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Everything posted by Fylaki

  1. What I fear is that Ron is setting up Ned and Michael as the evil Q's keeping children away from the good and heroic mobsters Julian and Sonny.
  2. Thank you, thank you, thank you. you are to kind, I'll be here all week
  3. Spencer is Ron's alt so I doubt he is dead, unless Praise The Lord, Ron is leaving the show and a real writer is coming on board. But since that is not happening any time soon, I suspect Spencer will live and SWWNB will appear to him in his coma state. I know it's a little kid, but if we are going to do the whole Gothic Love story thing then can I at least hope Spencer is scared for life and has to wear one of those Phantom of the Opera masks that Stefan had the last time he was in town "Wisten to the muwic of the wight"
  4. They don't care. More and more it is clear that they write this show for themselves. Look at how high the ratings were during General Hospital Espionage last year, but they drifted back to mob wars because that is what they want. They used TR going to YnR as an excuses, but Anna, Mac, Non-Ruined Luke and Felecia all have worked with or for the WSB, Dante and Nathan were/are cops and all of them were all still on screen, and bringing back Lucky as a WSB agent would have been a piece of cake. More fans would have been happy with a return of Georgie and Lucky then Jason, whose death cause nary a blip on the radar. FranknRon run GH as their private showcase.
  5. Again agreeing to disagree but so he loses his job, it would be the right thing to do. And the fact that the set is different now a days speaks bad things for the actors and staff not good.
  6. I would only add: After she leaves Jason sits down buries his head in his hands and cries. He may not remember all the lives he took as Jason Morgan but in his heart he is responsible for them, the guilt he swears will drive him to be a better man and make amends for all he has done. That begins with helping Michael destroy Sonny. He picks up the phone and dials Anna Devane Respectfully agree to disagree. Ron and Frank act in loco parentis on the set. In much the same way as teachers or coaches so they have to step up as well. As much as it pains me to say it Hillary is right it takes a village and if NB's parents cannot step up (and I am not saying one way or the other that they can or can't) then Ron and Frank as the leading responsible adults on set have to. In the long run the mental well being of that poor child is a lot more important then this damn show BTW I think this also speaks poorly of TC. Genie and Tony (as bad as Tony can be) would never have allowed JJ to be put in situations like this they played his parents and acted like it. His close relationship with both of them speaks volumes. Similarly I have heard that Leslie and Stuart were there every step of the way helping Amber during the Emily is on drugs story line. I notice that when NB plays in a scene with Constance he is much more tolerable and toned down. Flamboyant and a little nuts but still child like such as when she put him in place at the docks or even the dancing. Tyler should have told Ron and Frank look no go on the scantly clad girls, it makes Nick look like a jackass.
  7. Thank you. I get that Ron and Frank may actually like this kid but the way he is written and told to act is inappropriate on all levels. JJ. KMc, AT and even the demonic little Starr and Chucky Michael were never written to be out of character for their age. Even when Michael was ordering hits it was seen as a ten year old boy over stepping his bounds. Spencer is written as an adult, with this 'love of my life' shit and being able to hire women. I wonder if Ron and Frank really do think that Stewie is real? That would explain so much. (and in their world Uncle AJ is Peter Griffin) If they think that real children or even over sized soap children behave this way then CPS should at least step in and give them some hints before this poor kid is marred forever. It always seems to me that Soap Children make it "out" fairly normal. Certainly AT, JJ and KMc and as much as she can;t act KA are all well rounded fairly normal adults. Ron has a responsibility to protect NB not make him into some parody of Ron Himself
  8. Nine year old boys have super-hero parties and do not have GF's they may have a crush but the clown at the party would be of more interest, further I doubt that girls would be invited at all. Sorry this rushing kids to grow up (and then the reverse when they are like 18 and not allowing them to grow up) is just something that creeps me out
  9. Thanks deleting today without watching. The kidde stuff just makes me want to call child protection services, it is just wrong to have little kids playing an adult quad, it's creepy
  10. This I do not understand since Ron is clearly writing Spencer as a young Nathan Lane
  11. People on the Facebook page are ;literally crying because they think Spencer may died in the fire. Several have said he is the best actor on the show. I can't stand it, where do they get these people from.
  12. See it would be a good old fashioned soap story, if Michael and Sabrina fell in love but he married Kiki anyway to bolster his case for Avery. He could then "pull and Alan" and move Sabrina into the Gate House or across the lake like Alan did with Susan. Then eventually we get the "who killed Sabrina/Kiki story line" and real soap mystery, not Connie writing AJ in blood but a real whodunit, solved by Nathan and Dante, you know the COPS. Yeah it will never happen
  13. The problem for the women on this show is you cannot swing a cat without hitting a mobster. Unless you are sleeping with Patrick, whose a dog, Nathan who has the IQ of a fish, Ned, who for some strange reason never gets to girl, or Dante, who actually loves and is faithful to his wife, what are they suppose to do? PS Oh Silas who is so fu*king boring I forgot him the first time
  14. Oh God I hope she goes, I like the actress well enough, but Dr O as COS is a big fuck you from Ron to Steve Hardy and all the old time GH Fans
  15. I think it was Wolfe who turned him, but Ron who turned him in
  16. Only if heterosexual males get the same pleasures: Trust me topless Julian, even if he is attractive, is never going to raise ratings, topless Alexis would generate tons and tons of press and send ratings though the roof
