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Everything posted by moonorchid

  1. April and Andrew are my crackship, forged only from a promotional thing they did and they did photos together, lol.
  2. Maggie and Jackson are not “incest”, it’s absurd. I don’t ship them, don’t think they have chemistry, and the writing is already getting a little contrived to create these moments for them but they are not incestuous. At most, considering their situation, it’s just really weird.
  3. It’s weird, they want Maggie to be so beloved and an underdog at the same time. Maggie has pretty much become this special person to so many...Meredith, Amelia, Alex, Jackson...in a short amount of time. But every so often she talks about her childhood where she was ostracized. Like this episode. Jackson and Maggie have gone through nothing together. She rambles on, in a very april like manner, about jacksons inheritance and Jackson is so enamoured with her, “I appreciate you”...he’s never said that to april and despite her misgivings she’s been there for him a lot, especially when he’s been a grade A dick to her. I concur about Jesse Williams. He conveyed how heavy the burden is of being an Avery is when talking to Meredith very well. I felt so bad for him that he had to take his name off thst paper, but is Krista forgetting that cristina was robbed cause she worked at an Harper Avery hospital?
  4. I’m down for anyone’s positivity, lol im loving this season except jaggie im intrigued by what aprils journey will be like. She’s being shown as having a hard time dealing with her “new normal” and is definitely going through a process. jackson has a crush. That much is obvious. But guess what, he has a type, you can’t tell me all the shiz out of Maggie’s mouth isn’t something you’ve heard out of aprils.
  5. Which the writers are probably going for considering they haven’t had any scenes together since the premiere and before thst the finale. Where Jackson barked at her and april moved out. writers are definitely sending a message about what they are aiming for this season. For this japril shipper, it hurts.
  6. I feel like april, jo, bailey and even Meredith are getting some retcon/better writing already to make up for the crap they’ve been given for like three seasons now. April was as clear and concise as she’s ever been when she told Jackson how much what they were doing was hurting her and she did it without going on about Jesus or blaming him for it, bailey seems like old bailey, jo isn’t being as whiny about her situation, and Meredith feels like authentic Meredith again. amelias behavior was just written THAT bad that they needed something explain it and something to get people to sympathize with her again after she’s been so so shitty to Owen. on the ben note, I feel like Andrew is gonna take his place as the easy going guy on the show.
  7. I’m glad I’m not the only one. I get such second hand embarrassment watching it. I know there’s actual articles about how the pose helps confidence and performance but it’s one of those things that’s useful but dumb to watch others do. It’s like when this show decided to be meta and had Calle scream out “team merder!” It’s said all the time online but to hear it out loud is cringeworthy as hell.
  8. I rewatched the scene and I can see the ambiguity between what you and I interpret. It’s not a well written scene on second watch. I think it’s prob more of an insight into where April’s head is at concerning her past decisions.
  9. I think he’s just an Easter egg mention, something of April’s past that she would totally bring up considering the situation.
  10. I really didn’t interpret her advice this way. I took it as her saying if you want to say yes you should and not say no *only* cause popular boys who didnt give you the time of day before are now noticing you because of what this boys “HOCOPRO” and to take it a little deeper with her telling her about Matthews proposal, makes me wonder if she’s second guessing her choices in life.
  11. It’s par for the course with her...I might have understood it though cause i can be obtuse but I was only half listening and when he said “ameliarate” I snapped my head up and went “huh?” lol. So yeah, she just really wasn’t even thinking outside of whatever deluca did to her...and can someone refresh my memory...what did he do to her? I remember him freaking out cause she went from 0-100 when all he asked was they stopped sneaking around and next thing you know she’s making awkward introductions to their co workers.
