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  1. The commercial is annoying AF, but as a cat owner, I tell all my fellow cat owners to buy this stuff. My cat is chill as heck (she's 13), but she just goes nuts for these! We call them Squeezy Meat at our house.
  2. This is why Greg is not on my Mole list. We live in a society where we don't want to hurt peoples' feelings, and it would look bad if Netflix made the gay dude the "bad guy." My guess is that it will be Jacob, Casey, or Avori. They're straight (as far as we know), they're white, and Jacob gets the bonus points of being Straight White Male with Government Job.
  3. And they're all hitting some sort of checklist... (not that it's a bad thing, but it's noticeable to me)... we have a White Woman, a Black Woman in a Male-Dominated Field, a Typical White Male, a Gay Male, a Middle-Eastern/Indian Male, a Latino Woman, and a handful of "regular" folks. Most with odd or oddly-spelled names. Because of all of this, my guess is that the Mole is going to be one of the "regular white folks," like Jacob, because it's okay to "demonize" a Cis White Male, but not a gay man or black man or black woman. I hope I'm wrong and that I'm seeing "Woke Boogeymen" where there are none, but many of my friends and coworkers who watch this have made the same comments.
  4. I guess she ran out of Butt Diamond money...
  5. Sure, it's been a year since Peaches posted this, but... I can give a report on these Spurtles. I found a 4-pc set at a thrift shop for about $5 (a Hospice kind, so some old lady probably purchased them and never had a chance to open them...). They're silicone-covered, and included a small skinny one for spreading things (green), a squat fat one (purple), a regular size slotted one (teal), and a comically large unslotted one (red). The green one is good for scraping sides of jars, but its little upswept tip makes it not the best for spreading peanut butter or things of that nature. I wouldn't frost cookies with it, or schmear my bagel, as the hook at the tip kind of 'holds on' to spreads. It also kind of looks... sexual... like it's meant to "reach" something. The purple one is perfect for 1-qt pots, for rice or oatmeal, or anything thick like that. It reminds me a little of a rice paddle. It's my favorite out of the four pieces, and the one I reach for the most. The teal one is I guess the 'multi-tasker' of the group, and I've used it for basic sautéing and such (chicken, ground beef, etc.), but I'm not in love with it. It's also good for bigger pots of thick stuff (rice, oatmeal, etc.). I would guess you COULD separate an egg, or whisk something, but my brain doesn't go there... so I've never tried it. The red one is huge (seriously, it's like over a foot long). Stockpot size, massive amounts of mac & cheese huge, Viking oatmeal breakfast huge. I don't think I've used it at all (well, once, but it was to swat my spouse's tushie when he walked by. He said that sucker was SOLID!). Also, the handles are chunky, kind of bulbous at the ends, and when covered with silicone, makes them a beast to slide into my utensil crock. Because of that, I find I don't reach for them as often as I do other regular silicone spatulas. I'd be unhappy if I'd spent $20 or more on this set, but for $5, they were worth it, I suppose. At least that $5 went to a worthy cause (the Haven thrift shop).
  6. I caught this by chance, and knowing nothing about it, figured I'd give it a chance. What a hot ball of crap... I couldn't understand why Chad looked so... weird? They went out of their way to establish he was Muslim within two minutes of the start of the show, but he didn't look like a typical* Muslim; he looked like a mélange of different races and sexes, all while being covered in pancake makeup that made him look like a "White Girls" movie reject. Now I see that "Chad" is played by an adult woman, so... fail. I couldn't understand anything that Uncle Beardface said (whatever his name was); it was a combination of me being half-asleep, his accent, and the speed with which he spoke. I debated turning on closed captions, but decided it wasn't worth it. Since I flipped during commercials, I was late coming back and had no idea why he was at some random girl's house... was she a hooker? was she a fellow student? was she the town slut? Who knows. And finally, where I finally bailed, was him incessantly whining in bed. Like full on crying like a 5-year old. It was just so over-the-top bad, I was just done. Maybe it'll get better, who knows... I highly doubt I'll come back to watch again, though. (*Don't hate on me, I'm just sayin...TV shows usually go out of their way to ensure Muslim characters are dark-skinned, brown-haired, brown-eyed folks, half the time with beards...)
  7. I'm sorry to hear that you had to deal with that... but I completely agree with you. That commercial is indescribably offensive.
  8. Because of personal preferences, I didn't find this episode funny at all. Rachel M was trying way too hard to be funny in the taped segments, but she didn't land. I was amazed at how many of these folks couldn't f'in read a teleprompter, but... benefit of the doubt - I have bad eyes, so maybe I couldn't read it either. The Rusical was just terrible. The descriptions of the characters were asinine, and the way the characters were portrayed was just bad. I only made it through 2 minutes before muting it. But I spent more time hating the Werkroom Talk than the show itself. I felt really bad for Nina. His story was terrible! In the 90s, "gay" was the new "black" in terms of who to gang up on, and I can totally believe shit like that happened (was he actually going to be murdered, probably not, but the assholes put the fear in him, and that's bad enough!). Hugs to him. But I'll end it on a positive... Brook Lynn's dance photo was amazing! That choreographer brought all the shade! And Joel McHale (so meaty!) can come back and YEAH! to Michelle any time!
