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Posts posted by Toonces464

  1. 13 hours ago, PhD-Purgatory15 said:

    Toonces464 I hear you, but to play devil's advocate we are sort of lucky that we've only had two of the "challenge" contestants win (J.R. who I forgot on my original list & Nyle). If I've forgotten anyone else. who fits that bill...I apologize.

    I think the reason we haven't had more than two is because they've usually come in most of the time with very limited fan bases (I mean, there were a lot of ESPN fans who barely knew who Victoria Arlen was and that was her primary place of work). If the quote unquote "challenge" contestant was also the most popular (or even just a reasonable level of popular and well known)....then that's basically a wrap. The season would be the most anti-climatic thing ever.

    I have no problem with a challenge contestant.....but it just seems more and more I have no idea who half these contestants are and I have to Google them. In the past, I used to at least recognize most of the names. These days I've never even heard of most of these people when the cast is announced.

    • Love 3
  2. 30 minutes ago, PhD-Purgatory15 said:

    A new name in the mix today (from various twitter locales), is Danelle Umstead.

    Who you might ask is Danelle Umstead? She very well may be our "challenge" contestant (following in the illustrious footsteps of Amy Purdy, Nyle, Victoria Arlen, Bonner, etc.) this season. She's a paralympic winter athlete in Alpine Skiing who recently competed in Pyeongyang and won medals back in Sochi and Vancouver, she's visually impaired (retinitis pigmentosa) & her husband is her "guide" skiier, and on top of all that...she's also fighting multiple sclerosis too.

    I miss the days of celebrities whose name I know and don't have to Google.

    • Love 8
  3. 1 hour ago, fpbl83 said:

    Totally. His choreo was lazy with Amber, Alan ended up doing most of the dancing with Heather, and skipping out on Vanessa that one week may have been a career-ender. 

    Even on social media and his outside projects, the only "fans" he seems to have are Peta and Val's fans who like him by default. That doesn't help him on DWTS when those fans are busy voting for Peta and Val.

    I think it was really driven home to me how far he's fallen when he finally returned from his injury with Heather and was eliminated the same week. In the past, his return alone would have kept them around at least another few weeks.

    But hey.....he's just been signed to host the Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce Awards! 

    • Love 1
  4. 19 minutes ago, fpbl83 said:

    I think Tony was retired because of his age. He was 43 and not getting any younger. I think they brought back Maks to fill that "void", so to speak.  

    I think they brought Maks back because he wanted to come back and had always been one of their most popular pros. But I think they've come to realize since then that he's not so popular anymore.

    16 minutes ago, crowceilidh said:

    It doesn't seem right to me that the female pros are identified by their hair colour ("we don't need more blondes" kinda thing) and male pros are not (can you imagine? "we don't need more brunettes") (I am not excusing myself from this thinking at all). Can somebody explain why we do this and whether there's a way in which it could be seen as not being sexist?

    When I watch the men dance, I don't find myself thinking "Who's that?" Then men are each distinctive enough that you can tell who they are. Most of them time when the women are dancing, I can't tell who anyone is other than Sharna (and Cheryl when she's there). And even back in the old days, I never had trouble distinguishing between, let's say, Karina or Cheryl, despite them both having dark hair. Now all I see is a bunch of long blonde hair flying around.

    • Love 3
  5. 10 hours ago, spanana said:

    Oh, and while it wouldn't help the diversity ranks and the female pro side is full, I still don't get this show's deal with Brittany Cherry.  IMO she would be a great pro, but for some reason TPTB seem to hate her with the continued hiring and firing of her they did for the last several years until they ditched her entirely for Britt and now that Morgan girl.  And IMO that blonde Morgan girl isn't very good...at least at ballroom.  She seems sweet, but did we really need another blonde?  Britt, I at least understand.   But Brittany Cherry is ballroom trained and seems to have a great personality, but yet was thrown overboard for people that don't dance ballroom.  I would have made her a pro before Jenna.

    They've done that to a few of the female pros -- Sharna was originally out of Season 19, I believe, and wasn't there a season Emma was originally out as well? I also remember a season that it appeared Jenna was out of the troupe but got a last minute reprieve, and then she hooked up with Val and cemented her place. 

