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Diana Berry

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Everything posted by Diana Berry

  1. Sorry, has anyone confronted Kyle about all this or is this just talk behind his back?
  2. Guess at this point I’ll take Taylor for the win. Thanks for the breakdown. I was hooked on Turner for the faux hippie coolness but I have seen through it
  3. For those that watch the feeds, who should I be rooting for at this point? Skimming the comments looks like all these hamsters have issues. Would appreciate your thoughts since I’m stuck with the edited version. I thought he was a 21-ish college boy. Guess the living at home was throwing me off. From watching the show, throwing Joseph under the bus, for a gal who seems less than interested, took the cake. Not even knowing about some of the live feed stuff.
  4. But yet Kyle threw his bro Joseph under the bus. Wasn’t Joseph one of the pound ?
  5. Would anyone be nice enough to post the goodbye messages to Joseph? I go on IG and it keeps freezing.
  6. So who are the bros - Terrence, monte, Kyle ? Just not Michael ? So confused
  7. Well if the back door happens then that will be a great move ( although I have no problem with Michael winning ) but getting rid of Taylor makes no sense. so is his loyalty totally with Terrence and crew or is he playing both sides?
  8. Will Joseph tell the jury house he is an attorney?
  9. Yes, if they are only smart enough to realize this is the week to get Michael. Yep, Taylor looked really sad. Will, Joseph tell the jury house he is an attorney?
  10. What will happen if Turner wins hoh? Will he target leftovers or Terry and crew?
  11. It would be nice to expect the unexpected and have her change the rules. But One evictee would have less people voting for them if they changed . It would be deemed unfair. is it still jas and Joseph ? Any chance Kyle could see the door?
  12. He’s 30?? I thought he was like 21. Good grief.
  13. Is jas going tomorrow? Please give me hope that Kyle is going tomorrow ?
  14. You should go back and watch Katie’s season not for her but the guys got to be so close. I follow a bunch of them on IG they still have fun and hang out together. I’m rooting for Zach.
  15. I was wondering if she was holding something in the cup to make the liquid go down. I’m probably off in left field. I still like her and the magician.
  16. I had to lookup who Ethan was…lol. Honestly , I still like Greg and Andrew from Katie’s season. I really hope they go with Zach. He could definitely carry the season.
  17. Same. Especially when the Dad was talking about the icu nurses. Bless them.
  18. Now everyone can understand Erich’s personality. Having a parent with a terminal illness is the hardest ( know from experience). I’m not feeling Tino for Rachel. Zach for the Bachelor.
  19. I didn’t know he passed . So sad. Having a cry fest.
  20. On the old password, we’re they able to make expressions and use words that sound alike when giving clues?
  21. As someone just watching the edited tv version, I also like the females ( minus Jas). I would love for Alyssa to say byeee to Kyle ( who is getting the boy next door edit). I also like Turner’s edit
  22. For those that have the feeds, who do you want to win ( not who you think will win)?
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