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Everything posted by Fylaki

  1. I am of two minds on this: If the actor is being brought over to play yet another new character that I agree there are GH actors being underused. If however the actor is a re-cast of a GH character: Like Miller as Jason or LeBlanc as AJ or since he is suppose to be in Nina's orbit (god help us) Tom Hardy then I can go for it. BTW if he did play Tom Hardy or if they could get Matt Ashford back, then I would hope the first time we see Tom he is walking into Dr. O's office and saying "Get the hell out of my Father's Office you psycho"
  2. In the GH in my head today's episode ended with Scott kneeling by Karen's grave and saying "We got him honey, we finally got him."
  3. Hello young Mister Michael Alan Edward Quartermain: ("Call me Alan") , we have been waiting for you for nearly twenty years
  4. This needs to join "Sonny Ruins Everything" and "Robert makes everything better" as absolutes as far as TAAS is concerned
  5. So This: And what I don't understand is that we have re-entered the age of heroes, yes they are gray, and may even do some horrible things but at the end of the day they are moral compasses: Arrow is all about Oliver's journey from vigilant to hero. Walking Dead is al about Rick Grimes and his people holding on to their humanity. Heroes are back in style: Darker than they were in the 80's, more conflicted but still heroes. Why have soaps not caught up with this? While I long for the return of Lucky, GH has in its main cast the ability to do this: Dante and Nathan could be heroes, men doing what is right despite the evil in their genes. Great tales of Nature or nurture could be told, as Mac and Anna emerge as parental figures for the two young officers standing in opposition and contrast to their parents : Dr O and Sonny. Even "gray" characters like Luke or Scotty could be used to either help the young cops on their hero journey or hold them back depending on the situation. In stead Nathan is beef cake and Dante is.....I dont know what the hell Dante is.....
  6. Robert should be the new head of the WSB on or off screen. Clearly the rank and file at the WSB are loyal to him, look how quick he got the troops out to help Anna
  7. I HATE When I have to hold two conflicting thoughts: On the one hand I cannot stand Sonny yet again getting away with murder, on the other AJ back on screen is so needed. Of course Ron will waste it all putting AJ in a triangle with Jakeson over Liz.
  8. Oh is it His turn to hold the one set of balls that GH apparently has for male characters?
  9. Even when OLTL and AMC were being canceled I never got the feeling that there was any "will" to can GH. I think ABC/Disney see General Hospital as the Name Brand in Soaps and they are not really willing to lose the brand. I agree Tiger that as long as the budget is down and the rating are steady, it would seem things will remain the same. But I also get the feeling that Ron is skirting to close to the edge of good taste, and that this may back lash on him. Disney is very image orientated and they hate things out of line or sync. I keep hoping that something will give. I do not want to see the show canceled (Though more and more I wish it were on Netflix/Hulu) but I do not see any long term benefit in Ron. I am never as critical of Frank, keeping things in under budget is his job and it keeps the show on the air, it is Ron's writing that sucks. I wish they were not attached at the hip
  10. What I am amazed at is that no one at Disney which is so concerned with image, has looked at this show. There is no moral anchor, there are no heroes (Anna, Dante, Nathan, Scott who should represent law enforcement are marginalized. Mac, the last true good guy on the show does not exist in Ron's mind) Ron's writing of children is down right creepy, he idolizes a serial killer/rapist and a crazy woman. You would think Disney would do something, even if it was to cancel the show. Ron needs to either get a c0-writer or quit
  11. I have reached the point where I cannot find any one on this show to like. They are either monsters (Franco, Heather, Ava, Sonny, Carly. Nina) Criminals (Julian, Magda, F/Luke, Jason) Fools (Maxie, Nathan, Dante, Lulu, Alexis, Tracy, Jordon ) Awful Characters (Sabrina, Fleix, Kiki, Silas. Shawn ), Plot Points (Patrick, Sam, Nik, Britt, Liz) or on so little I don't care anymore (Anna, Mac, Flea, Lucas, Brad, Lucy, Scott) Children (of whom the less said the better, it is awful the way Ron writes them) Not decent character in the set. It is a shame that Morgan seems to be the last character left who acts like a Soap Character: Overly melodramatic but still ground in some reality I friggin miss Molly and Max for God's sake I will give Ron credit for keeping many characters, even if some tend to eat the show, in play: Guza wrote for Jason-Sonny-Carly. Ron manages to be an equal opportunity destroyer of characters. No one is safe...so many I should not give him credit maybe I should beg him to stop
  12. Scenes like this just make wish they would play Sonny as just out and out bad, not evil necessarily but bad, Sonny dealing with a competent Police Commissioner and losing on occasion would make the character work. Should Sonny go to prison? Yes. Does he have to make this work? No. Sonny could manipulate the system, frame other people, cut deals with judges, get a lackey to take the rap, there are always ways for powerful mobsters to stay out of jail. But the pCPD needs to win some and more importantly Sonny needs to look bad. Trying to make Fluke or the Z's or the Balkan or whoever "Badder" Bad guys and Sonny and company heroes is what is killing this show. Sonny as a smug arrogant corrupt businessman works. Lunacy like Sonny does not deal drugs is just insulting. A throw away that Sonny does not allow drug dealing near schools, may be okay. The writers just need to move towards the middle
  13. "Look at the flowers Sonny. You too Carly....and you Franco....what's that Kiki well if you insist you can look at the flowers as well."
