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Posts posted by Toonces464

  1. 2 hours ago, boyznkatz said:

    So according to Pure DWTS, you can vote live next week if you live in the eastern or central time zones. So, if you're on the west coast, you're shit outta luck again. 

    Adam gets a jazz in the final week? And a freestyle? I like him, but how disappointing that he didn't get a tango or samba. Come to think of it, did anyone get one?

    It doesn't even sound like the final is worth watching.

    How disappointing in such a short season that the winner was known before the show even started.

    • Love 3
  2. 5 hours ago, Thadeeeyus said:

    They watch the dress rehearsals and take notes, so that they're prepared. 

    Actually, I believe the judges are kept away from the dress rehearsals. In the blooper clips, there are fill-ins sitting at the judge's table.

    • Love 3
  3. 9 hours ago, tessaforever said:

    As someone else mentioned, they may not tinker with votes, but from the first moment of the first show of a season, the producers are carefully editing, packaging, assigning songs & dances, giving the judges a script, and on and on and on. There's a ton of manipulation. 

    When they announced him as guest judge, I groaned. I normally loathe guest judges! But color me surprised that he was a great judge - pithy, meaningful comments, wove in his own experiences on the show but in a natural way, and had some good critiques. He was better than Cher, Maks, Jessie J, Shania Twain, Pitbull, (not a high bar to clear) and a whole bunch of other guest judges I can't remember. 

    There's definitely lots of manipulation going on (just look at Season 18) but I don't think tinkering with viewer votes is one of them.

    I think Rashad and David were two of the best guest judges they've ever had. I would be curious to see some of the other, less douchey, pros like Kym, Tony or Cheryl, take a turn as a guest judge and see how they do.

    • Love 5
  4. 8 hours ago, KLovestoShop said:

    Did I read somewhere that this Junior’s show will be the kids of celebrities?  Just what I don’t want to see——-the rich, overindulged spawn of C list celebrities.  ABC is grasping at straws to save a very dying franchise.  

    I don't think the franchise is dying. I think all the random attempts to change things up is what's killing it. If it ain't broke..........

    • Love 7
  5. 11 minutes ago, HelenCrump said:

    I continue to be frustrated by the speed of this season ... I certainly hope this abbreviated format will not continue next year.

    Tom tweeted earlier tonight that it was unlikely we would ever see a 4 week season again.

    • Love 7
  6. 2 hours ago, pally said:

    DWTS will run 2 seasons in the fall.  A 10 week DWTS Juniors will broadcast on Sunday and the regular show on Mondays.  Juniors will be a 60 minute pre taped show.  This has viewwer burnout written all over it especially since so many already aren't keen on a Junior edition  

    DWTS fall

    I wish they would've used that hour to bring back the results show instead. But that being said, I don't think there will be burnout because I'm not sure the core DWTS audience will watch Juniors.

    • Love 4
  7. 3 hours ago, Woodrose said:

    For the sake of my dear mom, I wish they had brought Maks back to dance with Meryl for 60 seconds. A missed opportunity to make her so happy. Bad show.

    For the sake of Toonces, I'm glad Maks was nowhere near DWTS and Meryl last night. Had he been, I probably would have stabbed myself. Multiple times. With a really sharp object.

    51 minutes ago, realdancemom said:

    I hope Adam wins because he's the best dancer out of the three.  Don't care if Jenna wins.  I think that her win should count as hers and not the fam.  Plus, I don't think it's fair for Val to get credit.  She's the one that had great chemistry with Adam and taught him.  She also choreographed that contemporary because it would have stunk if Val choreographed it.  And both she and Adam danced it beautifully.

    Actually, that dance was choreographed by Talia Favia, not Jenna. She's the same woman who choreographed Peta's freestyle with Nyle.

    • Love 3
  8. 1 hour ago, ClareWalks said:

    In the ballroom battle I realized Jennie drives me nuts because she dances so short. Tonya was dancing taller than her. Jennie is awkward and feels like she's almost apologizing for her height, when she should be owning it. 

    Jenna's flat shoes in the ballroom battle jive actually bothered me. I'm like "this bitch is wearing FLAT SHOES." Mirai wore heels, FFS.

    That's where the pro is so important. Erin was the same way about her height and Maks got her through that. I don't think Keo is a good enough pro to have done the same.