    I also remember a few seasons ago it was announced that Tony had signed a new 3 year contract and would have a spot as long as he wanted it --- then I think he did another season or two and hasn't been back since. And then there was Season 14, which Maks was originally left out of after his horror of a season with Hope Solo, only to be brought back at the last minute when they snagged Gladys Knight (which, to me, was the beginning of the end for Maks as far as being one of their most popular pros).

  6. 46 minutes ago, babyhouseman said:

    I don't care for Peta either. I don't know if she had an agenda, but I think she's not as sweet and clueless as she acts like she is. To me, being with Maks has made her look worse. It shows how clingy and spineless she is. 

    I didn't like her back in Season 10 when she was hanging around with Damian. It just felt back then like she had an agenda of her own. And when she was made troupe with Nicole and Teddy Volynets, I think she became determined to be part of the family. I've always thought she was clingy and spineless but going back to Maks after the way he treated her was just too much.

    23 minutes ago, spanana said:

    I have no issues with Peta as a person.  I'm not interested in her necessarily, but she has also hasn't pissed me off the way others have.  I can't remember her having any huge moments that made me cringe in the way that someone like Sharna has (her defense of Nick Carter because he was respectful to HER).  But Sharna is a love/hate thing for me.  I think she brings something to the show and can put together some cool numbers and she's great with the right partners.  Peta has done some good work, but I can't remember a thing she has done or choreographed besides Donald Driver's freestyle and some of Tommy Chong's numbers.  I know Sharna is divisive, but personally I'd notice a gap in the show if she were gone.  I don't feel the same about Peta.

    I also have a love/hate thing with Sharna. I hated her in the troupe, but thought she did a great job with Andy Dick when she first became a pro. I loved her with James and with Noah. I think when I do like about her too is that she stands out from the rest of the females. With all that blonde hair flying around, it's often hard to tell who's who in group numbers.

    • Love 1
  7. 50 minutes ago, spanana said:

    I don't know if I'm in the minority, but I don't miss Peta.


    15 minutes ago, McManda said:

    I'll join you in that minority, if so.

    Save me a seat too. I've always found Peta trashy, like all she's missing is a stripper pole. And I feel like she had an agenda from day one to become part of the fam. 

    • Love 3
  8. 3 hours ago, spanana said:

    I also will take exception with Maks exceptional skill on the dance floor.  He's a crappy choreographer, though he had his moments in earlier seasons and I don't even find his dancing that great.  Though I realize he's older for a dancer at this point and has injuries.  Val, yes.  For as much as I hate Val's personality and I'm over him and his DWTS princess entirely, I can objectively see that Val is a very skilled dancer.  His choreographic skills depend on the season.  Some seasons it's good.  Others its lazy.  

    Maks is good, even great, when he likes his partner. In all the seasons he's been on, I feel there have only been four partners he's truly liked --- Mel B, Erin, Kirstie and Meryl. And only three of those were capable of performing good choreography. The rest of the time I agree.....he's lazy and doesn't care. During his season with Amber, when we had the cameras all over the place we could watch online, I used to always see him leaving Amber alone in the skybox and going to hang out backstage with Erin. That just drove home to me that he's all about who his partner is.

    2 hours ago, Emily-D said:

    I agree with you about the female pros. But at the same time the producers have to take some responsibility regarding the male pros. They only have themselves to blame for not creating more male winners to follow on from Derek, Mark etc. They’ve recruited poorly such as Gleb and Keo and for whatever reason have kept faith in them. Keo should have gone after Jodie Sweetin’s season and Gleb should have gone after Sasha Pieterse’s season. That’s two spots wasted. Sasha to be fair shows signs of promise, but hasn’t made the most of opportunities that came he way, he personally didn’t impress me with Simone Biles and that was really disappointing. Artem is just a bizarre one. He was hired off the back of a number of stellar seasons in the UK where he actuality won. But the producers continue to completely drop the ball by not giving him the chance to go “all out” with his partner the way he could with a couple of his UK partners and the way Witney could with Alfonso, Lindsay with Jordan, Derek with Nicole, Val with Laurie etc. They could have given him Laurie for example and that potentially could have turned him into the new “star male pro” that they desperately need. But they remained one dimensional and gave her to Val when he didn’t need it. Some of their decisions regarding male pros over the past few years has just been bizarre.