  14. And there you go......not right just not right
  15. I can't see him as Jason Q either, in both incarnations SB had a broom stick up his butt the only difference was which side of morality the broom stick put him down on. For once I'd actually like to to see Re-Ron appear and re-do the Todd/Victor thing, except this time Jackson/Jason turns out to be AJ. Or even better what if the WSB, knowing Helena's plan all along, worked with Robin and Lucky and Jackson is Lucky, they switched out Jason M, (who either is or isn't dead I could care less) and now when the reveal comes Jackson-Lucky-Jason gets all the info on Helena as well as on Sonny and his organization and throw in Fluke as well. Then when Robert-Anna-Dante-Nathan and Lucky bring all the bad guys crashing down at once Lucky turns to Liz and says "Damn even when I'm in disguise you'd rather fall for Jason then me? Should I have brought a Nicholas mask? You smut." (and mind you I LIKE Liz)
  16. Living with Bipolar like MB does I would rather play a character that is broken and removed, as it would give me an opportunity to work though things in my head and in character and avoid having to bring all that crap to my family. But that is just me.
  17. I think that the impact of Robin getting HIV was the point. She was the girl we all watched grow up, she was sweet, innocent, nice, smart and for the ,most part behaved like a kid (Unlike say Spencer and that twisted toddler group now). The impact of Robin getting HIV was immediate. If I recall there was even an Afterschool Special with Robin and Stone (or better the actors playing them) talking about the story line. Jason, while he was on the show then, was actually a bland white bread character who was not major, who we had not watched grow up (He and AJ had been at boarding school and then SOARs) and who really other than the Jagger/Karen thing we had no vested interest in. Robin's HIV has been an major touch stone for GH ever since, Even Guza respected the story line enough to deal with it when Robin made love to first Jason and then Patrick. It is only Ron (and to a lesser extant Wolfe who wanted to kill her off) who has disrespected Robin, ignoring her HIV and making her the poser-child for soap kidnapping.
  18. I think it is time we faced the truth, this is no longer a "show" it is a "spoof", and for all the talk that Ron loves GH, he doesn't, he loves the old Batman show and that is what he is writing, I expect to see BAM POW BOFF flash on my screen the next time some one throws a punch
  19. I am afraid this will never happen. While Guza was enchanted with the Mob, Ron seems enchanted with the idea of villains as heroes: Thus Heather, Mina, Magda. Ava, Fluke, Franco, Dr. O and even to a lesser extent Britt, Brad and Spencer. Jack-son leaving the mob and becoming a Q would move him into the realm of hero and Ron has no use for decent human beings except as kidnap victims
  20. Female pronounced FeeMalee...because that is what they will write on the Birth Certificate. Morgan will figure that is what the hospital named her and Sonny won't give a Damn
  21. Ron really needs to at least produce webisodes for all the stuff that takes place off the main show, at least than we could follow
  22. This is so true. I wish that Ron were confident enough to learn that Heterosexual couples are exactly like homosexual couples. Ron writes Lucas and Brad as a real relationship where all of his mixed-sexed couples are cartoons. I am old enough to remember the days when the opposite was true and I guess on some level turn about is fair play but really can't we have one normal hetro-couple? Ned and Olivia seem to be inching towards that but then again she has visions and he wears leather pants. I think that Sonny could be a leading man even as a villain if there was one genuinely good guy to play opposite of him: A hero. I wonder if the new "Jake" Quartermain could fill this roll? If not they need to bring back Lucky and amp up Nathan and Dante. One of the mistakes that Guza made was that he played Sonny and Jason as heroes by bringing on progressively worse bad guys. It is all right for the PCPD to see Sonny as the "Lesser of two evils" (Real Police departments have begun to learn this lesson, the destruction of the Italian mob just made things worse) but he cannot be seen as a hero. The EVIL cannot be attacking Sonny, rather it needs to be attacking Port Charles. I really thought Sonny shined during the Jerry Jaxs water thing. He worked with Jax and McBain and others to stop Jerry but he was just a player, the attack was not against him. If Fluke turns out to be working for Helene that would be great as it would make Sonny secondary to the story. It is only than that Sonny works as a leading man. But we still need a Hero. None of the men in PC right now qualify as a Hero: Dante and Nathan come close. as do Patrick and Silas but all of them have too many flaws and none of them are center stage. Sonny and Franco are not heroes no matter how much Ron wishes they were.
  23. Not dumb at all I am very addicted I am thomas_gil288 By the way my Granddaughter SKYE was born last night at 7:10AM.....Grandpa's first words to her "Hello Blaze" Far too much Luke Spencer in me LOL
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