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Posts posted by Toonces464

  1. 1 hour ago, Bridget said:

    Per his radio show’s Twitter page, BB is joining the DWTS tour for “some of the dates.” 

    I’ve never seen the show live and this is the one year that I was actually going to be able to go. The venue is on the smaller side, is only 25 minutes away and the show is on a work night. Those details alone should make it even better to see the show live, but I refuse to spend any of my hard earned money on tickets if BB shows up. I’m already hoping Alexis doesn’t go on the tour (maybe she’ll be too busy influencing  people on social media?!), but BB would honestly ruin it for me.

    I live in Southern California, so the chances of him showing up on the tail end of the tour are probably greater than average.

    I thought about going but it's the same night I have a huge work event so even if I wanted to, I couldn't go this time. I went in 2009 and it was fantastic so I'm also afraid I'd be disappointed now after seeing the likes of Derek, Cheryl, Maks, Karina, etc.

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  2. 2 hours ago, howmanywords said:

    I was just going to say I have a gut feeling Cheryl wont come back. She (rightfully) seems really upset about this elimination and I sure would feel knocked down.  If you can't win with someone like JP then I'd feel defeated too.  They both posted really beautiful words to each other but Cheryl, what she posted on Instagram really made me tear up.  She thanked JP for making her feel like it was her first season all over again and thanking him for letting her dance at "that level" filled with even the most difficult choreography.

    I had that same feeling about Mark when he didn't win with Lindsay Stirling.....that he would not be back. With Cheryl, I'm guessing a lot will have to do with her wedding as well as what other projects she has in the works. I still would love to see her bring her Love on the Floor show over here to the USA.

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  3. 6 minutes ago, spanana said:

    I also feel like his supporters have bought into his chip on the shoulder philosophy so they just think he is continually being wronged by the show and so his attitude is justified. I also think a lot of his things, like what he said on the radio today, was framed as a joke.  Though I doubt the man was really joking.  So his fans would say it’s a joke.  Which is exactly what Sharna said when responding to a fan who brought it up to her. Sharna’s response was basically learn how to take a joke.

    Just like the Jenna/Val shippers, Sharna's supporters are just as responsible for keeping Bobby around. Maybe more so since she's never won.

    • Love 3
  4. 1 minute ago, saber5055 said:

    I saw Gleb do that to Emma and was all WTH is he doing chucking her onto the floor when aren't the couples suppose to match each other. Then he gives the camera a big grin, which made him more disgusting than ever before. Which is saying something. I can always pick Gleb out of group dances since he's the one always staring at and grinning at the camera, regardless of where he is on the dance floor. His partner just gets in the way of him being a star in his own mind. I'd be plenty happy if the show sent him packing off to ... wherever.

    I will never understand why they brought him back a second time.

    • Love 7
  5. 24 minutes ago, vdw84 said:

    This is a woman who admitted she was jealous when Julianne Hough was added to the judges table.

    I never saw anywhere that Carrie Ann said she was jealous when Julianne was added as a judge.

    1 hour ago, rr2911 said:

    I haven't watched DWT all season long. Too many things happening right now and too many other shows filling up my dvr….LOL! 

    I did happen to tune in yesterday's show just in time for the eliminations. This Juan Pablo everyone keeps talking about was the front runner I take it? The issue I had was not with America but with the judges and Erin Andrews. They were wrong to react the way they did. They shouldn't have no part in giving their opinions about a couple or contestant. What about the other couple that made it, whether or not they weren't better than JP, that couple should be happy and have their "moment". But they couldn't because all the judges and Erin Andrews kept saying "No, no, this is wrong"! TPTB have to know how America votes. The viewers aren't pros. We vote according to our own guidelines and rules. That's the way it goes. It's frustrating, but that's the way America votes. Like I said earlier, I didn't watch the show this season so I don't know why a so called favorite would be eliminated. Maybe something JP said or did turned off viewers? Maybe it was Cheryl? Who knows? But it's certainly wrong for the judges and Erin Andrews to basically call out the last couple that made it through and basically let them know they shouldn't be in the finals. 

    I don't think they thought it was wrong that Alexis was there over JP. I think they all thought it was wrong that Bobby was there over JP. And it was.

    6 minutes ago, giaNtsandYankees said:

    Erin's "Hormonal" comment. Okay, girl...

    Yeah, I caught that too. She was all about doing IVF before she even got married and she still hasn't had a kid, so I wonder if she's still going through that. She doesn't look pregnant and frankly, with her work schedule, I think it would be hard for her to have a kid. In her interview with Rashad last week she said she's only home on Tuesdays. I certainly can't see her coke-dealing husband staying home playing Mr. Mom while she flies around the country every week talking to football players.

