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Everything posted by Fylaki

  1. In fairness to Ron, he is left holding the bag from Guza making all of the younger set related via Sonny. Further the fans clamoring for "Vets" have filled up some slots that may have been used for younger folks. As much as I like Scotty, Lucy and Kevin, the truth is Serena and Christina are needed more. Now granted some of Ron's deadwood (Sabrina and Felix) or "forced" Legacy (Nathan, Britt and even Brad) could be done away with but with over 50 characters now, where would a younger set fit without eliminating some of the older characters?
  2. Helene also expressed some admiration for the Scorpios over the years, where the Spencers were always peasants to her. One of the things lost over time with Luke, was the idea that he was from the wrong side of the tracks, the Cassadine/Spencer feud was class driven on many levels. Helene at least considered Robert to be a worthy adversary as opposed to the low class Luke
  3. Just back from vacation. Did I miss anything significant? I'm really afraid the answer will be NO
  4. With Helena back I so want a scene with Fluke where she says "So, what have you done with Luke? You understand he will escape and he will kill you, you pathetic amateur."
  5. I am more and more convinced that Ron changes his stories if there is even a hint on any of the boards, spoiler or rumor sites that people have figured out what he is planning. It is more important for his ego that he look clever than the story work, So once the boards started sprouting that Levi was Sly, or Mac's Son or Jax's Son or connected to Jerry any of those ideas went out the window for Ron and he switched it up. I think the same thing is happening with Fluke I think he and TG wanted Fluke to be Bill but far to many people have guessed that, so Ron is now scrambling to re-write the whole thing, and I would predict still let Tony play Bill one last time by having Bill be the person who recuses Luke, Cause Bill has been held hostage by whoever Fluke is for all this time. Because in Ron's world two years of captivity like Robin or even twenty years in captivity al la Duke is just something to be shrugged off, Hell Nina who for all intensive purposes SLEPT though her twenty years suffers more than Duke (like him or not) who spent twenty years in a Turkish Prison....as Ron ever seen Midnight Express...crap...
  6. I don't think that Michael is long for the Corinthos last name. I think he will change it to Quartermaine as soon as the truth about AJ comes out. To be honest I have not thought of Michael as a Corinthos since AJ returned: He just seems more of a Q now and other than paying lip service to being raised by Carson he seems mostly to move in the Q circle, however small that is
  7. That is far more thought than Guza, Wolfe and Ron, the Real Unholy Trio ever put into Ned and/or Michael Soapdish is exactly what Ron wants to write, he thinks he is funny and clever and has no filter, even more than Guza he needs a Co-Head writer, some one of equal power to pull him back on track
  8. Please, Please Ron let them be over, we'll all be good we promise, please.
  9. I would forget all the bad things I have said about Ron if when "Jason" comes back he is really a brainwashed AJ, thinking he is Jason, who is working for Victor. Maybe Victor "fooled" Robin some how and it has always been AJ she has been working on.....the fact that AJ died after she left town not withstanding and when all is said and done Jason is still as Dead as Dead can be and AJ is back as the top Q, even better and improved cause he has all of Jason's mob skills and Sonny is a walking dead man.
  10. Tony being ill certainly hurt the Fluke story but I think the bulk of the blame lies with Ron and Frank. Ron it seems, maybe with approval from Tony, was determined to make Fluke=Bill. But far to many people guessed that and Ron cannot stand it when what he thinks is clever and original is spoiled as soon as it gets out of the gate. Ron then needed to come up with an alternative, but he did not have one and still does not have one. In many ways we, on this board and others have hurt the story. Every time one of us throws out a plausible theory: Anthony Z, Damien Smith , Old School Franco or any one else Ron has to scrap it because his ego only allows for him to be seen as a genius. Thrown into this was Tony getting ill. Frank could have stepped in, filmed the reveal and brought that character onto the screen while "Luke" was still held hostage. But it seems the only one more enamored with Ron's genius then Ron is Frank and so we have this mess
  11. The race with YnR to hire "name" soap actors will bankrupt the show if they are not careful. On the other hand, relatively speaking the show must either be making money or at least breaking even as Disney has not stepped in to replace it yet. Cutting the cast seems to be the best bet for saving money, though every one not just Frank and Ron would need to accept that some characters are going to disappear and that we are all going to lose characters we love: While Kiki and some other low hanging fruit could disappear so could some vets and we would all need to live with that. In the fantasy in my head: Ron and Frank have seen what went wrong with PP and AMC and OLTL and have been building up the GH cast to begin the web series for GH before the TV cancellation. That BTW would be the way to market GH as a successful on line soap: Use Disney's new connection to Netflix and spin off a bunch of characters to the on line show: Split the cast in half take 25 to 30 to on line and leave 25 to 30 on the show. Cross over for big events like weddings and funerals but other wise treat it like the old PC and GH. Take the half of the cast that could be "gritter" and more "adult": Ava, Morgan, The SERIAL KILLER (except make him a real Serial Killer again a la Dexter), Nathan, Patrick, Sam, one of the Q's maybe Ned and with him Olivia. Have a few cross over people Anna, Scott, Felecia as the powers that be in town and see what can be done. ADDED THOUGHT: This is what Guiding Light did in transition from Radio to TV: The two shows ran at the same time for several years. GH could be at the advance of this next movement: If TIIC could just see the light
  12. Shag: Tiffany Marry: Holly Kill: Katherine Delafield And Mac's Ladies Felica Miranda Katherine Bell
  13. A Year? Has this been confirmed? I thought he was back in October? I feel bad for Tony but if he is gone for a year they need to move this story forward. Some one at Disney needs to tell Ron to give up on the Bill/Luke = Fluke thing and find another alternative
  14. Boy, I hope your right. I am adding my ears playing tricks on me to my nightly prayers....at least then we would not be subjected to some more awful Sonny Back Story with Bill. And maybe just maybe Fluke could turn out to be Damian Smith.