  12. Did you see thst eye contact between jackson and Maggie? The heat! The chemistry! The joy! Jaggie will bring the joy back to greys anatomy people, cause this is what I was worried about with them :\ so once again we’ll see April be sad while Jackson moves on quite nicely, this just goes to show Krista has zero interest in japril, that Jackson really was very casual about their hook up in Montana, and that is something I’m struggling to accept but I’m trying to get there. Because other than japril and jaggie I’m really loving this season already. characters that pissed me off for two years now I’m finding I enjoy! Deluca is a gem that this show is lucky to have. Amelia was Amelia without being the weird aggressive person she usually is. Meredith was Meredith thst I remember but the grown version. I liked that she was talking to her old therapist. Harper Avery was a jackass and his death was funny as hell and shocking. I’m loving how this show isn’t afraid of the “omg” moments anymore. Jackson cracked my ass up at his little eulogy, hahaha. It’s sad that he had such a poor relationship to what was prob the one male relationship he had Growing up but it is what it is. We’re not even trying with Arizona’s leg are we? New showrunner...new leg! carina is gonna grate soon. I didn’t get why jo and Alex are ragging on April just for existing. Like either of those a-holes are in any position to judge her. So what if she had a boring nice prom date. Literally...so what? Im sure april is in a very introspective place right now, evaluating all her choices. Maybe she regrets leaving Matt knowing how it all ended. Maybe she just appreciates who he was and wants to appreciate it more if she ever gets someone like that again. Im glad Amelia’s tumor is not becoming this long drawn out thing. Her scene with Maggie was prob the highlight for me this episode. Amelia knows Owen and Meredith are going to be the hardest to tell, but it was a little sad that it’s hard concerning Meredith cause she genuinely thinks Meredith is gonna be a bitch about it. But the Meredith that climbed into bed with her...thst was genuine. might I say too I’m loving this no bullshit Meredith when it comes to Nathan. Stop trashing your gift Nathan!
  13. Krista mentions this on twitter, a scene that didn’t make the cut explains that Andrew came to the US with mom and carina stayed in Italy with dad.
  14. I’ve felt for the last season or two that the real sister relationship was Maggie and Amelia. Meredith puts up with Amelia and it’s obvious and she kind of dotes on Maggie like a baby. But for both she’s acted like she *had* to act this way cause that is how a sister acts. Like how Derek would want her to act.
  15. I wanna say season 8 they had a patient where the male came in cause he’d been in an accident and they talked about how he jusg got married to a waitress he’d just let a few weeks months ago and how he’s been doing a lot of risky stunts or something and it was discovered he had a tumor on his brain that was affecting his behavior and causing him to act irrationally. Thsts what I immediately thought of when I saw Amelia had a tumor. With the tone krista wants to set with the show, delving into Amelia’s deep psychological issues stemming from her father and brothers deaths, her addiction, the boyfriend who died in bed with her from an overdose, and then the baby she lost but carried to term to donate his organs...is not gonna fit in with what they want to accomplish this year. Which sucks cause it’s worth telling but if there had to be a plan B, this is one I can stomach instead of just ignoring it and letting Amelia act like a total bitch to Owen for no reason. I’ve felt from the beginning that Owen and Amelia were not a good fit and only seemed attracted to each other’s darkness, and Owen has every right to be angry at Amelia and want a divorce, but he can lose me with kissing teddy cause his relationship with Amelia is “practically” over...that’s what cheaters say, so we know not much has changed with him. I hope when Amelia’s tumor is removed they break up cause Owen won’t know what to do with a woman who is of sound mind.
  16. Alex and Jo its easy to forget they still care for one another when I can barely remember their last interaction. Heck I feel like Alex exhibited more concern over jo in two episodes than all of last season combined. I feel like Krista didn’t care at all for Alex beating the crap out of Deluca and tried to write herself out of it as best she can, which no matter what they still condone what he did. say what you will about Jo but I appreciated that she was the ONLY one who wasn’t willing to just instantly forgive and defend Alex for what he did. The lack of consequence sours me to Alex and I didn’t appreciate bailey waving off what he did. So there won’t be anything to come from it at this point but at least Jo was at the very least bothered by it.