    • Love 5
  6. 12 minutes ago, vdw84 said:

    With him being the first black pro on the show and now the first black pro to make it to the finals and could possible win, I know he has alot of pressure on him. 

    The only "pressure" on Keo is the people who keep bringing up that he's the first black pro to do this and do that. I don't ever remember reading about the first Mormon pro to make the finals or the first Russian pro to make the finals or the first Filipina pro to make the finals. For all the calls of racism this season, it seems those are the people who keep bringing race into every single conversation and making it an issue.

    • Love 17
  7. 3 minutes ago, catrice2 said:

    Is it because they can't get anyone of note to come on the show anymore? I'll admit I don't watch all the time so I went to Wikipedia and scroll back to you and I was shocked at some of the people whose actually been on the show. Either I just watch that season or I just forgot or I watched after they were eliminated, but they do have had some pretty popular people on here. This year I swear The Only Name that I really recognized was Nancy McKeon and of course I know who Milo's mom is haha. Maybe that's more about me than it is the show, but they also have lost some of their best pro dancers. I don't know if they need to change the format the judges or something else to Shake It Up

    I truly don't think the judges make or break the ratings. People may whine, bitch and moan about the judges, but I really don't think anyone has stopped watching because of Carrie Ann, Len or Bruno.

    I do think people stop watching when their favorite pros leave and/or if they don't know anyone in the cast. Personally, I knew no one going into this season except Nancy, John and Mary Lou and I can't say I was ever really pumped for this season. And I can honestly say that I have no attachment to any of the current pros, and couldn't care less if any of them were to sit a season out, while in the past I have been disappointed Maks, Cheryl, Derek, Kym, Mark and Karina chose to sit a season out and thought it definitely affected that season. 

    • Love 8
  8. In what world is Bobby in the finals and Juan Pablo isn't? And I haven't been Team Juan Pablo all season. 

    I really feel that with all these Sharna fans and Val/Jenna groupies clogging up the voting trying to keep Bobby and Joe around, the votes for all the other contestants have suffered and we're ending up with these wonky eliminations. Don't believe me about those fan bases? Check out the fan sites some time. They were absolutely going bananas for Joe's Contemporary, AKA the dance where he did nothing but stand around and lift Jenna.

    I thought Juan Pablo's AT was phenomenal. There's no one better than Cheryl at that dance. Loved his Salsa too. Definitely my two favorite dances of the night. Probably of the whole season.

    At this point, I just want this season to be over. I hope Milo wins, Evanna comes in second and Bobby takes third. I would be happy to never see Alexis and Alan and their fake showmance on my TV screen ever again.

    I also hope this is the end of this new show runner, who really made a mess of things. If they want to keep this show going, they need to bring on real stars, not Instagram influencers an Bachelor contestants. And for God's sake, stop the showmances! They were cute when they happened organically. They stopped being cute when they started forcing them every season. Now they're just outright SNL skits.

    • Love 20
  9. 7 minutes ago, vdw84 said:

    Tbh, im sure none of the original pros r trying to come back. I think they have moved on tbh.

    Clearly you've never seen interviews with pros like Tony, Edyta, Anna and Louis who have all expressed interest in doing the show again. Yes, they've all moved onto other things and might not be looking to come back full time but there's no reason they can't rotate original pros in with current pros, much like they've been doing with Cheryl the past few years.

    • Love 5
  10. 3 hours ago, calipiano81 said:

    On the third hand, if there is only a one-night finale, I don't like that we would not be getting a full final voting period to determine the winner.

    What do you all think?

    I think this entire season is a mess. There have been other seasons where the cast announcement left me meh but the season turned out to be great.....however, this is not one of them. I've found this season to be extremely boring and it almost seems like they're making stuff up as they go along. From two dances in Week 1 to no elimination on Disney night to this one-night finale, I just have no idea what they're doing. I suspect it's the new show runner trying to mix things up, but it just isn't working....much like the mini athletes season didn't work. 

    They really need to go back to basics. Forget all these kids who live for showmances and want to see a freestyle every week. Bring back some of the original pros, get rid of the elaborate sets and allowing the troupe to be in the dances (or preferably, get rid of the trouple altogether). Bring back the pro dances to big name musical artists who need a push for a new CD or tour. Bring back the Tuesday night show so we aren't rushed through each elimination -- I kinda miss the red spotlight of doom -- and so the eliminated couples actually get their five minutes in the spotlight. And one of my biggest pet peeves...please make ALL the celebs go upstairs to talk to Erin and make them go right to her, not stop to hug and high five everyone in the freakin' skybox! That drives me insane, as does Tom doing the interviews down at the judge's table.