  9. I was very skeptical of this idea (and to be honest, only truly LOVE Jujubee... I can handle Thorgy & Michelle, and BeBe doesn't ring my bell at all), and only DVR'd it to kind of hate watch it... I ended up loving this show! There wasn't a Super Special Message™ (Conservatives are Evil, Small Town Learns to Be Open Minded, etc), there was no hate shown (or edited in) by any family members, all 4 Queens were respectful and didn't show up in drag to the ceremony (I fully expected that, going into this). Once I realized each Queen had a "specialty" it made sense for these 4 specifically to be there (Thorgy was a stretch, I think). All were respectful of those that came before (the dad, the florist, the mom) and included them in the day, rather than roll right over them. There wasn't a lot of Crude Drag Humor, which was appreciated for the locale, the people, and the audience watching. All in all, I'd give this a 9/10 and totally watch it again. Maybe a rolling group of 4 queens (all Bebe, all day is a bit much for me).
  10. And to take this idea one step further, have a mini-season of tasks, kind of how "Food Network Star" has been doing shit like this. Get 40 teams, and for 6 or 7 episodes, have them do memory tasks based on past seasons. It could even be an internet-only version, so it doesn't take precious screen time away from "Assholes on Islands." It could all take place on soundstages or various locations around Hollywood (or other centralized location) so as to not spend too much money, either.
  11. No, KK also makes cake donuts, chocolate cake glazed donuts, filled donuts (like jelly or Boston Kreme), krullers and frosted (non-glazed donuts). There is plenty for you. Also, I don't know if it's a company-wide policy, but at my local KK, if I redeem a fundraiser voucher, I can get an assorted dozen for a $1 upcharge! I could LIVE on the glazed Kreme-filled!
  12. THANK YOU!! I'm so over reality competitions holding up minority contestants. Oh, she's a woman? We've only had 2 woman winners, so she should TOTALLY win! Oh, she's a gay woman? We've only had ONE gay woman win, so this is in the bag for her! And then, this ep... Oh, she's a black woman? We haven't checked THAT off our Diverse MInority Bingo Card yet... she's gonna take home the title! And who cares if shes not a black woman who doesn't cook as good as a straight white male? DIVERSITY!!!! If she's better, she's better and she should win. If she's not, I don't give a crap how many Diversity Points she has. THAT BEING SAID, I did love Adrienne and I thought she was good enough to win. I was actually surprised when Flamm took the title.
  13. I've never seen Jason Ritter in anything, so seeing so much of his dad in him, from his eyes, to how he moved or talked, was wonderful. For those of us who loved John, it was great to get little pieces of John. Agreed. I have my DVR set up to record the series - I hope it sticks around. Agree to this as well. All three of them are great. I don't hate on anyone in this show. I think this show may be a nice counterpoint to obnoxious sitcoms, vapid reality shows and torture-porn crime dramas. I believe this scene was to show that there are 35 other mysterious meteorites out there, all over the world, that may be either other angels or something related to the Righteous. I dig a scruffy guy, so this was nice eye-candy for me! (See also: John Ritter in IT, the TV miniseries; he had a trimmer beard, but still scruffy).
  14. It's... it's getting really hard to slog through. Adrian, Sniffly Chick and Hot Black Guy drove to the mall. Adrian went to find Alex. SC and BHG camped in the sporting goods store and had a touchy feely moment. HBG got busted by Wes (Wesley? Whoever the skinny white army guy is at the mall). He saluted HBG and called him Sir. Kevin is alive. Kicked Out Mall Kid rescued him, took him in to a house. Kevin slept for a few hours. Kevin and KOMK decided to House-Hop to the mall. They got into another house that had a bunch of dead army guys in it. A crazy (possibly other Army) guy had a gun. Kevin and crazy guy fight. Crazy guy blows up house with grenade. KOMK took the Army hummer and drove to the mall. The Mall Group was just tiki-torches away from a full-on mob, looking for Alex, who the Mall Manager blamed for that woman's death in the last epi. Adrian found Eve/Alex. Sad sob story about dead Kevin. Eve, Alex and Adrian were caught by the Flaming Mob. Francis' Butt and the Cop took two people with them into underground sewers that just happened to connect the mall and the church. Creepy lady kept talking about rats and being weird. Random Man (of the two people) fell off a ladder and broke his leg spectacularly (and not in any way possible from that height). Wife begged Francis' Butt and the Cop to help get him from the hole he was in, but the Cop just shanked her with a knife and pushed her down the hole to die with her husband. Then there was some creepy almost-kissing-but-oh-got-my-eyes weirdness between Francis' Butt and the Cop. I think that's it... Next week is the SEASON finale, so sadly... it's not a mini-series. They plan on continuing this drivel. I don't know if I can do it again.
  15. First off, congrats to old Francis for that nice old lady ass. Mine should look so nice. Secondly, my thinking has changed - I think that Blonde Gay Jock is the rapist. I don't think Blondie stayed behind because of the scary hand-holding... I think he stayed behind because of what Kevin said he wanted to do to the rapist. Lastly, Francis Conroy reminds me of my massage therapist (she's very crunchy-granola, talk to the spirits) and it weirds me out.
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