    • Love 1
  9. 25 minutes ago, vdw84 said:

    Some people say Tonya didnt ever apologize to Nancy for her role she played in the attack but its a video on youtube where she indeed did apologize her. This was back in the 90s, its an old interview that I came across when I was looking up stuff on her movie. I dont know if many know about this interview but she indeed did apologize for the incident. Look, only God can judge a person and I do feel like Tonya is genuinely trying restart her life after having such a horrible upbringing. She is not perfect and made many mistakes but she is human and deserve to be forgiven. Besides people expected Paula Deen to be cut some slack when she was on dwts for old racist remarks she made so I dont see the problem with Tonya being forgiven for mistake she made years ago when she young, dumb and surrounded by horrible people. Atleast Tonya has a great excuse for her misdeeds, her homelife was severely damaged from young age on. What was Paula excuse besides being a southern bell who didnt know better, yeah ok.

    There have been a lot of people in need of redemption who have been on the show. I keep thinking of Ryan Lochte.

    14 minutes ago, vdw84 said:

    Im truly sad about Alan being eliminated, I wanted to see his freestyle  but I kinda seen it coming. Mirai just wasnt connecting to the audience the way Adam was and I think she was too focus on winning and competing against her bestie to really. She needed to relax more and be herself and of course that valley girl talk was not helping her situation either. On the bright side, I get to finally see Sasha freestyle after all these seasons, so Im happy about that. 

    Im would love to see Sharna finally take it but I dont know but I think its going to come down to Adam or Tonya. They both have stories that resonate with alot of people and have done well in this competition. Josh may be more what GP like, the safe choice. Everybody loves a good football player that can dance but I think it he has been pretty much push under the radar and this may not be sharna's season.

    While I continue to run hot and cold with Sharna (I like her best when she's far away from the fam), I would rather see her win in a full season than this cheap excuse for one. And I'd rather see her win it legitimately, not the manipulated way Maks won his.

    5 minutes ago, vdw84 said:

    Im going to try to find that interview again. I have looked and looked and I wish I had bookmarked it because Im having trouble finding it and it could have been taken down by whoever posted it. I wonder do Tonya even realize she did an interview back in the day where she apologized. I know Nancy mentioned in an fairly recent interview that Tonya neve apologized but she indeed did and Nancy was present when she did it. It was an interview with the both of them. Tbh, Nancy wasnt the nicest person herself. Its video proof of her acting snooty at some Disney Parade and other stuff that has been said about her. I mean its still no excuse for her to get attack the way she did but im just sayin she wasnt the little innocent princess everyone thought she was.

    I'm not excusing Tonya but I've always thought Nancy was a snooty bitch.

    • Love 2
  10. 1 minute ago, Wings said:

    I don’t think Tonya had the fan votes to make the finale but they put her there so people would actually tune in to watch it.   Works for me.  Lol.  

    They can't make up a finalist. All those things that involve votes are very closely regulated.

    • Love 3
  11. 23 minutes ago, crowceilidh said:

    Ohhhhhh.  The show had paid for "Make me feel" so they used it.  And in a way which makes me think that my feelings about the show not liking Jenna's little game are correct.  Fun.

    'Splain please?

    • Love 1
  12. I'm not a fan of Mirai at all but I feel like she should've had Charlie as her mentor rather than Meryl because the pre-determined outcome of the season hasn't been this obvious since Season 18. Charlie was much more likable but in the end it's all the same. Gotta keep the Chmerkovskiys happy, not because the show won't survive without them, but who really wants them and their 97,000 family members "shooting off their mouths" on social media because they didn't get something they wanted or thought they deserved?

    I thought a four week season would be better than nothing but at this point, I'm sorry I invested the time. This has been just terrible in so many ways and while I think losing a season would be the beginning of the end of the show, I'd rather see no season at all than another 4 week season. I'm rooting for Josh but I really don't think I care who wins.

    Oh...couldn't they have gotten a mentor who could actually be there? WTF was up with that?

    • Love 9
  13. 1 hour ago, boyznkatz said:

    I was wondering how long it would be before Meryl came on. It took her this long? I guess Jenna will have to pretend to be her bestie again. And of course Val and Maks will have to make their usual appearance.

    The only saving grace is that Maks and Val have a show tonight so they can't be there.

    22 minutes ago, realdancemom said:

    Sorry, don't know how to delete the above quote which I must have accidently quoted.