    • Love 4
  11. The way I look at it is this ---- if there are real feelings there, they're not sitting in front of cameras proclaiming it to America, especially while it's so new. If I recall correctly, Kym and Robert didn't admit to anything until after their season was over.

    • Love 4
  12. 31 minutes ago, ChrisMcGraan said:

    I don't get it...we've had a lot of ex-Bachelor/Bachelorette stars on the show before and while they'll always at least make it half-way through the competition I feel like that fanbase has never had this much control before. Especially when you consider how low Joe's scores have been (maybe the lowest among the Bachelor stars) and he's STILL here.  Is it just that he's more well-liked among the fanbase than any other past star that has done the show? Or is the regular DWTS fanbase just tuned out and not voting this season?

    It's not just the Bachelor fans voting for Joe. The Val/Jenna fans, and especially the shippers, are going nuts for him simply because he's Jenna's partner. With Val no longer in the competition, they're flooding their votes for Jenna and, by association, Joe. Same with Sharna's fans.....it's not just Bobby's country music fan base keeping him in this long.

    I think it really may be time for them to start mixing up the pros --- bring back some of the original pros and give some of the current ones a season off. 

    • Love 5
  13. I'm sad DeMarcus and John left, especially before Joe. I think America just hates black/white men and/or football players/80s nostalgia stars. 

    In the old days, yes...there was always a shocking elimination or two. This season has just gone way beyond that. Between the worst dancers still being there, the whacked out dance schedule (two dances in week 1?!?), the showmance being shoved so blatantly down our throats...WTF is going on? I hope this new show runner is one and done.

    Next week is the semi-finals and this week we still had 8 contestants left. I think that's what's really bothering me about this season the most. If the season was a week shorter than usual, then there should've been less contestants. And they shouldn't have skipped an elimination on Disney week. They're dragging this out way too much and keeping too many people around way too long into the competition.

    I've decided I would like Evanna much more, and probably pull for her to win, if she was partnered with anyone but Keo. I just don't care for him at all. I'm officially throwing my hat into the ring now for Milo to win it all.

    I can't even comment on the fake showmance because I went outside. I can't bear to even watch these two anymore. I was never much of an Alan fan but not surprised he's following in the Chmerkovskiy footsteps. He should've looked to Artem as his role model.

    I did enjoy Bobby's team dance much more than Joe's so there is that. I'm glad they got the higher score.

    Can we please have just one pro dance featuring Val that isn't ruined by him dancing with Jenna? Thank you.

    • Love 2
  14. 32 minutes ago, BeeBop88 said:

    Thanks for your answer.  So I guess Peta's movie falls into "never made it to DVD" category. Not really a surprise. But kind of disappointed. I was really curious what Peta's "acting" consisted of. To my knowledge, I think she said one time she was taking an acting class. Don't know if she ever took another class or not.  Probably in Peta's mind, that one class qualified her as a potential movie actress. I have to admit, I am not a Peta fan.


    If I remember correctly, the "acting classes" came after Maks dumped her and stopped when he summoned her back. I guess it's kind of like all the movies Maks supposedly had coming out during his "I wanna be an actor" phase.....but at least Peta's got made. Maks has two right at the top of his IMDB page that nothing ever came of.

    Not a fan of hers either and frankly, I think the only reason she's got any kind of recognition outside DWTS is because of Maks.

    BTW, did you know she got Maks a cameo in the movie? Apparently neither of them can do anything professionally anymore without the other being involved.

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  15. 9 hours ago, BeeBop88 said:

    So....whatever happened to Peta's movie that she was harping about on social media? She was always mentioning it. Then, IIRC, there was a premiere in the spring, and nothing has been talked about since. Did her movie go directly to DVD and never made it to the big screen? Or worse yet, never even made it to DVD. I was looking forward to some good comedy regarding Peta's "acting."

    I read recently there was a "delay in production" so I'm guessing that means we won't be seeing it any time soon.

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  16. 1 hour ago, vdw84 said:

    I agree Peta is all about Maks but atleast it seems like she can actually hangout and have fun without him all the time. Jenna doesnt even know what having fun with others mean since she got with Val, he is her only friend.

    Jenna is no different than Peta. They're both BFFs with anyone the Chmerkovskiy boys deem okay. Nicole Volynets tops that list.