    Totally agree with this. They've invested more in the female pros and not enough in following up the powerhouses they had in Derek, Mark, Maks and Tony, not just in choreography and dancing, but in personality too, And I can only think that's because they're catering to a younger audience who all these current pros spent years cultivating on Twitter as they responded to all their tweets about wanting to see them as pros. It made those young viewers think these pros are their friends. It's amazing how many of them, even some adults, I see on other social media outlets who honestly consider these people their friends because they've responded to them on Twitter or Instagram;.

    • Love 5
  9. 52 minutes ago, spanana said:

    I don't think Keo is a great pro, but I also don't understand why he gets so much extra ire compared to Gleb. I honestly think Gleb is all around worse than Keo.  Gleb's choreography sucks, he wants to sex everything up and his personality is lacking.  At least with Keo he seems like a nice guy who gets along well with his partners and is genuinely trying his best.  With Gleb, I tend to feel like he's a jackass.  I don't begrudge people not liking Keo, but I do tend to side eye why Gleb gets such a pass for being bad at his job over Keo.  If I had to get rid of one of them, I'd get rid of Gleb in a heart beat.

    I'm with you on Gleb. When they originally brought him on as as replacement for Maks, he was a failure and they didn't bring him back for several seasons.....then they brought him back the same season Maks returned, which obviously overshadowed him. Yet since them they keep bringing him back and I don't see anything different than the first time he was around and not worth keeping.

    This entire pro lineup is just lacking to me and has been for awhile now. Back in the old days, the pros were world class ballroom champions and now they all seem to be BtF or SYTYCD refugees. I guess that's why, despite how much he annoys me, I don't mind Val being on.....because to me he's in that same class of champion dancers as Maks, Derek, Val, Tony, Cheryl, Karina, etc. 

    People always talk about wanting another All Star season because they want to see their favorite celeb again. How about an All Star pro season? I know it'll never happen because these younger pros have very devoted fan bases back to the days when they were in the troupe desperately wanting to be pros and interacting like crazy with the fans on Twitter. But I would gladly give up all of them for a season of our original pros. Yes, even Louis.

    • Love 4
  10. 1 hour ago, BeeBop88 said:

    Maks said in an interview earlier this year, that the only way he would come back to DWTS is if they offered him a judge position. I really can't see that happening when his brother Val and future sister-in law Jenna are dance pros. Not to mention Sharna, Peta's BFF.  Personally, I think he is just hoping for Len to quit or drop dead (whatever comes first) and he thinks he will then be offered the golden ticket. 


    All that being said, how many times does it make now for Maks to say he has quit DWTS and won't be coming back. I have lost count. Isn't he supposed to be a big time movie star by now?? LOL!!!

    Movie star, jewelry designer, vodka salesman. I've lost count of all the "big things" he's bragged about, only to see them go nowhere and him end up back on DWTS as a pro. 

    It should have sunk into Maks's thick head by now that if they wanted him as a judge, they would have given him the position back when it was available and he was flying off to India to train for it, rather than bringing Julianne back to the show.

    I also would have thought Peta would have learned a lesson from Maks about thinking one small role is going to make her a full-fledged actress. Not to mention that acting is something Maks wanted to do and failed at, and I just can't see him being the loving supportive husband if she actually gets somewhere with acting. His ego won't allow it.

    5 minutes ago, McManda said:

    Seconded x 1000!

    When I saw the announcement on Facebook, Keo was the only pro that had a sad face reaction from people. I'm am awful person; I laughed.

    I can't for the life of me figure out what it is about Keo that keeps them bringing him back?!?

    • Love 4
  11. 18 minutes ago, boyznkatz said:

    She got a new movie, so maybe he's going to try a foray into acting again.  I really don't anyone cares much about either one of them except a handful of stans who ship Valenna as well. I don't think people care about them as much as TPTB want to believe, either. Seriously, they need to get a big star to draw viewers, not some silly pro showmance.