    I agree.  Meryl makes sense to mentor.  Nastia was not liked even though she was good and Von is a forgettable choice.  I don't remember him being that great.  If they cared, they would have asked Emmitt or Donald Driver as a football mentor.  For a more current choice, Calvin was also liked and made it to the finals.  Rashad would have been a good choice too if he didn't just judge.  And then you have David Ross as a judge?  Why?  I guess they just want baseball fans to watch because I don't see him being a good judge.  He is well liked so I'll give him that.

    Meryl is the only one who made the finals if I'm not mistaken. So yes, another push to hand the mirrorball to Jenna/the fam.

  14. 2 hours ago, vdw84 said:

    They r def. setting this season up for Jenna to win. I mean they even give her one of the most beloved contestants and actual winner of their season Meryl for mentor while others get mentors who either werent the great or not wellliked, its so unfair. 

    Well have u all heard about the beef supposedly going on between Alan and Sasha. Apparently Sasha was not happy about something Alan said about Tonya but I dont believe it was Alan. I think it was Adam. I have never known Adam to throw any shade at anyone even if its warrant.

    It's Sasha and Adam, and of course Val had to stick his nose into it. 

  15. 7 hours ago, vdw84 said:

    I dont understand how Nastia got asked back as mentor. Didnt she struggle a bit her season. I mean it took her minute to get her footing in. 

    Im not here for them adding contemporary as a standard dance in such a short season. They should have made all the standard dances ballroom and latin and save contemporary and any other genre for the freestyles if need be.

    This season has been a huge disappointment in every way imaginable. It's getting to the point where the only reason it's worth watching is to see what Erin's wearing (her dress was gorgeous last week).

    • Love 4
  16. 7 hours ago, kitcloudkicker said:

    Meryl, Nastia & Von will be back this week to "mentor"



    Also someone from production posted a picture that accidentally reveals the 6 potential final dances, freestyles & songs if you zoom into the background (spoilers ahoy)

      Hide contents


    This pisses me off. The contestants have such a short time as it is, why cut into that with former contestants? Anything to ensure Val's girlfriend gets the win.

    I can't read that pic?

    • Love 1
  17. 9 hours ago, Uke said:

    So let me get this straight, some Jenna fan makes/posts this GIF:

    and that prompts Val to make a life-changing decision to "put a ring on it" (I detest that phrase!) but instead of proposing to Jenna first (I'd think he'd want her to be the first to know, eh?), he has to tweet about it first?

    Manipulation! Just revving up the fans.  Is that how he gets them to vote for her?

    Yep, a primo Chmerkovskiy trick. Much like the very private "I will never speak of my personal life" Maks has basically turned his relationship with Peta into 50 Ways to Remain Relevant.

    • Love 5
  18. 4 hours ago, spanana said:

    I don't think the problem is that it's up against The Voice, but normally new seasons of both would start about the same time so viewers have a chance to choose what they want to watch.  I think part of the issue here is The Voice was already well underway by the time DWTS started so viewers that were already invested there weren't going to shrug it off to watch a 4 week mini DWTS season.  But Tom and everyone involved keeps saying they didn't have a choice about the mini season and the timing of it, and yes, it partly has to do with AI.

    I'm actually one that wouldn't mind if DWTS moved to 1x a year.  I think it would prolong the life left in the show and it would make it more of an event season to season.  Obviously the pros wouldn't like it since it cuts into their tv time and overall salaries, but I think it's about time.

    I think going to once a year would be the end of the show very quickly. People would move on to other shows, and those would be coming back in the fall.

    • Love 1
  19. 1 hour ago, boyznkatz said:

    I don't get why they couldn't have moved it to another day to do a full season. A mini season just doesn't make any sense at all. Yes, there were several people who could have been decent dancers if given the chance, like Chris and Arike. Why even compete against the Voice at all?

    Isn't it usually up against The Voice? I think the mini season was more because they blew the budget on AI and didn't have the money for a full season.

    Until the past few years, I always tended to enjoy the spring season more than the fall season. I don't know if it was because we got the football players in the spring seasons but there just always seemed to be better contestants. My favorite seasons (8, 10 and 24) were all even/spring seasons. 

  20. 10 hours ago, tessaforever said:

    Erin...seems calmer? Perhaps marriage has settled her down a bit? Really liked her hair, dress, and make-up. It's a good look, far better than many she has sported on this show. 

