Red Keep. Who doesn't let their eleven-year-old walk around in a strange city alone at night? Septa Mordane did accompany Sansa, but she ended up passed out drunk during the feast. When Joffrey shows more concern about Sansa's safety than Ned, you know that's fucked-up.
We do. John Oliver did a segment on immigration courts. The Texas Tribune and The Atlantic have both written articles about it.
Sansa Stark: A Direwolf In Sheep's Clothing?
merrick715 replied to Carrie Ann's topic in Game Of Thrones
Dany had no issues with threatening Hizdahr zo Loraq, with her dragon, into agreeing to marry her, so I'm not sure if forced marriages are close to her heart. Does Dany care about women yes? Yes. Would she put her own political gain above the women in these positions? Most likely. Can the same be said about Sansa? Absolutely.