    Her movie is an indie. Karina did several of those and they didn't turn her into an actress. I can't imagine it will for Peta either, who's a much lesser known name than Karina.

  12. Maks appears to be hinting at opening a restaurant in Vegas on IG. It's funny how he always launches one of his "big things" the same day the DWTS pro cast is announced, and they ultimately fizzle.

    Surely I'm not the only one that thinks the lack of attention and publicity will send him running back to DWTS in a season or two, especially if his wife isn't on either and he can't ride her coat tails to some?

    • Love 4
  13. I saw Kristyn Burtt said there will definitely be a Tuesday night results show during the first week. She wasn't sure past that. I wouldn't be surprised if there are several, as they have that time slot to fill on Tuesdays until October when the rebooted Connors show begins.

    • Love 1
  14. Looks like they're revealing the Season 27 pros on Instagram this morning. So far they've got Val, Witney, Alan, Jenna and Sasha confirmed. Keo and Gleb have confirmed themselves on their own pages. 

    I'll take a wild stab and fill it out with Artem, Lindsay, Emma, Sharna and Peta. Since it doesn't appear Maks will be on this season, one of them has to bring home a paycheck.

    Ugh, how I miss the old days and the quality of pros we had back then. This current group does nothing for me. The Keo experiment should've been over a long time ago and he can take Gleb with him.

    8 minutes ago, boyznkatz said:

    So the pros have been announced, according to Pure. The men will be Val, Keo, Gleb, Artem, Alan, Sasha and Brandon. Female pros are Sharna, Lindsay, Witney, Jenna, Emma and Cheryl (yay!) 

    I sure hope they don't waste Cheryl on someone useless. I was really hoping that Val would go away. Now we have to be subject to his and Jenna's love story all season. Ugh.

    LOL should've read before I posted. Really glad I was wrong about Peta and that's probably what I'm looking forward to most, a season free of her and Maks.

    • Love 1
  15. 22 minutes ago, Electruck said:

    I saw Ballroom with a Twist last night, which has DWTS pros as headliners, with an Idol or two, plus some SYTYCDers. 

    DWTS pros were Chelsie, Lacey, Anna T, Tony, Tristan, Damian. Idol singers were Von Smith (S8) and Vonzell Solomon (S4). (SYTYCDers in the troupe were Magda and Alan Jenkins (one of her audition partners who just missed top 20) from current season and Randi from S5.)

    The troupe danced A LOT, more than the DWTS pros, but it was all enjoyable.

    We did the meet and greet after with the DWTS six. Tony and Lacey were getting a little goofy (goofier, more like it — they seem to be the clowns of the bunch), particularly Tony. It was fun. 

    Sounds like a better pro lineup than the current DWTS pros!

    • Love 6
  16. On 8/13/2018 at 12:00 PM, penbrat said:

    I have read the no athlete thing two other places but they both quote the Good Housekeeping article, so I guess we shall see.  Hope it is true.  I still have athlete burnout from the mini season of this show

    I'm fine with athletes, but no more Olympians please, especially ice skater/dancers and gymnasts.

    On 8/13/2018 at 12:39 PM, boyznkatz said:

    By the way, the Pure site says the fall season will be only 9 weeks. WTF?? Why don't they shorten shows that no one actually watches?

    It's because the show is on Monday nights and all Monday night shows are losing a week because they moved the Emmys from Sunday to Monday.

    • Love 2
  17. 5 hours ago, boyznkatz said:

    I still haven't figured out why they are trying so hard to make her happen. Or Val. No one cared about Maks and Peta, so I don't think they would care about them, either.

    I really wish they would bring back Cheryl, Karina, Tony, etc. and ship off Mandy Moore for good.

    I think they're trying to make them happen because Maks and Peta didn't. No one really cares about them except Peta's fans and so many of those people seem to have now turned their attention to Val and Jenna. So if the interest is there, the show is going to go for it.

  18. 2 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

    So I actually forgot about that DWTS Juniors thing (hell I've almost forgotten about the regular show itself) but GMA was playing in the background this morning as I got ready for work and I heard the announcement that apparently the three judges for the Juniors edition are: Val, Mandy Moore and Adam Rippon. Not sure if this was already known but thought I'd share. 