    Seriously, I think she's at a loss without Maks and Val there. Obviously she's much closer to them than any of the other dancers and it shows in their interactions how comfortable she is around them. 

    3 hours ago, Kira53 said:

    I haven't been keeping track, but how are the ratings going? Wondered if the absence of Derek, Mark, Val, Peta, and Maks would make any difference. 

    I don't think so because they have Jenna to root for. And after Val's tweet about how he should put a ring on it, I think they're going to double their efforts in the hopes she wins and he proposes on the spot (yes, I've already seen comments about this).

    • Love 1
  21. 9 hours ago, Morrigan said:

    I'm pouting that they put Adam and Mirai on the same "dance off team."  I'm assuming the loser in each dance-off team will be at a huge disadvantage and those three will go home - so they're setting up for a final of Adam v. Tonya v.  Josh I guess (though it might be Chris but Foxtrots generally are duller than anything else.)

    Two theories, probably both wrong, but 1 Mirai and Alan aren't getting the viewer votes (though I keep thinking they aren't even counting them this stupid series) or 2 They want Tonya there to the end, for the controversy/redemption/shock/schlock factor.  They did give Mirai that crybaby over getting a 7 edit which did her no favors.  This is the most rigged season ever, and that's sayin' something!

    No season will ever be more rigged than Season 18 (just ask Charlie White).....but this one is definitely a close second.

    • Love 4
  22. 8 hours ago, boyznkatz said:

    OMG, Maks is taking credit for Rashad? That's just too hilarious, but I'm not surprised.

    LMAO Meryl's actual figure skating fans knew she was dating Fedor while the Maksyls were passing out over the showmance. She has been dating him for years and she's finally marrying him. I wouldn't be surprised if the shippers actually do get fired up again if Meryl and Maks dance together again.

    I'm not a Meryl or figure skating fan but even I could tell the "breakup" with her boyfriend was part of the showmance storyline.

  23. 1 hour ago, spanana said:


    Let me get this straight.  It's a four week season which already means athletes are only going to learn a handful of dances and they still threw contemporary in the mix.  And threw it to Adam (of course!) and Josh.  So presuming there are also freestyles in the final week, they are going to learn like 3-4 ballroom dances overall?

    Calling it now.  Perfect score for Adam and contemporary.

    So disappointed that in such a short season they're being this obvious with a pre-determined winner. And I'm sorry but I can't get past the fact it's Val's girlfriend in the season Val is missing. It's reminding me of when Maks went off to do the Bachelor in Ukraine and suddenly we had a troupe featuring Nicole and Teddy Volynets to make him happy when he came back.

    • Love 1
  24. 14 hours ago, boyznkatz said:

    I agree. Jenna is just so good you can’t take your eyes off her. I don’t follow her personal life and I can’t stand Val, but I do like Jenna as a dancer. I’m just surprised Val hasn’t inserted himself into her routines yet. I’m fully expecting that he’s going to make his presence known in the final.

    I'm assuming both he and Maks will find a way to show up in the final. Did you happen to see Maks's IG story that night saying the reason Rashad had become such a good dancer was because of the lessons he took at DWM? I guess Emma had nothing to do with it.

    11 hours ago, mehtotheworld said:

    Loved seeing Meryl in the audience (with her fiancé to her right). Adorable as always, and I hope she comes back for a dance or two!

    I noticed Fedor sitting next to her. The last thing I want to see is her dancing through because that's all we need is for the Maksyl brigade to get fired up again.

    • Love 1
  25. 58 minutes ago, LadyMustang65 said:

    I really hate that this season is so short.  As someone mentioned last week, I think, if they were going to do a shortened season like this, they would have been much better served by bringing back some also-rans - folks that finished 2nd or 3rd in their season - and let them tackle the short season.  Even if they haven't danced in a while, they would still be able to pick things up more easily than this group.  I'm actually kind of amazed that, even with no "ringers" in the group, everyone is doing fairly well.  There are no real stinkers in the group.  And it aggravates me that the ones who are a little out of the gate won't get the chance to really develop the way they might over a full season.

    That was me, the thinking being we already know the contestants and their partnerships with their pros so it's easy to get behind them and not feel cheated out of the time it takes to get to know them.

    I think Adam and Mirai are HUGE ringers. Huge. Up there with Evan and Kristy, just a step below the biggest ringers in the history of the show, Meryl and Charlie.

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