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Everything posted by zibnchy

  1. James isn't playing. He has never played. Jsames is an idiot. James is never going to be alpha, but he has been so thoroughly emasculated that, at this point, he's merely a lump of (somewhat) sentient flesh. Corey will get home to find his sister has gone into witness protection. The very idea that Corey will "put in a good word" is so freaking preposterous That I want CBS to film and I would actually pay to see that.
  2. I woke feeling benevolent today. It will pass, but in the meantime I've decided to give CBS and Julie the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they aren't monsters. First, does the Chenbot even have a warm, compassionate, gentle setting? I don't think so, so they had to make do. I think maybe Production actually has feelings for Nat and are trying to prepare her for the outside world. She will find out that her every fart was broadcast and that someone was always watching. She will find out what the nasty kids said about her. And it is going to hurt. We never really get to see that part, but maybe they should show us. I don't thin k we (humans) would change our ways because we are nasty, but maybe a few would. Think about that for a second. Someone is always watching. I would have cracked and gone postal on day 2. I would have already killed Paul on Day 1. (Shut Up, Paul!) That stuff with the bed was creepy. Leave the woman alone, James!
  3. Derrick's eyes are dead. He is scaring me. Please get him off my screen. I promise I will be good.
  4. Don't give me such hope. I swear I'm actually a good person, but I will admit I actually perked up a little bit when it looked like Corey might be about to die of exhaustion. He's so boring and bland that he could die and we might never notice.
  5. Nicole, if you're going to go to the trouble of getting the big scoop, then start with filling it all the way. If you lose half of it, you still have half. If you start with half you end with nothing. OK, I know that isn't strictly true but I'm cranky that this bunch has actually made this really fun challenge BORING.
  6. Paulie and Zak were both radiating smug and self-satisfied. Z looked like she thinks she won BB but all she got is a puffy douche bag from NJ who is NOT going to age well. (I try very hard not to judge appearances but I think Paulie has made himself fair game.) Please, don't get pregnant Z. Please.
  7. I thought Paulie looked especially unattractive tonight but I can't put my finger just exactly why.
  8. I'm sure James is throwing but I do want to point out that (I think) it is a little bit *uphill* to go back and I would find that harder to deal with. But James might as well just sit down.
  9. What if they were all trying to throw it. That would be amusing. Corey is not suffering enough.
  10. Nat is adorable* and I'd be very proud if she was my daughter. She's going to be very hurt when she gets out and finds out all the ugly stuff. *and I'm a cranky oldish person who HATES adorableness. Also, that high pitched squeal of hers broke all the windows in my house. But I don't care because she's my TV daughter and I love her.
  11. You're wondering why AG chose to promote Nicole and Corey vs James and Nat? Really? I shouldn't think you'd need to wonder very hard. I'm pretty sure even Corey could puzzle this one out in no time.
  12. Corey has been pranking us all along. He's actually an aerospace engineer with NASA, named Mike. He and his husband, Felipe, have 2 children. On weekends he and Felipe read to blind kittens at the local shelter. He once rescued some old people from a fire. This is sooooo boring. Give them booze, give them weapons, give them games. Give us something else to do besides endlessly debate topics which were boring from the go.
  13. The title of the episode should be "My Shoes Are Two Sizes Too Small!" Waaaaaaah
  14. I'll feel the same, peach. Nicole isn't the one. We needed a Tiffany/Paulie final 2. We could watch Paulie's manhood shrivel (in his tiny shorts) as the jury votes for Tiffany 9-0. Then Tiffany will step forward and she and JulieChen will enjoy a warm congratulatory hug and exchange phone #s. Paulie will stumble off stage and randomly pick up women (as in pick them up, off the ground, with his arms) and mumble "your boy" in their ears. Or, something like that.
  15. This happens every year, you guyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyssssss. In July we meet the new house guests and we are *giddy* with excitement. We love them, we hate them, and we love them again, all in the span of a week. The possibilities are endless. And every year we think we are going to get the winner we deserve, type thing. And every year we get to September and, if we're lucky, we only get finalists that we dislike as opposed to some we actually hate (and with reason as Season 15 was the epitome of this). I can't even hate watch this show. It isn't good enough for that. I'll keep up with the boards but I don't think I can watch. I mean, I know it is bad when I'm considering supporting COREY because I think he's the best least awful option left. I like Vic but he was evicted in week 2 and we should not be thinking of him now.
  16. This sooooooooooooo boooooooorrrriiiinnnggggg, youuuuuuuu guuuuuyyyyyyss. I'm trying to imagine the circumstances under which Paiulie sits down post show and googles "Paulie and crybaby" and reads the truth about how we all feel about him. Or at least me. Maybe he will google "Paulie is a stud." and Google will say "did you mean Paulie is a crybaby?"
  17. I have a theory about Paulie's shorts. I think he thought we'd all be so busy lusting over his muscled, manly thighs, that we'd forget he's a crybaby meathead.
  18. Corey is a big, dumb dog who drools, chews your shoes, hates goats, tweets homophobic stuff, and sometimes poops in the house. And I want him to beat both Nicole and James. Still rooting for Nat but , man, sometimes I feel my love for her waning. Get this season over with, please. If Corey wins I hope he takes Victor somewhere really nice for their first official date. The thing is Corey actually has chemistry with Victor. Something about how his face lights up when Vic comes into a room. He has NO chemistry with Nicole. He refers to her as "Dude." As in, "Dude, wanna cuddle?" Really? Vic and Corey would make a very handsome couple.
  19. Cast department needs to be fired for bringing back James and Nicole. I care nothing bout Da and Frank. They are gone. James and Nicole are two of the worst players ever. Have I been oblivious to players crying for letters from their mommies? Has this been going on or is it a new thing? It needs to be stomped out and stopped. I want America to see me as an adult but "I cant go another week without a letter from my mommy. She's my best friend." God Dammit!
  20. Doesn't this happen most every year? It gets kind of boring toward the end. I really think they need to ramp up the pace at the end. 2-3 days between evictions. Get the HG off schedule. Plan a comp for the middle of the night. Mostly, I think they need to end this thing before labor day. BB is a summer show. I really don;t want to watch it in the fall. There's too much time between evictions. No wonder they sleep all day. There's nothing to do and several of them hate each other's guts at this point. Either prime the pump with booze or get us to the end in a hurry. The only one I can stand anymore is Nat. James needs to go. Nicole and Paul need to Shut Up. Corey and Vic need to spoon. Oh and Michelle is there. Triple eviction this week! I can dream.
  21. Nadiya's season has aired twice in the US if I'm not mistaken. And it's been a year for crying out loud.And it's been all over the news. Also? Soylent Green is people! OOPs spoiler.
  22. What? Feminist is a verb now! When did that happen? Let me try to respond. I feminist just fine my young friend.
  23. Oh, it is so f great to sit here and read what you boys think of Feminism. I'm so relieved. I just wouldn't know what to think if I didn't have you men to tell me all about the "gaggle of mug-clinking shrews" waiting for "your boy" Paulie (a man). I mistook them for strong, angry, women. I'm so foolish. I want a man to "cuddle" me but I'm old and ugly. I will just go die now of shame for my worthlessness.
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