  17. Ron appeasing himself. Why do we never get topless Sam?
  18. And then we have to figure out which Luke did what? F*ck that! I know it was camp and silly and the 80's but Luke Spencer saved the world, and yes I know Ron is not the first person to disrespect that (Guza was IMO) but damn. The only way this story would have worked for me is if a guard had come into Luke's cell and slipped him a phone Guard: "Call for you" Luke (sneers) "Robert?, Yes, they trust me. No I do not like this, my daughter looks at me with fear and I am never going to be able to explain this to Tracy" PAUSES "Yes I know, you and Frisco and I began this years ago. Yes, no I still like Sonny but I understand he was a chess piece , Helena has been hiding something for a long time now and finally I am close enough to the center of her little Legion of Doom to find out what and destroy that Cassadine witch once and for all." Cut Away to Windermere Helena: Nicholas there is some one you must finally meet. Turns and heads down to the catacombs. A stocky man steps into the light Helena Nicholas it is time for you to meet your grandfather. Mikos, this is your grandson I could live with this. DID is cheap and easy
  19. My understanding is that DID is brought on by a traumatic experience: Just what the hell could be so traumatic to a man who: Rape a woman then fell in love with her, saved the world from freezing to death, thought said woman died, "died" himself, came back found new woman in love with best friend, ran for mayor, found first woman a live and left town with her, spent years on the run from mob killers with her and their young son, came back to town and faced down said killers, helped best friends daughter deal with HIV, found out his wife had a secret child with another man, spent years battling one of the great evil people of the world, divorced first great love, found out said love may have murdered her step father, dealt with fake death of son......oh forget it....it goes on and on .if none of this could break Luke Spencer we are suppose to believe he now has DID?
  20. Luke's speech would make sense if he was Damian Smith (with Helena messing with the DNA and Fingerprints) but if he is Luke it is pointless. When Sonny took over for Frank Smith, he was weak and in conflict first with Damian and then Joe Sully Sr. Luke was his ally. if he regretted the choice he could have made his move then. Similarly when Sonny was threatening to kill Ethan, Luke could have easily allied with Johnny and the three of them ousted Sonny. In fact i can think of a half dozen occasions over the years when Luke could have taken control easily from Sonny. What about when Sonny left town after leaving Brenda at the altar, you mean Luke could not have manipulated brain damaged Jason at that point? or in P.R with Sonny and Brenda you mean to say there was not a moment when Luke, who saved them both if I recall, could not have let Sonny die? Please Further if Luke was feed up with his family, then why rescue Lulu from Stravos? why save her from the Monkey Virus? Why go though the charade marriage with Laura when she first came out of her cationic state? why all the countless rescues of his family from Cassadines over the years? Why the tears at Lucky's bed side when he pulled the plug and made Lucky fight to live? Why give the radium cure to Sean Donnelly over his supposed ally Jerry Jax? I am not sure who knows less of Luke's History: Ron or TG. What a piece of crap this thing is They need to back away quickly from this storyline before they implode the entire mythos of GH. One of the things Ron seems to forget is that it is not His Show. He did not create it, the characters he plays with are a legacy of more than fifty years. He must respect the past. I have said before writing a soap is closer to writing a comic book then anything else, you are building on the past and must respect the conceit of the characters. Ron has no clue how to do this
  21. Having had some expereince with the prision system (where Jason was very popular and Sonny Secondary) and gangs I find it funny that people think Sonny is living the "gangsta life" Sonny is about as far removed from real gangsta's as Mickey is from real mice. People who think that Sonny is any kind of real portrait of a mobster, either on the street gang level or in the organized crime fashion are seriously ill. I agree that MB means well when he speaks of his BP and Sonny's, and having bipolar I appreciate that Maurice really was the first celebrity to speak out that he had the condition. If I am correct he pre-dates Catherine Zeta-Jones, Stephen Fry and Russell Brand by a few years, even decades. And I give him (and them props) for coming out of the closet so to speak. I wonder sometimes late at night (cause that's what BP's do LOL) how much good Robin Williams would have done for us and himself if he had just come right out and said it.......but having said all that, I agree that he and ALL TPTB at GH could do a much better job at pointing out Sonny's faults and weaknesses. I will give Ron some credit in that yesterday when Carly was sprouting all that stuff about what a great father Sonny is, I was not sure if we were meant to believe her or meant to see her as Mike did a poor sick demented egotistical nut job. With Guza it would have been clear that She was truth telling. Ron at least added nuance And having said that I am still dismayed by Ron on many levels, most importantly his portrait of children, the mental ill and classic characters such as Luke. I wonder if and when the Disney people are going to look and go "OMG that does not fit the mouse."
  22. Some fawning fan girl had commented that TG was bringing Luke to new levels, I responded with "TG needs to respect the character that has put bread on his table for years" and then added another tweet "plot point to plot point all camp." I guess Ron does not like the truth
  23. Ahh Ron just blocked me on twitter, I feel like a member of a very special club
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