    Jenna's fiancee, mentor and mirrorball partner. Should be an easy win for her mentee.

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  19. 1 hour ago, SnarkyTart said:

    Amen. I didn't watch the athletes' season, and I have absolutely zero interest in a kiddies' season, which I sure as heck won't be watching.  I hope @crowceilidh is right about Sept 24th premiere of the "real" DWTS, because I may still be interested if they don't stretch its premiere out any later than that. 

    September 24. It was delayed a week because they moved the Emmys to Monday night from Sunday night.

    • Love 2
  20. 13 minutes ago, boyznkatz said:

    Good for Jenna for getting that MRS degree, even though she and Val have zero chemistry, much like Maks and Peta, Emma and Sasha, or Derek and Hayley. The people who have to flaunt their relationships in public also seem the most desperate.

    By the way, did anyone catch Rashad, Jennie and Johnnie the baseball player on Family Feud yesterday? I guess they are recycling the cast of Dancing with the stars. It looks like Laurie Hernandez and Shaun Johnson are on next week.

    Someone made a list not too long ago of all the former DWTS contestants who will be on Family Feud this season. It's pretty extensive. I'm not sure about Pyramid but last season both Tom and Erin were on, so I imagine we're in for at least a few of them this season too.

    And ITA with the ones who flaunt.....it's like they're trying to prove something, either to the fans or, more likely, themselves.

    • Love 1
  21. 2 hours ago, Uke said:

    Peta must have deleted it. All that's left is a pic of her + Maks on the plane and another on the beach.

    Sorry, it was an IG story so it's already gone. Joslin Seeds posted a bunch of pics yesterday on IG but that one isn't among them.

    • Love 1
  22. 8 hours ago, Uke said:

    Some of these pros seem to have photogs following them around all the time taking pics for their social media.  Who took this picture? What - did Val ask a waiter to take pics while he proposed? Or is this a re-enactment?  The Houghs do it all the time. Julianne + her husband go to Paris - wonderful city, romance galore! - except they bring a photographer to document the vacation (she admitted it on one of the IG pics at the time).  Derek travels with Michelle (I think that's her name) who I think doubles as photographer/personal assistant.  What a weird way to live thinking you have to document everything in your life for social media.

    Anyway, yes, I got a laugh too when I saw this on Sharna's instastories.  Best wishes to both Jenna and Val, though not so sure how long this will last.  Jenna's worked hard for her super thin dancers body - wonder how willing she is to give it up for a baby. I seem to recall Val saying something to the effect that he's not so much looking to get married but he's anxious to become a father. 

    First thing I thought when I saw it.....they brought a photographer with them, just like Maks summoned the paparazzi to be there when he made his "surprise" proposal to Peta. Second thing was that Jenna was posed in exactly the same position as Peta during said "surprise" proposal.

    Speaking of odd photos, did anyone see that weird pic Peta posted last week from their "romantic getaway" that looks like she and Maks are having a threesome with his doctor's wife? It's amazing that after this many years Maks and Peta have never taken a vacation alone.

    • Love 1
  23. 1 hour ago, boyznkatz said:

    Well they are d-listers, so they periodically need to do something to get the tabloids to talk about them. Maks should be announcing a second baby soon.

    Yes, he has to do something to steal the spotlight that's now been placed on Val!

  24. 1 hour ago, babyhouseman said:

    I do wish the best for Val and Jenna, but the C boys have a pattern. Meet a woman, date the woman, dump the woman, go through a bunch of other women, reunite with woman, get engaged. At least, this doesn't have a pregnancy involved yet. 

    I think they call it settling when you can't find anything better.

    • Love 2
  25. 3 hours ago, friendperidot said:

    Now, for someone who was having problems eliminating the quote box, I had this problem a few months ago in some thread. Finally with some help from a kind stranger, I figured it out, so I'll give up what I learned. Hover your cursor over the box, in the upper left corner is an "+", center your cursor on the "+", hold the control key and right click. That will bring up a menu, one of the items is remove quote box.

    I never knew that. Thanks for sharing!

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