  15. Marry: Alan Shag Tony Kill: I am assuming you mean Tom Baldwin (Lee's evil brother and Tom Hardy's real dad, since I can't kill any Hardy's since they are SO needed on this show...even more than Q's) Speaking of Hardy's Audrey Simone Liz's unnamed Mother (since Jeff Webber is really a Hardy)
  16. Molly and Kiki: I could then kill Kiki and discuss literature with Molly As a nurse be dressed down by Lucille March Weeks or Epiphany
  17. The Q' Shrink...just for the eye rolls I could pull off In a case where you are guilty as hell would you rather: Have Scotty as your attorney or Lee as your attorney
  18. Because Ron has not yet figured out why Fluke hates Sonny. He threw out a throw away line months ago of Fluke "Talking" to 'Woody' (Read: Deke Woods) but since he is hell bent on having Fluke be Bill (Even though it makes no sense) He needs to figure out a way for Bill to know Deke. I think sometimes that Ron has these very very complicated ideas in the back of his head, but he lacks the ability to bring them to fruition. He gets distracted, or bored and finds a new "Bright Shiny" and off he goes down that path. It is one of the reasons this show desperately needs a co-head writer/historian/director with a set or something to keep putting Ron back on track. I think if we were seeing the soap that is going on in Ron's head, it would be pretty damn good, instead we see his distractions. And now Sabrina is back....so here we go...Sabrina takes a job as Count Chocula's Nanny, and hang out at the Rib with Kiki and Levi cause that way all of Ron's useless bright shinny's will be in one room.
  19. And I am not sure it would make a difference. Again I think it is as subjective as women now finding WK handsome. RM/Heather and GF/Laura have not had any (or very little) work done and they just no longer do it for this 51 year old male, but FH and KW still do, as does NLG, but not MW. Subjective.
  20. do you think this is the same for men, except maybe in reverse? Because while I have always found FH and KW attractive I use to find RM, JZ, and GF attractive but not anymore.
  21. Port Charles is filled with the biggest enablers on the planet. I really do think that given the right scripts MB would play this correctly, he is very open about his own bipolar, but Guza-Wolfe-Ron the real unholy trio, just do not turn out that kind of story. Sonny as a character has never been the problem, Sonny as he IS WRITTEN has always been the problem.
  22. Lante's embryo cause the rabies will finally be over Be Frozen to Death Like Mikos Be Killed with the Sword of Iskander like David Gray
  23. She gave up Billy DeWilliams for Milo? Really? I am praying that this does not become another of Ron's spoof's, it is bad enough that he is on the verge of turning gay romance into a spoof and that Felix began as every bad stereotype without him turning his evil eye towards inter-racial romance. On the other hand I do have to give him credit for treating the age difference between Ava and Morgan (until Sonny, who ruins everything anyway, ruined it) with dignity so I will reserve judgement
  24. I think the show has moved to far into the camp area to not be an attraction to kids. The whole Spencer plot line is going to make a little kid look and watch and that could lead to them over hearing things they are not suppose to. Years ago the TEEN story lines were used to lure younger viewers into the show but using smaller kids is just not cool. As to the unrepentance of Sonny and Jason and the like this has also been a problem for a long time, the difference is that the show rarely shows Sonny doing anything overtly awful. We know as viewers that when Sonny shot AJ he was shooting an innocent man, but a kid glancing at the TV while playing would only see a man shooting another man who was strangling a woman, so clearly he is a good guy.....
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