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Everything posted by Ubiquitous

  1. This wouldn't be the first time Tamra and Eddie were at the KY Derby. It's because Eddie didn't chose Tamra for any of the options besides "kill". He maight have chosen "kill" but that's pure speculation on my part.
  2. If you click the quotation marks at the bottom of each entry, they cummulate. I want to know how scrunching your face up without producing moisture would have any effect on your face. Didn't Tamra claim she was about to open a 2nd location last year? Getchen might know another...
  3. I think he initially may have wanted children but wised upafter he got married and learned about Simon. I have no words for that stupid cunt.
  4. I was thinking of one of Witchee-poo's evil forest minions.
  5. Do u think Lizzie's problem is that she wears "pagent makeup", which is sppsd to be worn on a stage at a distance? They are a lovely family in those pics.
  6. I think Vicki hit a nerve with her comment ob the state of Tamra's marriage. Eddie certainly seems to have wised up, a la Simon.
  7. After laughing about Tamra's gift to Lizzie, I vaguely remember seeing her there at the beginning of the season. I think Tamra said something about their female clients checking out Eddie and there was Lizzie, doing situps. I wondered why Lizzie suddenly burst into tears. I should have realized something Tamra said had been edited out. I laughed how every time Lizzie spoke, it was followed by a shot of Tamra glowering at her.
  8. Bwah! You weren't the only one! This one was a bit of a let-down, unless Dad called when it happened. I am sure I didn't see Lizzie leave the stage, crying.
  9. Well, from someone other than their parents... I don't know about celebrating Xmas, but I can't imagine them being happy about the DuBrow's also being Hindu.
  10. Is that the one in which he seems to be having a stroke b/c he starts to explatorate words and phrases?
  11. Holy crap! That's who Heather's new hair "don't" reminds me of!
  12. Ditto if Alexis had said it. I immediately recognized where the clip took place but of course, have now forgotten. It was definitely either the ugly sweater party or the one at Lizzie's place.
  13. I think Terry made it up in a desperate attempt to not sound like an elitist asshole.
  14. The operative words here are "done well", which heather's were not with them infringing on her eyes like a sheepdog. I get annoyed with Andy when he fixates on stupid stuff like this (until they mentioned it, I had totally forgotten about it) instead of the more important issues on this show. I thought Vicki was going to answer "looks like you, Andy!". Perhaps I am mistaken, but wasn't the reunion filmed before Tamra's appearance on WWHL?
  15. I had forgotten about the content of that poor-quality recording, but it sounded serious to me, not just random drunken babbling. Was it just me, or did it sound like Vicki almost let something slip about Brooks hitting or mistreating her? I forgot the specifics but at some point she seemed to say she wanted to be with him even if he did mistreat her that made my ears perk up. If memory serves, last season, either at the reunion or around the time she threw her mother under the metaphorical bus at the wymn's event, she said that after she tried to kill herself they "Baker Act"ed her and put her under pyschological observation. Call me old-fashioned, but you should be married before giving birth, but then again, this is Tamra... Is this what Miss Terry had in mind? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TVGzv27670
  16. Holy crap, I have to give awards of some sort ot everyone for keeping a straight face after hearing Terry's claim to not have been able to sleep for a month after hearing David's comment but actually hearing Eddie's comment but having no issue with it. I can't say enough how much I loved Tamra getting called out on her shit.
  17. I loved how Shannon handled herself so well, but by the end of this ep, it appeared she was begining to get aggrevated with their antics.
  18. Heather, shut up with that zen bastard nonsense about accepting each other's glorious crazy idiosyncrasies. It cannot be said enough; Tamra needs some boot camp acting classes on how to cry, and without looking like you're waiting for your cue when your creepy son and his girlfriend enter the room.
  19. How sad it is I am watching the clock and struggling to stay awake for the reunion show to begin?
  20. I got a glimpse of Heather's new hair-do last night. Wow, I'd be hard-pressed to choose something worse.
  21. I doubt anyone outside the immediate family read that newspaper of his.
  22. That one upset Mom. A lot. How about the time Charles came home (with his father?) but failed to tell Caroline his mother's body was in a box in the back in time? Speaking of Carrie, how about the LSD ep with her seeing giant strawberries and such?
  23. oh, crap! There's a new installment with the neighbor hanging a birdhouse over the guy's car so it gets bird shit all over it.
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