  17. So so much to digest These two episodes were far and beyond better than 95% of last season. There was good pace, a clear direction of tone, mature and common sense writing, and it felt like a breath of fresh air. One aspect that I loved that isn’t being brought up a lot of April. Sarah Drew is more than capable of playing up April’s neurotic tendencies without her devolving into a racing lunatic so I’m definitely going to credit the writing for this version of April that isn’t throwing fits all over the place and is able to calmly and concisely express her feelings and wants in a mature manner. That last scene between her and Jackson was heartbreaking cause you can see all over April’s face how much it hurt her to have to say what she was saying, but also how much it hurt her to feel the way she had been feeling for however long it’s been since Montana. Jackson and April always seem to wait for a cue from the other to talk about major events in their personal relationship and it’s both of their faults for not discussing this sooner, but i do feel april was trying to be “go with the flow” girl and it was no longer working now that she’s seen this intense “chemistry” (if multiple articles have to spell this out your pairing isn’t working) between Jackson and Maggie. As sad as I was about that scene I am ecstatic that it had nothing to do with Maggie, and was more about emotional health than anything else. This was probably the most clear and mature conversation they’ve ever had, so of course it leads to a break up, lol. The other thing I was overjoyed with is krista remembered that April has friends and is a supportive friend herself. I love how she was there for both Arizona and Nathan, even though i side eye it a tad from AZ and Nathan because we haven’t seen them even talk about April since the “civil war” BS but I’m willing to let that go. Its easy to forget now that Nathan revolves around the sun, but not only are April and Nathan friends, they are GOOD friends with history that doesn’t involve Meredith, Jackson, or the sisters. It was totally appropriate to have April be there for Nathan the way she did. Krista said April will be going on a complicated journey this season. I wasn’t going to watch but from what I have seen im really on board with seeing where April could go. These writers may not care to write japril anymore but I don’t think they hate April, heck they’ve done more for april these past two episodes than all of last season combined. But I weirdly have faith :/
  18. I watched what I needed to online. Look I know japril isn't everyone's cup of tea and thst fine. They were my ship, I was really only watching for them cause everything else just doesn't interest me enough to care as much as I do about them. this episode broke my shipper heart and its rough. All I needed to see was the scene between Jackson and april and Maggie. This was where the show was saying a lot without saying much. You got both women yelling at Jackson. Jackson gets irritated with april and his gaze keeps going over to Maggie. He snaps at april and at Maggie's behest he backs off. And then that stare, this is a show where looks and touches mean something, that stare meant something from both sides. Jackson chose Maggie without even realizing it yet. and the kicker is april saw it too and it visibly bothered her. April has always been mature when it comes to Jackson moving on and apparently Montana changed nothing. So she doesn't like it but she's not act like a jilted lover about this, she just wants it out in the open and then move on. It was hard to watch her realize she was the third wheel. It was hard for me to watch. Montana should have changed everything and the fact that it didn't says more to me than any conversation could have. I definitely feel like I am supposed to love Maggie as much as Meredith and co do. Maggie has the sister who adores her, the group of friends who fret over her well being, and now she has her Prince Charming. I don't hate Maggie but I can't stand writing like this. The writers are so in love with Maggie and it makes me feel anything but love for her. I can so see this show dumping japril and making this Maggie's big love story. It kind of already has. They even paralleled 9x24 where april realizes she wanted Jackson to this where april is practically giving her blessing to Maggie. I love april and her heartbreak is enough for me to be heartbroken. all I can hope for is that april doesn't become a glorified background character like Owen, Arizona, Deluca, and jo.
  19. I've been theorizing since Maggie's mom first came on that they were setting up Jackson and Maggie but I think they are playing them both ways right now. Nothing is outwardly romantic or even flirty. Just two friends bantering but with this show it's never that simple and in my opinion, greys wants to get Maggie a big love interest. Its not a coincidence that in seven episodes that japril haven't shared a single scene since a pretty big development in their relationship that Jackson now feels responsible for Maggie and worries for her well being and bantering like old chums. It's hard to set up something new if the audience is being reminded of the males pretty big relationship prior to that. It reminds me of when Alex and Maggie shared a lot of scenes and jolex was put on the back burner. Alex and Jackson are the shows more popular males and Maggie is (w/o sounding bitter) a show favorite. They are trying to fit her in with one of them and it's going to be Jackson. It may not happen in the finale but Debbi Allen said they were laying groundwork for a lot of things for next season. I do believe this is one of them. Talking about this episode, i was really into the rapist angle and what was happening with Stephanie. It's so sad cause Stephanie is a good character that this show never could figure out how to use. It was hard to make her popular when she was in the middle of a fan favorite pairing and one of a group of interns old time fans never wanted. Considering how close she was to that blast, even if she survives, I doubt she can ever practice medicine again...and her surviving that explosion is a big IF. What I didn't like was the whole sequence of events could only work when the characters made bad and stupid decisions. Bailey waiting forever to call the code (she was just shown in the ep where steph, Deluca, and april were exposed to TB that she had no clue what to do). I give some leeway to steph cause fear can cloud everyone's judgement, but some things were just too much. He has this tiny scapel at your side, you are in a hospital full of doctors, the rapist is barely able to stand on his own, his liver is jacked, you walk by Ben who is built and you just go along with the ruse? I mean, play your odds...push off the guy, yell for Ben and both of you can take him down, if he stabs you...YOU ARE IN A HOSPITAL!!! Stephanies first instinct to protect the kid was heroic, but steph, you just give him ideas of how to mess y'all up even more. "If we set this place on fire the doors will open"...like I said the guy is barely able to stand, let him mess himself up trying to get out. Lock you and the girl in one of those rooms and just wait him out. Then the (no pun intended) killer...you have a scapel and a flammable liquid at your disposal...and you choose a flammable liquid in the hopes that the cgi embers from the burning rag will hit him. Like...what part of this sounded like a good idea? THEN...you somehow think you can pull a man completely engulfed in flames away from the explosive tanks before it blows...play your damn odds. all these bad decisions made it hard to take super seriously even though jerrika acted the crap out of this. I wished they showed this Stephanie more. Everything else... -mer went from blowing off dates with Riggs to wanting to introduce him to her kids fast - of course Megan is alive - owen needs continuous help. Every time he's faced with a huge crisis he kind of goes inward and he acts very disturbingly. Both of his interactions with those parents were reaching "choking Cristina" levels. when this show tries it can pull off a good episode that builds intrigue. I wish they did it more often.