    26 minutes ago, fpbl83 said:

    Tbh I'm surprised Peta had a baby as early as she did. She was already a over a month along when the Nyle season ended. I figured she would continue on the show uninterrupted until she was around 35 or so and then get pregnant. She missed one season due to injury, then pregnancy, and now who knows when she'll be back. 

    She did what she had to do to prevent being dumped a second time. Maks wanted a kid and he wanted one now. When he actually went through with giving her a ring and made such a major production of it, the writing was on the wall. Had it been her choice, I'm with you, I doubt she would've had one so early.

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  17. 52 minutes ago, vdw84 said:

    Yeah but I do believe this because Wendy can get sued for deformation for saying something like that about highly popular tv show on major network and the fact that she brought he Tony in the equation too. I mean Wendy is alot things, trust me I dont care for her either but she isnt about to say or do anything to ruin her career. At the end of the day she is smart business woman that aint about to mess up her money.

    I mean even Tony said in an interview awhile back that one of the reasons he may never return to dwts is because he didnt like the direction of the show and its some things that didnt set well with him about how they do things bts. I just wonder did what Wendy Williams say have anything to do with this?

    Seriously? So Tony, who put in many seasons on the show being an escort to older women and dealing with crappy partners.....the same Tony who put up with Kate Gosselin.....not only supposedly claimed his wife told him how to do the job he'd been doing for many years, but also left the show because of an idiot like Wendy Williams? 

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  18. 9 hours ago, vdw84 said:

    Im no fan of Wendy Williams but she kinda exposed them on her show, now some may say that Wendy Williams was just being her bitter usual self and I can agree with that but what she said does seem accurate and not too far fetch as i  have heard this before. She said when she was on the show, they gave her a script on how they wanted her to act and that was act like the ghetto, angry black woman and she said she confronted her partner who was Tony about this script she was giving and she said that he told her that his wife told him that he should have been upfront with her about how the show works.

    I wouldn't believe one word that spewed out of Wendy Williams hateful mouth, especially about DWTS.

    • Love 2
  19. 6 hours ago, vdw84 said:

    I said the same thing, Jenna has no life outside of Val. When u have pretty much have ur whole life revolved around one person, it is never healthy. One thing I will say about Peta, even tho I feel like she obsessed with Maks too but she seems to have her own thing outside of Maks. She seems to have girls night from time to time and have other business ventures she is involved in that doesnt consist of Maks like her little acting gig she has been doing. JJ doesnt do anything without Val and all she has is dwts and sytycd from time to time and those two things are revolved around her relationship with Val. I think if Val leaves her or if they dont make this time, its going to send her over because they have been so open now and officially a couple.

    Peta may have dabbled in a few interests during the time Maks dumped her (like her tanning crap and having actual friends of her own), but everything she does now revolves around Maks. Did you read her recent interview in US Weekly? She's trying to decide whether to do more movies (as if movie producers are knocking down her door), or pop out a quick kid. I'm sure she'll pick whichever will keep Maks around and interested.

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  20. 2 hours ago, calipiano81 said:

    That would be a nice way to look at it, except I don't think the DWTS fandom has ever been as passionate for any of the female pros as they have been for the male pros. 

    I don't agree at all. Back in the day, Karina and Cheryl had some pretty rabid fans. Nowadays, have you ever looked at some of the Sharna fan sites on the web? They border on insane. And don't even get me started on the Val/Jenna shipping sites, or the Val fans that are now totally obsessing over Jenna.

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  21. 10 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

    Okay, got it. Personally I don't really buy into the conspiracy that began a few seasons ago that the TPTB manipulate for or push whoever agrees to go on the tour. I just don't think there's been enough evidence to support this. And I feel like it started with Bindi's season where people ran with claims that the show was manipulated for her because Disney and ABC had some big plans for her and none of that ever happened. Bindi won and went back to Australia and her zoo. I feel like sometimes conspiracy theories get posted and repeated enough to where in a short time it suddenly becomes accepted as fact. YMMV.

    I agree. I do think the show is smart enough to figure out during the course of the season who's going to be there until nearly the end and works one of those people to go on tour. But I don't think they pre-determine who's going to go and then manipulate the whole season to get that person to the end.

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  22. 4 hours ago, LoveDance said:

    The show is exhaustingly bad and nobody wants to do anything to make it better.  

    To you it's exhaustingly bad. That doesn't mean it's bad or that other people think it's bad.

    Every season there's always a faction of fans that think the show sucks and should be canceled because their favorite celeb was eliminated or didn't win, or their favorite pro wasn't used, dating all the way back to Season 1. Yet here we are 27 seasons later and the show is still going strong.

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