  20. I'm really lost on Amelia. Nothing Owen has asked for us unreasonable and she's acting like they are in the process of a divorce. Which I think would be great since these two had no business getting married in the first place. Amelia has to realize, while wailing "aren't I enough?" That she changed the rules on him. She wants to put it on Owen making him out to be this misogynistic a-hole trying to force her to be barefoot and pregnant and that is just not what happened here. Amelia's constant state of "victim" is exhausting.
  21. I don't get what the appeal is for Riggs. Mer has been nothing but rude and uninterested since they've met and especially since they've slept together. And now she's just being hot and cold with him. I think there was a better way to say she feels she needs to be there for Maggie in that moment besides telling him he was not a priority for her. Which is fine to say and feel, if this wasn't a guy she was considering dating. If I was him, to know that I'm such an after thought, I'd peace out. What if he had said that to mer? Everyone would be "all HELL NO!" This is not a push and pull. This isn't flirty arguing. This isn't appealing. They need to figure out a different angle for them.
  22. I remembered this too, and apparently Cristina was the last rationale adult in that hospital. I couldn't believe no one objected to this beyond, "well we think you're still sad about your mom"... how about "no Maggie, you are not going to use this little in utero baby to get your feet wet, you're thinking of YOU and not your patient and it's selfish and unprofessional". But no, these writers not only had every character fumble about this but went as far as to have the actual patient go along with it and choose Maggie after Maggie's sad explanation of events. Like no, I'd want the guy whose been with us from day one studying our charts and progress. Not a maverick who wants to prove something. And then Maggie being all put out that people aren't just gonna smile and clap their hands for her as she does this.
  23. I loved the idea of the candlelight vigil but my big problem is at the end of the episode, freaking AMELIA got the emotional pay off from it. I doubt Jackson or April even knew they did that, which if they did, April might have felt really touched that these people who treat her like shit wanted to convey support in a way that relates solely to april. But they never knew and Amelia got to see it and be awed by it, it's something I have been bitter about since then. it kills me too that these people couldn't agree on a gesture for japril but everyone is rallying around Maggie? Meredith, Amelia, Alex, and to an extent Riggs I get, but the rest? This sudden need jackson has to take care of Maggie is not only out of left field, it's contrived as hell, and it makes me wanna puke. I didn't realize till later, April was exposed to TB this episode and all Jackson was concerned about all ep were Maggie's feelings. Makes me want to pull my hair out!
  24. I don't like feeling manipulated into liking Maggie and this show has done that from day one. the story of her losing her mom is well written but just poorly plotted to the point that I can't find it in me to care. The blantant favoritism on this show drives me insane...so no I can't find it in me to be sad for Maggie when no one gave a damn when japril lose their baby. No one watched with anticipation in the gallery over aprils first surgery, no one asked how she was doing, no one was worried about her except Jackson. Maggie had no business butting in and stealing that surgery. And the writing just went with it and had the damn patient advocate for Maggie to do it even after her sob story, are you freaking kidding me? and I'm sorry, someone hold my hair while I puke at her "she just lost something" speech over the baby. And my god there are so many seeds for Jackson and Maggie and it's going to be infuriating. I couldn't tell you if it means japril is over or if Maggie is just a cog in the japril story. But it means something that we haven't even seen japril interact since their centric and Jackson has developed all this worry and admiration for Maggie. Meredith was straight up bitch to Riggs. He has a right to be frustrated, I know she thinks she's the sun but the world actually doesn't revolve around her. Really? Jackson feels responsible for taking care of Maggie. Huh? Ugh. contrived thy name is mackson? Jaggie?
  25. That little "what are you doing here?" From Meredith to Jackson and his hesitation and covering. Im going to hate it but everyone is really weird about this. They are step siblings by the barest definition. They didnt grow up together, Maggie doesn't even consider Richard her father.
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